>tfw the memo turned out to be literally nothing
Tfw the memo turned out to be literally nothing
I'm not going in that cancerous sticky, someone give me a quick rundown.
Nothing to see here, move along citizen. Who do you think will win the SUPERBOWL?
Don't worry. This happening was actually just the beginning of the happenings. When the next happening comes along, THAT'LL be the real happening.
Unless it isn't. Then that will just be the beginning of the happenings. The next happening to come along though, THAT'll be the real happening.
literal nothingburger, hold the cheese
If it was nothing, why did the Democrats fight so damn hard to keep it classified?
No this pathetic thread is nothing. Watch it slide bitch.
Counter sage bump
Just like every other distraction coming out of Drumpf’s ass
They didn't. The FBI said that it would be a very, very bad idea. The dems barely did shit.
What did you honestly expect?
If you put all the pieces together here's what you get. The DNC rigs the Democratic Primary Election against Bernie Sanders so Hilliary can win the nomination. Obama's administration starts to request surveillance on Trump, his family, his transition team, and anyone associated with him. Donna Brazil gives Hilliary the questions to a debate. The DNC pays Christopher Steele to come up with a smear dossier about Trump. The mainstream media releases a taped conversation about Trump talking about grabbing women parts. After all this Trump still wins the General Election. Obama orders an investigation into Russia meddling in our elections. Obama changes Executive Order 12333 to allow more agencies to have access to surveillance data. The Democratic Party comes up with a scandal that Trump Colluded with Russia to win the election with no evidence or proof. This wild claim is backed up by the mainstream media. Obama hold overs start unmasking Trump's transition team and staff members then release the classified information to the mainstream media. Why? Because the DNC and the Obama administration colluded with the intelligence community to thwart Trump's campaign efforts to get him elected president. All this Russia collusion is an attempt to cover up the fact that the Obama administration, the intelligence community, the DNC, along with the mainstream media used our nations surveillance as a political tool to try to get Hilliary elected President. This makes Watergate look like a kindergarten play. Let that sink in.......
no shit, I could tell it was just Sup Forums being retarded from day one
>literally a thousand shill threads.
WTF, You convinced me son
Pissgate fanfiction got a FISA Title I (foreign spy) warrant against Trump/campaign. DNC paid Fusion GPS/Steele for opp research.
Steele authored it. Got canned, leaked info to Yahoo. Yahoo published it. Ohr (Steele's friend/mole in agency) used Steele's dossier and knowingly corroborated it with Steele's Yahoo leak to renew FISA.
Comey signed off, knowing it was BS in the first place, then testified under oath against it.
Big happening, lots of shills like this post you replied to.
In the sense that it only confirmed what we suspected all along, yeah. I was hoping for some more earth shattering revelations, but watching the deep state hang will have to suffice.
The memo is nothing but GoP cherrypicking.
If they had any balls they'd release the entire FISA application.
The DNC rigs the Democratic Primary Election against Bernie Sanders so Hilliary can win the nomination. Obama's administration starts to request surveillance on Trump, his family, his transition team, and anyone associated with him. Donna Brazil gives Hilliary the questions to a debate. The DNC pays Christopher Steele to come up with a smear dossier about Trump. The mainstream media releases a taped conversation about Trump talking about grabbing women parts. After all this Trump still wins the General Election.
Obama orders an investigation into Russia meddling in our elections. Obama changes Executive Order 12333 to allow more agencies to have access to surveillance data. The Democratic Party comes up with a scandal that Trump Colluded with Russia to win the election with no evidence or proof. This wild claim is backed up by the mainstream media.
Obama hold overs start unmasking Trump's transition team and staff members then release the classified information to the mainstream media. Why? Because the DNC and the Obama administration colluded with the intelligence community to thwart Trump's campaign efforts to get him elected president. All this Russia collusion is an attempt to cover up the fact that the Obama administration, the intelligence community, the DNC, along with the mainstream media used our nations surveillance as a political tool to try to get Hilliary elected President. This makes Watergate look like a kindergarten play. Let that sink in.
This is plainly treason. Americans subverted by their own banana republic government that decides who will take rule, DOJ/Obama/FBI implicated directly. The government proven to subvert all US citizens in an act of treason.
>tfw op was a faggot shill
This. Also Nixon did nothing wrong. Watergate happened because he knew they were doing something fishy. Even the Project Veritas videos, which show the left CLEARLY ADMIT they've been cheating for over 50 years, prove this. Since they own ALL of academia and the MSM, they let this story get out of control and impeached him. Keep in mind that this shit happened during the late 60s/early 70s when the communist subversion was at its strongest in the USA.
