What's the deal with anime portraying men as cute-looking?

What's the deal with anime portraying men as cute-looking?
Is there an explanation to this?

Women are taking over the Otaku market. I have no statistics to back it up, but I think this is what KyoAni's analytics department is seeing.

There is no other explanation for greenlighting Free and these other anime with emasculated "men".

Nobody likes looking at ugly people.

>other anime with emasculated "men".
Or maybe you're a retard that needs to watch more anime. Those 'emasculated "men"' can be witnessed in many harem shows, which are plainly not targeted at women.
Please lurk more.

The increasing moefication of anime & manga.

>not wanting cute boys as MCs

what is wrong with you?

As a woman I agree. Idolm@ster is still obviously above all but girls will slowly rule over/take important part in the fandom too.
I can see changes in this area every year.

Oreki a CUTE

Japanese women want men like that, muscular men are seen as gay and crude.

because men can be cute user
have you not noticed this until now?

Because Japanese boys look girly

So it's more pleasing to self insert as them, would you rather self insert as an ugly loser?

Fuck off roastie.

Fuck off, this site isn't for women

Yeah, I think it's sooner than we expect. I remember when my local anime club was exclusivly boys, now almost all of participants are girls/women. They are as fierce about their husbandos as we are about their waifus. I noticed that Utena to them was like NGE to us.

>would you rather self insert as an ugly loser?
The Japanese seem to want to when it comes to their porn.

Not your blog.

Fuck off.

>The Japanese seem to want to when it comes to their porn.
Because it achieves its NTR impact. Cute boy NTring you? meh. Ugly sin NTRing you? it hits deep

She is s lesbian, she can post here then.

Girls taking over this industry is related to discussion as a obvious reason why men are less manly in anime nowadays and why cute boys doing cute stuff may be a new niche soon.

>She is s lesbian, she can post here then.
That's not how it works.
Anyone can post on Sup Forums, but you are expected to not talk about yourself. That goes particularly for announcing that you are a girl.
Lurk more.

You're anonymous.

>literally defending ''GUYS IM A GIRL!'' type of post

Do you have even the smallest idea about the history of the medium?

She brought up her gender because it could explain why she had some knowledge in relation to subject. Don't get so fucking heat up over dyke
>we don't talk about ourselfves!!!
there's literally active "tell me about you life" thread rn

everyone knows boys make the cutest girls

>She brought up her gender because it could explain why she had some knowledge in relation to subject.
And it's still a no-go.
>there's literally active "tell me about you life" thread rn
I sure hope you reported it.

You're right, I'm sorry.

Where is that thread?

K-On thread

guys I really want to fuckin kill myself

Why do you think a guy with a plain face,short combed hair is cute?He looks boring as fuck.
This is his real life equivalent

Yeah, I went overboard. Sorry. I thought it could explain why I know a lot of about changes in the female anime fans community and all but it obviously didn't.
Sorry once again, I will think before posting next time.

Thanks for telling now I can report the thread.

It happens to the best of us.


I really want to look like an anime boy. Maybe then I'll be liked.

because cuteness is next to godliness

anime makes everything cute
besides they mostly look nice, not really cute though

Every harem MC should look like Tetsuo from Demi-chan.

he's very nice but too beefy for my tastes

So then he'd look good in the crossdressing moments and crossdressing fanart.

>you are expected to not talk about yourself. That goes particularly for announcing that you are a girl
there's not a single global or Sup Forums rule that prohibits that

Can easily fall under off topic. I once got banned from all boards for two weeks just for posting that I know a girl(female) irl. Some Sup Forums mods and janitors are wizardchan tier.

It's true. Not even gay.

My enjoyment of an anime increases 10 folds if the mc is a cute boy

>Cute male MC
>Deep voice, sounds like a 40 year old man

>VA looks like a 35 year old man who dresses like a 15 year old

>My enjoyment of an anime increases 10 folds if the mc is a cute boy
i'm so ashamed of this but it's true

>VA has done hentai