Which one Sup Forums?
Which one Sup Forums?
Rin. I am an old man, and I have money, and so the meme say she will please me for it..
I choose option C.
Right, but pick up a lance and age 10 years or so.
the one that doesn't have a dirty anus
Seibah, she really appreciates cooking.
They're both great, but I'm a sucker for honorfags, so Saber.
Rin i guess
Definitely not Rin, i fucking hate tsundere.
You will never eat a Japanese style dinner with the king of Britain, your homeroom teacher, a European noble loli, the most desirable girl in school and her younger sister.
The best one.
why even live at this point? what is there even left?
The couch since it has more personality than they do.
Why would you you want such an high-manteniance woman that's not even a virgin and can't give you children?
>that's not even a virgin
Nobody cares about shit like that except you, Sup Forums.
>can't give you children
Epic meme.
>Nobody cares about shit like that except you
Speak for yourself, fucking newfag
can I have both?
>not even a virgin
Rin is a cute girl and she's also my magical girlfriend!
Which one is better at taking out the trash?
Why must her most beautiful self also be the most irrelevant one?
King (female) with sexual identity disorder
Goddess of love and she's into anal
the one with a dick, obviously
Of the two, right.
Rider makes a much better maid than either of them.
Why is King Arthur using Rin's foot as a phone?
She learned of modern technology from Rin.
Rin's evolution tree is pretty nice
The only confirmed anal girl in Nasuverse is Ciel
You're right Rin/Ishtar is willing to use every orifice her body have not just her anus.
>Not wanting to do both.
What are you, gay?
W-what are they doing?
My king!
bump. Post more saber and rin
Left. Seibah is boring. Rin too but she's hot af at least.
Rin is gay for Saber though.
I just saw that Shirou looks pretty bad ass in Prisma so is it worth a read?
Neither. Give me Sacchin or give me death.
yea theses cum together
*Isn't sure if part of the running gag or not but will answer seriously anyway*
Satsuki Yumizuka from Tsukihime. The best girl whose route got cut from Tsukihime for being 'So good it made the other routes look like shit in comparison'. She's a more interesting character than Rin or Saber imho, but that's just me.
I'm black so Saber.
UBW good ending is a thing.
I'm a bald old man so Rin
UBW is literally bleach
why is she more interesting?
Rider is the one that actually has a dirty anus, or alternatively, Shirou fantasizes about dirty anuses.
Mainly because she's the only 'normal' person ever really thrown into the whole fucked up world of the Nasuverse. Even Shiki, despite being mostly a normal human, still has his MEoDP and can fight on equal grounds with DAs; and almost all the other characters in the Nasuverse are the same way. Either they're magi, heroic spirits, non-humans, or psychics; there are no 'normal' people that end up getting involved with the weird side of the world.
I just really like that concept and how it was portrayed with Satsuki, plus in her first interactions with Shiki she seemed like a really nice girl.
I still remember the F/HA rider eclipse scene where she licks his asshole. Shit kinda took me by surprise.
After Kohaku triple fingering Shiki nothing can surprise me.
Kohaku femdomming Shiki is probably the single fappable H-scene in any Type-Moon work.
I'll pick Rin and leave Saber to her.
>Shiki-san, you're so small
Just how fucking huge was old man Tohno's dick for Kohaku to think Shiki is small?
He was a beast, literally
>Kohaku femdomming Shiki
You misspelled laughable.
Nasu's (Takeuchi's) two best sex scenes involve the blue-eyed tsundere masturbating in the corner to the MC being with another girl.
The only right choice
I blame Len for having such weird fetishes. That shit was so out of left field for me it was funny.
Rin pleases young blonde ojou-sama drills for money and I'm mad no doujins portray the best yuri relationship in decades.
Can I have Saber Alter?
If not, then Rin I guess.
1. Luvia is a literal nobody. Doujins never.
2. What yuri relationship? they have like one official picture where there is some remote sexual tension between them and that's not even from the anime.