There is NO SUCH THING as freedom of the press or whatever you so choose to put after freedom and a good education when leftists have a complete monopoly of both.
This lel
Dems and Clinton paid an FBI agent to investigate Trump. FBI omitted info to obtain warrant to investigate a US citizen. Clear political bias against Trump.
It's worse than that, it's treason by the Trump campaign!
>damage control max
Biggest nothingburger ever... YAWN! Drumpty is still getting impeached you stupid racists. Now let's all get some sleep.
You forgot the part where the FBI independently confirmed the info in the dossier.
Oh wait, so did Nunes.
Just a distraction from the fact that the racist pussy grabber in cheif is about to be arrested for treason.
Drumpf is finnished.
reddit is so fucking dumb that im constantly surprised by their state of denial
carter page for years has been watched for being sketchy and communicating with russian spies
there was a renewal to continue to watch him
but because he dealt with trump people see it as it was renewed to spy on trump and co
Hey, James.
Nice non-argument, faget.
Release the full, untouched FISA. None of this memo bullshit.
Tfw shill faggots can't even get their stories straight.
>Nothing in the memo, not worth releasing!
>Memo endangers national security
>R-really guys, it's nothing! Please look away!
Also the part where Steele was originally hired by a GOP primary candidate and Clinton just paid to get the dirt he'd already been working on.
Literally this.
Not to mention the memo also covers the FBI repeatedly lying to get FISA warrants.
Hmm if it is NOTHING, then why so many shill slide threads?
If you have to lie to make your side sound good, you are the bad side.
Oh and btw that civil war your pay master is trying to incite? Yeah that will get you killed, likely me too along with 50 mil of our closest friends, so its in everyones best interest (except the elites) it not happen.
But that's false. Comey and his Deputy Director signed the original warrant in 2016 as well as the renewals. Why are you lying?
In order to conduct surveillance, a FISA application comes from the FISC, to be approved and acted by the DOJ and FBI. The application leaves out certain information in order for it to be approved. The things which were left out also point to criminal actions on part of those involved.
The fact that the Steele dossier was paid for by the DNC and Clinton through Fusion GPS and Perkin Coie.
The fact that Steele was working with an unnamed person, and was aslo paid for by the FBI.
The fact that Steele provided the information for a Yahoo article which was used as evidence, under the direction of Fusion and Perkins, controlled by the DNC/Clinton.
Steele should have been terminated as a source for his media contact, but concealed and lied to the FBI about it.
The fact that Steele was proven biased against Trump in a recording.
The fact that Steele was close with the DOJ even after being terminated from the FBI as a source.
Deputy director McCabe testified that no surveillance warrant would have been sought without the Steele dossier.
The application also lies about a Trump campaign advisor conspiring with Carter Page, where there is no evidence.
FBI agent Pete Strzok who had investigated the supposed conspiracy, and FBI attorney Lisa Page (unrelated to Carter Page) had conspired through texts to leak information to the media and discussed meeting with McCabe to discuss a "insurance" policy against President Trump's election
Shills are out in force on this thread. Trump wasn't supposed to win. We are the reason he won. They will do anything to demoralize and divide us.
Your right it is a nothing burger, but the echo chamber is going to use it as evidence to fire Rosenburg/Mueller.
Nunes didn't deny his staff coordinated with the white house to write the memo.
Treason charges can apply to employees. Ask yourselves whether you want to swing with her.
>why so many shill slide threads?
Some of us just like coming here when shit like this happens to watch Sup Forums get btfo.
Tick tock
Don't forget the part where they rape children at a pizzeria
posts like this are why reddit spacing is actually a good thing
for the swamp to be drained
Nobody is going to prison. The entire country is not ran by politicians, it's literally a show put on for the masses. When will you fucking idiots get this drilled into your head?
You are correct, and you are an intelligent person.
Nothing to see here, move along user.
They rigged an entire primary all while pointing their finger across the aisle accusing the other side of that very action. They colluded with news agencies to get questions ahead of town halls. They destroyed evidence in the middle of an FBI investigation. She lied under oath. They refused to let the FBI look at their server they claimed had been hacked by the Russians, lol. They paid Steele for a dossier that you yourself, James, called "salacious and unverified". They then took that dossier to a FISA court to get permission to spy on a Presidential campaign. Then yesterday all we were told all day long by your lying cohorts Nancy and Adam was that if this memo was released our national security would be severely threatened. All the Left does is lie. It's all you have, lies and empty accusations and dismissive condescension. The tide has turned, James. Wouldn't be surprised if we see you before a panel and ultimately in a comfy federal pen.
"Independently" confirmed using a media source also planted by Steele.
I never said they were, and you may or may not be correct.
