
There is a hashtag campaign #120dB from the identitary movement. It is simliar to #me but about sexual violence and violence against woman.

Let´s get this fucker trending. Spike it up with meme´s about migrant rape, the beauty and diversity of white european woman. Maybe it would be good to spread the hashtag in news about sexual harassment in general or to connect it with #metoo.


What you think let´s mess around?

Other urls found in this thread:


everything you need to know



Nobody gives a fuck.

Nothing wrong with coal burning roasties getting what they deserve



Source on her being a liberal refugee advocate that's not a far right blog/forum/buzfeed?

Toll has been paid

stalked her on google just now, she making a good recovery.

fuck that guy

burn the coal, get disfigured for life lmao

just few days ago a 18 year old italian girl has been raped, killed, her heart used for some sort of tribal voodo rite , then chopped, stuffed in two bags and dumped near the street by a nigerian who came in italy as refugee

So? Nobody cares about Italy

All this violence against women based on traditional values and misogyny and yet most of Sup Forums still pushes for conservatism and patriarchy instead of educating migrants on feminism and gender equality.

>just few days ago a 18 year old italian girl has been raped, killed, her heart used for some sort of tribal voodo rite , then chopped, stuffed in two bags and dumped near the street by a nigerian who came in italy as refugee
This is where women suffrage naturally ends.
We warned you.

The thots and coalburners get maybe a little pity. But to catch the for the cause of german or maybe european we need more than to love about their misery.

You wouldn´t laugh at a stupid kid. Redpill them, lead them and after the orc hordes are done they will get their rightful earned punishment. Like stick and carots. Just the stick now isn´t working.

We have to put the message in a sweet candy that sounds like empowerment.

Justice is a cruel mistress, but she must be served.

She probably voted for open borders, and spent her time raging in the streets against the alt-right.



>>pic is me crying alone at the sad end of our race

those monkeys must walk around with rock hard boners leaking jizz down their legs around all those human females

Pic related. Read what happened.

What a beauty. Many such cases in SA. Sad.

How do you live in such a country? Only travel in well armed small groups, or large groups?

It's all ok guys she has forgiven her husband.

>How do you live in such a country?
You get by.

Nobody cares about Memeflagistan,faggot.


These people are martyrs. They paid the ultimate toll. I hope others are taking these warnings seriously.

>niggers, not even once

Fuck. What a waste. Never even got the chance to pass on her perfect genes.

Bumpidy bump bump

What an irony. Elin loved immigrants and multiculturalism.
In the end, she got blacked to death. RIP Elin.

Here's a good article about the story:

Blur her privates out more and it will work, black box indtead of blur.

Every time a liberal feminist refugee advocate gets raped, I smile and say "karma".

"We were killed by open borders"
"Wir wurden durch offene Grenzen getötet"
is this translation correct?


Many of the police forces there are willing accomplices when it targets whites. A corrupt government controlled by blacks is one thing. A corrupt government controlled by blacks openly encouraging communism and white genocide is one next level of disaster. Dutch whites were on that land before 99% of the population there. South Africa was effectively barren until they showed up. "Progressivism" in action.


NO! They need to learn a lesson.If they dont then well :D i dont give a shit like wemen dont give shit about ME.

>There is a hashtag campaign #120dB from the identitary movement.

And heavy shilling confirms this is a chink in the enemies armor. If we keep hitting this, Europe will rise from the ashes.

stop using SHIT quality mspaint images for fucks sake

This so hard. The
>nuff said
part is so cringy holy shit. Why are you people so autistic, shit like that won’t get normies on our side. Don’t use buzzwords like liberal either just fucking say she was killed by a subhuman from wherever

on pic related; what would you expect? we came in and forced them against their will for our gain. we've created our own enemies. it is funny how that happened. we have to protect ourselves against our very own monster.

Relax around blacks. Get what you get.

things that destroy credibility:
>jpeg compression
>ff0000 background
>comic sans
>accusative or confrontational tone e.g. "you will not replace us" (you're trying to redpill the reader, not accuse them of something)
>vague, direct orders like "defend europe" (what's the point of the poster again?)
>"checkmate libtards" tone and shitty quips
>low resolution

things that are beneficial:
>well designed posters
>tragic posters
>charming posters
>clever posters
>posters that really make you think
>posters that demonstrate hypocrisy
>posters with an emphasis on child victims

Why are German men doing this?


