What’s the modern equivalent of a paper route? I’d like my son to be exposed to work as young as possible

What’s the modern equivalent of a paper route? I’d like my son to be exposed to work as young as possible.

If you really want him "exposed" then modeling. Boy you're one sick fucker though

Must suck to have a fucking retard for a dad.

>hating for no reason

What exactly did he say that triggered you?

> What’s the modern equivalent of a paper route?

A paper route.

>cant come up with simple kid jobs
-washing cars
-mowing lawns in summer
-raking leaves in fall
-a ton of other simple shit grown ass mexicans do for a "career"

Car washes have pretty lenient work environments.

lawn mowing


There is work out there. Old people will pay for chores.

Either yard work or helping with the family business if you work for yourself. Learned how to drive forklifts with my dad at 12 years old and would help him out some at work

>raking leaves
Yes teach your kid something useful, and make him country ban can*dians from Sup Forums

In the USA, newspapers are delivered by vehicles driven by adults these days. Don't know what it's like in the UK. I guess people really needed the jobs and pushed out the kids.

Modern equivalent? Maybe a grocery store cashier or stock boy.

Maybe you should just let him play video games and hang out with his friends. Don't rob him of his childhood.

list as female and then sucking dick on dating apps

The 50's are gone, granpa.

Helping in local stores or markets
helping on a farm if you live rural

I was a soccer referree when i was like 13. Pays about $14 a game and is good for learning how to manage difficult people and keep a schedule and report hours such.

Web cam host is the closest thing to a paper boy these days

i started mowing lawns/raking leaves when i was younger. built it up to a business and now i also do excavation and all types of landscaping, while employing 4-7 whites.(depending on time of year)
feels good

Shabbos goy

I agree with this post. I see a lot of younger kids working at my local grocery store. Only thing to watch is allowing for too much lazy unsupervised time. Get your kid to associate unsupervised time with adventurous, semi-dangerous pursuits. I think that is a good way to get kids interested in being an individual rather than just a slug that plays video games all day.

Just regulate screen time, overall. That's the biggest thing.

Weed dealer or UBEREATS driver