Vlad the Impaler wuz black n shieet
Other urls found in this thread:
He's confusing the historical figure with a porn star
So we all finally agree that Romanians aren't white?
Amazing he can trace all this back through history but still can't find out who his father is.
But the Ottomans were also black.
Who's BLACKING who here?
No shit. Niggers will steal even history unless you bolt it to the fucking ground.
who is this crazy person
>Dindu Nuffins attacking Muzzies
Now how wil the left react?
he was khazarian
Yes in ancient Romakanda he flew around in blingin star ships n sheiiiit building pyramids with his mind and halting the ottoman scourge through ruthless games of bakkaball using the skulls of the dead warlords he conquered. He also invented the wheel, fire, and the zeropoint energy engine. Yw ypeepoe.
Black Nationalist Tariq Nasheed
niggas so black his shoes are on welfare
He's hardly an intellectual, but he does know how to pick up women
when will this nigger finally kill himself?
Oh look... a sli(hide) thread!
Wasn't it Cornell West who said that Tariq Nasheed fetishizes (sexually) white supremacy?
Romania is 97% white tho,it has only 600.000 gipsyies
idk but "Vlad the Niggerpaler" sounds funny
So Blacula was not blaxploitation, but a historical biopic?
someone please tell me this is fake, even a nigger can't be this delusional r-right?
Suntem regi si rahat
He's talking about pic related
Wtf i like protecting europe from hordes of foreigners now
Ya, he's the one with the huge folder of gay boys in nazi uniform that he dumps occasionally in /b threads he doesn't like.
All black "intellectuals" kiss and hug each other for attention from whitey and dubious GoFundMe contributions for the purposes of money laundering.
>Vlad the Chimpaler
The Ancient Getae Dacians wuz black n shieet.Herodot ( who wuz also black) said about them that they wuz the
bravest and the most righteous among the Thracians. I aint bullshiting you
>the Impailer
negro BBC fantasy
The Samurai were Black
this nigger is supposed to debate Jared Taylor sometime this month, it will be glorious
Does this guy know what "factoid" means?
Is there anything niggers won't try and steal?
we wuz blackula and sheit
American "education" being what it is, I'm not sure if this is fake or not.
I thought the TURKS were rightful BLACK descendants of KARA BOĞA
Look at this 15th century painting of the Sub-Saharan negro known as Vlad the Impaler.
vlad dracula the vampire was based off of him, he literally stuck giant sticks through peoples anus and came out of their mouth while they were still alive, they would stay alive for days. Hes obviously not black and why would you even praise him. He was crazy but he did prevent war by scaring the fucking out of everyone.
top jej
>Lexington Steele stopped the Ottoman Empire
Fact:"A black woman led the Golden Horde (Oprah Khan)."
Vlad lost, anyway,
Fact: John Hanson was the true first black president.
bait account, you drooling newtards
top meme
he also rounded up people dying of plague and set them loose right in the path of the oncoming ottoman's, razed his own territory and settlements to stretch their supply line, and nailed the turkish ambassador's turban to his head when he wouldn't take it off, over all a real crazy fuck that saved his country from the turks only to alienate his cucked neighbors and get shoved in a hole where he spent the rest of his life shishkabobing rats and cockroaches and putting them up in neat little rows for his jailers to admire.
blacker than u muhammad
This guy is a caricature.
Are you sure he's real and not a pol troll account?
my sides fpbp
niggers gone too far with their trolling
>showing no mercy to turks
>embracing a horrific reputation to psyop your enemies
Seemed like a nice man.
I've been saying for a long time that this motherfucker is trolling everyone, and this just further proves it.
The funny thing being that the black Caucasians of Africa pretty much saw the Negroids as savages and only fit for slavery.
Shit, they still do.
They don't just steal from white Caucasians. They steal the history of black Caucasians.
That doesn't stop them. Note tearing down statues.
Vance the gangbanger
omg lol
The nigger is right. By American laws, Pushkin would be considered black, due to the one drop rule
>Can send tweets, meaning he has internet access
>Still doesn't know what time/day it is
So this is the power of niggers.
top kek
That law is a myth, my friend.
t. nigger who just had a kid labeled "white hispanic" because the mom is a latina.
this guy is the full embodiment of a stupid nigger, and why people get racist
have a well earned (you)
So is this "take a random white in history and say he's black with no evidence" month?
'(Vlad the Impaler)' should be after 'black man'. Now it says that the ottoman empire is Vlad the Impaler. Dumb fucking coon.
>romanians are black
im sure he made lampshades out of them too
Alexander Pushkin had a black great great grandfather.
some black guy was stolen and made a page in ottoman empire as a gift, i suppose he was regifted to russia, and had a family
that nigger needs to be picking cotton lazily in a field, why did we let black people learn how to read and write?
we waz kangs
Kek. He's wearing a black panther shirt in africa.
lol jokes
sure thing
More like 97% gypsies and 600k whites
typical budapestan suburb.
What's your point?
Farming for (you)s
I think he's just a master troll. Probably cracks the fuck up after making a post.
Local professional troll. Be wary, I've seen him make a buddhist angry.
Vlad = V-lad, he rap name at the time.
Guys how do you join the count dracula society?
I’d hope
U mean da mandingo?
What historical figures weren't black to this guy? Was George Washington black?
>Tariq n'sheeit
you just can't make these up
Impaling was THE death sentence in Romania back then. Mostly to get rid of debtors.
I think this dude just saw blade and went we wuz dracula and shieeeet