Holy shit I would rather fuck a literal zombie than that shit. Fuck that is sick

WTF? Germany tax payers pay for this shit? What the fuck is going on?!

she's wearing a choker in one pic.
definitely burned the coal

Not an end my friend. Just burning off the unwanted dickeys who don't have brains.



i'm literally out of fucks to give for blacked/muzzled thots, just getting what they begged for on their knees. but all those post-beautys could be used to redpill and mobilize those, who remains silent. #120db could be a strong war chant for whole Europe. worth trying.

Because Sup Forums says, STAY THE HELL OFF OUR LAWNS! to rapefuges.

more like Vernon Jumad Witbooi?

I don't understand why you people worry about Europe. They made their choice, stop worrying about them and worry about the enemy at your own gates.


False. Sounds like you were raised on communist education. Most of the work was just regular work. Not slavery.

Guess what whites do from generations of their fathers, mothers, and families being actually enslaved? Whites build. They work. They improve and build their communities because they have the intelligence and behavioral genetics to do so, hence white western civilization existing. Blacks can't mimic that fundamentally due to average genetics of a greater number of disturbed apples rotting the upper bunch, and so turning to "communism" and white genocide becomes the outlet to project their own deficiencies. Higher psychopathy and lower intelligence in more of them. Combo leading to failed states over and over again.

12 year old detected.
Go away, this is serious, for a change


This is the first feminist movement in a while that actually makes sense and nails it.

10/10 would risk soyboy status.

It's a different ball game when attacks come to your neighborhood fast and suddenly.

Take a look at this video of a white woman who got lucky as far as we can see in the video. I don't know what happened to her after she got away and they followed though. If she wouldn't have made it to back to her car and had quick moves, those thugs catching her wouldn't have thought twice about kidnapping, raping, torturing, slitting her throat, and taking her possessions.

Women Fighting Back - Daughters Of Europe Resist (English Subtitles)



Fuck hashtags. Let the white roasties continue to get raped, tortured, and murdered. It's the future they all chose.

Hapa women are the new white women. Blonde haired, blue eyed women are a cancer and I'm sick of their shit. I'm not saving them from anything.

gosh what image is forever burned into my mind. Genocide of muds needs to happen.

I'm going to try and fap to pictures of white women with burned off faces later tonight.

Wish me luck lads.

>We warned you.

Yes. Yes we did. Let them all eat cake. And fuck the White Knights too.


It's always darkest before the dawn friend.

>wearing a choker
>hanging out with black friends
>embracing multiculturalism
>family spouting Christian forgiveness nonsense and other cuckoldry "trying to process" everything
>not a single alpha male anywhere to be found ready to sacrifice himself for in horrific acts of righteous vengeance

Everyone involved in this got what they deserved and I guarantee she burned coal.

comment by GF after reading.

Fuck you kike

>Dutch whites were on that land before 99% of the population there.

And what is your little story missing? Here's a few points you """conveniently""" left out:

>Dutch imported blacks to work on the farms and in the British mines. They paid them 1/12th the wages of whites. They willfully imported a hostile workforce because of greed. Period. Full fucking stop.

>Dutch were fullblown progressive Christians. They all embraced the diversity and multiculturalism preached by their Christian leaders. Oops.

>White men are still disorganized to this day and have done nothing meaningful to stop the white genocide.

You can be as salty as you want but this is literally a case of: "Future you Chose". Maybe whites should learn something from the genocide in SA...But I doubt it.

Release your virgin nerd rage. Youre in virgin safe zone.

We should definitely support this movement!



>They paid them 1/12th the wages of whites
Illegals are working for scraps too. That's on them. Excusing the brutality of many blacks in South Africa is your communist retardation speaking. The only conclusion one can draw from this is apartheid was a superior system, which blacks who chose to live under it benefited from greatly, and it should have never been ended. The only other solution is deporting the blacks shorter ties to South Africa back to sub-Saharan Africa for separate systems, or to split South Africa into two states.


You don’t want that fetish dude... trust me.

>ignores non slave welfare nigger zulu's that came after the dutch settled, envied their success and are appopriating their land.
>Ignores the fact that the now niggers aren't the original inhabitants as the lands were uninhabited or were genocided by zulu's
>ignores the fact that the nu zulu's make up 80% of south africa's population
full stop

this is not even low energy intellectualism, do be ashamed and refrain from posting please.

bravo bro

bump 4 Franziska


Fuck that greedy asshole.

sad, it's just sad.