Memo says nothing and basically Trump will be arrested in the future.
Putin btfo.
>Implying that's all there is to it
You're only seeing what one party wants you to see, retard. There's more to it than just Steeleshit, and you know it.
>tfw the memo is so literally nothing I constantly have to shill here and tell people it's nothing
Go back to your shithole favela rat, this is an adult thread
Just watch the interview with Nancy Pelosi yesterday on Cuomo and then watch the Nunes interview with Baier today and you tell me who acts like they have nothing to hide and who looks like they're being honest. I'll give ya a hint. It sure ain't Nancy.
Trolling I get. But this isnt that, its cooridinated and planned. If I wasnt a native I wouldnt notice. The little tell tale signs give it away. But as I said, if you have to lie, you are wrong.
>McCabe Resigns
>DNC is throwing a shitfit
Nothing to see here goyims. everything is purely coincidental.
Do you have sauce for that?
t. shill
You can't slide a sticky you dumb nigger.
not entirely true, it did confirm the Steele Dossier in regards to Carter Page working with the Russians.
probably not what reps had in mind thou
>commie flag
>shill thread
>he thinks sage unbumps
The media = Democrats
So yes, the Democrats made a lot of noise. Especially Pelosi the other night talking to Cuomo
You're either a libshit shill, or you're woefully uninformed and should not be posting.
Either way, fuck off back to Tumblr.
Exactly also this memo is a huge distraction from the fact that the stockmarket is currently in a free fall.
Fun how that shit was paraded around for months yet when trumps policies starting to show a bit and the markets crash they're no where to be seen?
You have to go back
Nellie Ohr agrees!
No please stay. Ignore nazishit
The problem isn't that "it's nothing"
It's bigger than Watergate. If the parties were switched, Trump would be in jail this very instant.
The problem is that despite how damning the evidence is, nothing will happen. The people who holds the cards won't let it happen because it would upset the balance of power and their agendas would suffer.
so many alt-left retards in this thread. shills get the oven first.
Kek wills it. Let the memo open the doors to chaos.
Feels gud.msi
So, tl;dr, we get official confirmation of shit that we have known since the election happened, as well as snippets that were hinted at being true for the past 20 or so years, right?
Fuck off shill. If you see no problems within the memo and Dossier Gate, you're a problem.
nice slide fag now i know its real
race war
It's true there isn't shit in the memo wtf
FISA warrants for the FBI to wiretap foreign spies were used against US citizes for bullshit reasons. Regardless of the parties involved, I consder this to be serious shit.
What? The front page of the liberal blogosphere quotes dem lawmakers as calling it treason.
>meme flag
>shiity shill memes
>is shilling damage control about the memo
Yeah you're clearly a legitimate, genuine Sup Forums user and lurker. Oh and you're not getting a (You) since some of you cucks literally get paid by the (You).
There's nothing there dude
Carter Page was being watched by the FBI 3 years prior to Carter joining the Trump campaign. This is verified fact.
Think of it as a bump refund.
Just because you aren't smart enough to understand what it says doesn't mean it didn't say anything.
So, let me get this straight. It is illegal for NSA to spy upon American citizens, so the Americans went to partner agency GCHQ (UK) and got them to do the spying on Carter page?
Is this what happened?
Well? Plz respond
The Steel dossier didnt start the Russia investigation or the FISA warrant on Carter Page. The Russia investigation began in the summer of 2016 NOT in December 2016 when the dossier was supplied. The FBI had been monitoring Carter Page for years - that he was being recruited by russian spies years ago is public knowledge.
Absolute nothing burger
so what did it say
Guess we finally agree on something
Reddit spacing:
FBI continued a relationship with Steele after he was terminated for leaks to the Press.
His DOJ contact, Bruce Ohr, stated anti-Trump bias.
Ohr's wife worked for Fusion GPS, on the project funded by DNC and HRC campaign to dig up anti-Trump information.
Ohr provided his wife's information to the Page FISA application, without providing sources.
FBI agent Pete Strzok opened a Trump-Russia collusion investigation in July 2016.
Pete Strzok had a mistress with FBI lawyer Lisa Page (not related to Carter Page).
Strzok's and Lisa Page's lover text messages demonstrate clear anti-Trump bias.
Shortly after his meeting with Trump, Comey BEGINS A DIARY OF HIS CONVERSATIONS WITH TRUMP.
>tfw busted
Comey signed 3 FISA applications on Carter Page with full knowledge that:
-Steele had been terminated as an FBI source.
-The information in the FISA applications was based on Steele/Fusion GPS research
-That research was paid for by DNC/HRC campaign
This memo is every bit as big as it's made out to be.
>reddit spacing