What happened Europe?
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You happened
>Not even allowed to own a steak knife, not even one with a rounded tip, making stabbing someone very difficult.
The absolute state of british cucks, I hope you love big brother or else.
I don't know Trayvon but have you binned that baby yet?
Europe was on the right track, America, Germany, Italy, and the British Empire could have stood side by side.
What shite are you chatting? I got a load of my billhooks sharpened up at a shop down the road. Literally walked in with them in a plastic bag.
The memo was released and so now we’ll have several hours of shit threads like yours
Funny that, you betrayed us and France.
how exactly do one kill somebody with a bread knife?
Disgusting peasant trying to take down an armored knight.
>2 bottles of wine for 5
How horrible is it?
That what I just said B
>expecting women to take responsibility
They should have to sign a waiver to never ever offend the Jews or boycott them in return for more gibs, I hear it's all the rage in Yankland.
that is here in indiana but there's never anything in the news about this being a result of a specific problem.
>we dont have a problem with orphaned children
What kind of ghetto shop is this?
As for Europe, they are getting MK-ULTRA'd in the water supply. Oxytocin, soy and pharms
We are quite cucked, but we get to keep our bread knifes..insanity.
not your fault btw, americans fucked up everything, stupid jew puppets
Do gangs shooting acid with super-soakers count into that statistic?
too easy.. our dumbfuck population had more than enough opportunities to vote differently...way too easy to just lean back and say..the Americans did it.
The messed up thing is that they interpret it as a weapon...
UK edged weapon law is seems even more messed up than the german one (curved swords with an edge over 50cm are mostly interpreted to be banned, and straight ones are legal to own):
only the Czechs seem to get it right:
Britain does genuinely have a problem of Blacks knifing people.
I wish every day we had just let the Reds drown your awful continent.
We need a 2nd Amendment, let alone a new constitution.
but you did
> A Texan replies
How cute.
uk is not europe
thank you for your attention
America made hypothetical plans to invade every great power. They didn't want to be unprepared in the case of war no matter who it was with.
Most of East block countries of Europe has pretty much same laws about gun control and knives/swords, you can own pretty much any knives sword and conceal carry it at public places
Memes aside, can a Briton answer me seriously, are you not allowed to have knives of any kid in these cities? Like if you take a steak knife in your lunchbox and it falls out in front of a cop, do you get arrested? If not, what's with these knife sweeps?
USA is the batman of the coutryes.