K-on aired 8 years ago (Spring 2009)

What has changed in your life from 8 years ago?

Other urls found in this thread:


>still no gf
>still a virgin
>i'm uglier and older

8 years ago I was 15 and I still look like a little boy.

Fuck off, idiot.

i play guitar now stratocaster




I got a shitty underpaid job but I managed to save enough to go to japan once

>still haven't watched the movie
what the fuck, me?

dumb nigger dad died



I still havent watched S2

i haven't seen k-on nor madoka and at this point i think i never will

So go watch it

Maybe tomorrow

the holy land!

what did you do? maido cafe?

It was.. meh


This. Well, I remember watching it while it aired, and then getting so bored.
They really dragged S2 out.


My life is infinitely worse in every way and I kind of feel like killing myself, thanks for asking

I got a waifu, real one. She likes OHSHC and Utena.
This year I will have a kid.
And K-On! is still as good as ever, thanks KyoAni.

Nothing, I'm still a friendless kissless virgin

Thanks OP you ruined my day by making me realize that Ive wasted my life

I've married and had kids with Ui

I hate myself more.

Dropped out from college a few times but still graduated.
My taste in anime is pretty much the same.

Criminal record, 3 mental breakdowns, somehow managed to become more jaded and edgy

Still living at home, still a virgin, still watching anime though

Madthad is that you?

I've become nihilistic over the fact that people think this garbage is worth watching.

moved out of my mom's house, got a gf, have a kid

I tried and failed. May try again some day.

i mostly practice a technique while shitposting or watching a low effort show

Congrats on the kid, Sup Forumsnon.

Went to university, broke through social anxiety and some of my awkwardness, learned how to make people laugh with me, gained friends, got a girlfriend, graduated with a master's in engineering, got a good job that I excel in, moved out, developed an alcohol problem, watched anime throughout.

Did absolutely nothing but browse this site all day every day
Neet for life

How old were you when K-on aired, Sup Forums?

I was 17


I have more money.

the K-On's are like 26/27 now

Ty so much user.
Hopefully s/he will have a good taste

i was year older than that

Same. It was a relief from my shitty 6th grade life. Since then things have only gotten worse. I peaked in gradeschool, fucking pathetic.

I watched K-On! merely 2 or so years ago, but its had a drastic impact on my life. I went from a jaded, "I hate people and government", edgy loser to an upbeat, "humanity is cool as fuck", caring loser.

A waifu is someone you will never marry, faggot.

22, now I'm a wizard.

>First anime I watched near-airing
>First music-related anime I watched (got me into Jap music too)
>First thing that started me down my eventual /u/boat path
>Lead me to getting into DnD/TTGs because a K-On fanfic author I liked also enjoyed DnD and once in a while put it in his stories
>Started playing bass because of the show
>First doujin I ever imported was a K-On doujin

I love the series so much. I still haven't watched the movie because I don't want to think it's the last piece of K-On I can get.

So you became normalfag cancer.

Oh look another cancerous normalfag.

Man I love neo-Sup Forums!

Oh? Could it be? Yup its another fucking normalfags shitters ruining Sup Forums!

since when

and i still have better taste than you

>calling your 3DPD whore a ''waifu''

You people are a blight on this community. Kill yourself ironic weeb normalfag.

Literally me.

About a month ago started rewatching the whole show again just so i could watch the movie which i have been holding of for well over 3 years...

I finished the 24th episode just now so there is no going back for me anymore...

>Still fat
>Still a loser
>Now a college (yes fucking 7 years and still going) loser instead of a high school loser
>Very slightly receded hairline
>Still obsessed over the same girl that looks like fucking 3D Yui

Same as you. Time flies, uh? Most days I just feel like dying

>I finished the 24th episode just now so there is no going back for me anymore...
Godspeed, user. You're a braver man than I.

I truly don't know when I'll watch it. Every time I think about doing so, I think it's the end of something I love. I even own the BD, I just haven't watched it yet.

Quick Sup Forums, post your top 5 favorite K-On songs

>No, Thank You!
>Fuwa Fuwa Time
>Pure Pure Heart
>Yuuzora a la Carte
>Let's Go!

>below average looking gf
>already bored of sex
>not a neet anymore, office wagecuck

My advice Sup Forums
Be virgin neets living on welfare forever.
Life is hell.

Nice blog thread. Subscribing to all you guys

Epic I love it!

Don't Forget to like, comment, share and subscribe to my channel

xD I will bro!

I WILL hold out till the week-end so i can really enjoy it.

Rest in peace keions,
you changed my life in a way i didnt even think was possible!

I've never watched it. What am I in for?

Everything I know: grills start a band. One has eyebrows that look funny but I kinda dig.

Or is that something else

You didn't fail user, you just haven't finished yet.

>I won't tolerate anybody not like me in my secret club

Believe me when I say I was the fucking epitomy of a sperglord when I was younger. Am I not allowed to visit now that I've worked on myself?

>allowing blogging
>allowing 3DPD lovers

You normalfags are fucking cancer.

You're in for possibly most entertaining anime of all time, especially if you're feminine.

Light shoujo ai, suprising amount of comedy, comfy feels, best girls (not counting azusa)

Fuck off normalfag. Sup Forums is not your blog.

I got job so i can buy BDs and figurines

Over time I developed taste to tell Ritsu was the best girl all along

its pretty much what you wrote down.

Take a sip and if you think its entertaining then you should be good to go.

For me it felt like it got better with every episode... the girls just grow on you as time flies by

I stopped wanting to kill myself and I've taken up drawing anime girls

That's right.

20 but i didnt watch K-on before 2011 for some reason

we're all closer to death.

You will be like him in a few years
wait and see

Please, user, get better taste.
>No, Thank You!
>Sunday Siesta
>Diary Wa Fortisimo
>Pure Pure Heart

Blogging on Sup Forums? No.

Fuck off normalfag and kill yourself.

>>allowing blogging
We actually used to have alot more blog threads like pre-2010 until mods started going anal about it

I'm 27 and never even seen a girl in real life. I doubt it.

That's surprisingly optimistic.