This is it? This is fucking it? This is the
>le tick tock MAGA XD
happening you fucking cumgoblins have been promising? What a joke. No one will be punished. Mueller's investigation marches on. The world will forget this memo by Monday. Pathetic. Fucking pathetic.
This is it? This is fucking it? This is the
This may have destroyed our republic, you stupid fuck OP
The investigation has lost what little credibility it had left. It has been exposed as a deep state coup initiated by Obama admin holdovers.
>"me so sleepy" - CNN
>Shareblue contractor talking points
Whatever you say, schlomo
That French cartoonist publication Charlie Hebwhatever was shot up because they drew the prophet Mohammed. If only CNN's frontpage maybe accidentally displayed a picture of him, I wonder what Muslims would do to CNN propaganda stations nation wide.
I saw this exact thread posted about two hours ago. Shills in full force tonight.
Pretty pathetic attempt at damage control 2bh.
Can we false flag them? Distribute pictures of CNN showing images of Muhammad (peace be upon him) to Muslim communities in hopes that they go shoot them up?
>Can we false flag them? Distribute pictures of CNN showing images of Muhammad (peace be upon him) to Muslim communities in hopes that they go shoot them up?
A friend of mine made this video.
>Pathetic. Fucking pathetic.
Fuck you and fuck your spin. Fuck your lies, fuck your slander and fuck your politics.
Leftist scum have been on the back foot regarding this investigation for a long fucking time, playing catch-up with the truth. YOU are the traitors. YOU are the ones agitating for tyranny, the ones staging the coup. YOU are the ones who lied knowingly to benefit yourselves at the cost of truth.
YOU are fucking scum. Shills, journalist dogs, every single fucking one of you. I will never vote left again so long as I fucking live. You are disgusting.
sure sound mad, frendo
>A document alleging a piss whore encounter destroys the most powerful nation on earth.
What did Kek mean by this?
Nothing to see here.
CNN is such garbage.
The memo proves that the surveillance on Trump was illegal. It undermines the integrity of the FBI and the FISA court process. It will prompt a full Congressional investigation, surely. A special prosecutor should be appointed to investigate the FBI and the DNC, IMHO.
It doesn't prove that the FBI was playing politics, but it sure as hell raises the possibility. Why else would they take such weak shit to the FISC? And why did the court approve the application? This memo raises so many questions, you are an idiot for saying it's nothing.
+1 this post
Well said Australia
It proves literally none of those things.
Get fucked partisan moron.
>Chris Cillizza
Media Matters Clinton hack
Weak post share blue.
I guess this is what you get when you pay people 5 cents per post.
>1 post by this id
Russia destroyed it first tho
Donkeys are less intelligent than elephants. Check mate.
Get my knife in your belly. He's objectively right and you've got nothing.
the investigation it self might have been started in the wrong ways but it doesn't mean Trump didn't work with Russia
Keep shilling. Shoes on the other foot now. People are going to jail.
Yeah we are, time to start spilling liberal blood
>Mueller's investigation marches on.
With this information coming to light i would kinda like to see trump impeached only for it to start a massive civil war where all niggers kikes and liberals fucking hang for their endless hate for western society and everything it was founded by and for
fucking this
>being this mad
So you think it's ok for Trump to work with Russia ?
Both the dnc and Trump's team have played against the rules,
lmao the memo was literally nothing
>DNC broke the rules by fabricating evidence of trump dealing with russia but believe me trump is still a russian shill
what are you doing with your life
This is the narrative they are pushing online.
Lol it's nothing guize
Good post.
Surveillance was illegal, whatever found shouldn't be used in court but it doesn't go against the narrative of collusion. Face it, your "heroes" betrayed America, the only thing the memo does it's making them invulnerable to prosecution.
Praise KEK!
Digits confirm racewar imminent. Kikes gassed. Niggers roped. Beaners deported. #MAGA
>memo confirms Trump was right
>FBI knowingly uses fake news bought and paid for by Clinton/DNC in spying warrant application but court not informed of this fact
>progenitors of Trump/Russia investigation proven to be biased against Trump and extremely pro-Hillary but FISA court not informed of this fact
>major pillar of unsubstantiated russia conspiracy BTFO
>MSM shills now frantically moving the goalposts because they have nothing of substance to fall back on
>>Damage Control
>don't judge for yourself, said cnn
>it's nothing, says cnn
Fuck cnn
The Memo proves Yates, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein and co all committed a federal felony by withholding material evidence in their FISA application.
but now you'll never get your impeachment because the entire investigation has been deligitimized
If the wiretaps were illegal then anything that came from them is inadmissible.
>Well user you didn't kill that guy like we thought you did, but you have pirated movies in the past, which we found using information based off of comments your ex mentioned in a text to her coworker, which was obtained using a warrant provided by a court unaccountable of error
>You will now be fired and prosecuted to the full extent of the law for your crimes, after your social image suffers from irreparable damage
For all of these liberal "Patriots" on the internet, it's telling how quick they're quick to forget about the Bill of Rights, particularly the 4th Amendment.
No you didn't. Stop lying faggot.
Convictions under US law are entirely dependent on the legitimacy of the investigation that led to it. Why the fuck do you think things like miranda rights exist? Any fuck up in protocol will lead to a case getting thrown out regardless of how iron clad it may seem.
Now is a good fucking time to be mad.
>(not much)
these """"""""journalists""""""" are a fucking joke
Lol the melodrama on this sad board
The wiretapping could have turned up footage of Trump taking Putins cock in his ass while telling him the nuclear codes and it wouldn't matter anymore, since the investigation was illegitimate. Not that it matters anyway, since they renewed their applications four fucking times and didn't find anything.
Lucifer's right.