You must be fun at parties.
>le you must be fun at parties
You must be fun at 9fag with that shitty meme.
Calm down, Mr. No Fun Allowed.
filthy dirty whore or noble chivalrous king?
hmmm hard choices are hard
Go fun yourself.
I didn't know Rin was a noble chivalrous king, maybe I should play Grand Order after all.
Does anyone have more pictures of Saber and Rin doing pews things together?
Give me the Luvias.
D.) None of the above
I meant lewds
Because England is full of barbarians who couldn't accept their beautiful king.
Also because Mordred and Morgan La Fey read too much fucking Warhammer 40k.
Best Luvia
I upgraded your Saber.
You can thank me later.
all f/sn girls are trash
Anyone playing F/GO?
This guy knows what's up.
he's right, you know
Indeed they are all trash, but who is the worst? I think it is Sakura since she is a filthy whore. Playing her route after having read Kohaku's was a real disappointment.
Worst girl: Rin. Worst route: Saber
I say worst girl is Saber because she's so unoriginal.
She's essentially just Arc's 'Abnormal girl learns normality' type story plus Hisui's personality and instead of being a TA, she's a king now.
I actually kinda liked Heaven's Feel, but only really because it gave some much needed added characterization to Kirei and Illya.
Worst route for me is fate as well.
HF should have been Ilya's route
I read Tsukihime and F/SN recently as well. I loved Tsukihime and my favorite route was Kohaku. F/SN was a different story. I liked Fate and UBW well enough, but by the time I finished HF I honestly hated the game. The shit with Sakura was too much, and there was more continually piled on even until the end of the route. Worms, torture, being her brother's sex slave, etc. I had to eventually just emotionally check out because I couldn't care anymore and just wanted the route to end. But like I said, I liked Kohaku's route quite a bit. I think Sakura was just gratuitous, reaching absurd levels of abuse, and communicating it in a lurid manner. Tsukihime was actually restrained and tasteful with how it dealt with Kohaku and it made me more empathetic toward rape victims. Sakura just made me feel disgusted until I resented it, while simultaneously ruining the rest of the game because she doesn't get saved unless her route is chosen.
Nasu's writing has definitely improved, there's no doubt about it.
But you're right on that what he writes about is actually degrading in quality. I still hold out hope that Re: Tsukihime will be the greatest shit Nasu's written in a decade. Because even if Tsukihime is old news, the girls are still far superior to what Fate shits out.
She has plenty of personality. In fact, she has one of the most complicated and multifaceted personalities in the entire VN.
She's a shy unconfident girl with immense amounts of self-hatred and bitterness due to her horrible situation, and yet she also has a fierce determination to endure it all, as well as being really kind-hearted and selfless. She's usually introverted and keeps to herself, but develops to become a lot more energetic and playful before the start of the story due to the influence of Taiga. That said, she's still very modest in comparison to the more generic action heroine personalities of Saber and Rin, and treasures daily life over risky goals. Unlike them, Sakura prefers to lay low and stay out of trouble, but for better or worse, Rin is the one person who brings out Sakura's inner competitiveness, as she simultaneously looks up to and loathes her big sister. Sakura has a bad habit of blaming herself for the faults of others and putting their happiness over her own, but simultaneously, if she's offered hope and happiness, she won't allow anyone to get in the way of it no matter what, as the two things she won't stand for are having the rug pulled out from under her and losing those she cares for. If she's somehow angered, Sakura's rage is cold and calculating, to the point of almost seeming gentle despite its ruthlessness. Even when not angry, Sakura sometimes displays gentle snark and teasing, similar to Tohsaka, but done in a more kind-hearted way.
And that's far from all there is to her.
Re is literally going to be a remake though, right? What's the point in re-reading it
>replying to me with my own post from /jp/
>You will never punch Jalter in the boob
Rin. I don't want anything to do with a king of getting cucked.