>What I'm watching next season.
Hopefully it will be better than this season was.
What are you watching?
Summer 2017
Other urls found in this thread:
Nothing because seasonal anime is trash.
this. long runners are the best, hands down
I watch every show every season unless it's a second season of something I haven't watched yet
What a fucking waste of time.
Top middle, bottom middle and bottom right. Probably nothing else
why would you do that?
Where the hell would you get the time to do that?
Almost everything
Why are you even here?
Abyss, centaur pussy, and New Game S2 all look.
I cant really give a fuck about whatever that shoujo shit is, or WORDS WORDS WORDS: the anime
It's just like 3 or 4 episodes a day you bakas
When do you watch old shows? 90% of anime worth watching aired before 2000.
I usually drop 3-4 shows every season so I use that timeframe to work on my backlog.
Musekinin GalaxyTylor
any good romcom or any scifi action? something you can laugh while watching ecchi/cute stuff or shooting?
I'm ready for some animated tactical imperialist action.
The better question is why are you? 50% of Sup Forums is shonen or long running games/kids anime. Seasonal shit barely exist on the board, just this season only eromanga and re:creators got anything more then a 100-200 post thread on release day.
Sounds like your just a casual fag who doesn't step foot in threads for much shows. Stuff like FAG and Kado easily reach bump limit on airing days.
Even SukaSuka reached bump limit a few times on release day
Everything, once again. Then I'll slowly drop shows as I lose interest on them.
Reminder that all good shows of the past were once seasonal shows as well.
That is my point, on airing days some shows can get a full thread. But I can almost always find a one piece/dragon ball/yu-gi-oh/snk/bnha/HxH/Naruto/jojo thread. I can find kemono/re-zero threads. I can find 2-3 draw threads or a buyfag thread.
But seasonal shows that aren't in the top 5? Barely get 1 or 2 threads a week. Usually on the verge of death or getting a bump or two every 10 minutes.
top left and top right
Almost every show get a episode thread you filthy casual, leave and dont come back please.
Hajimete no Gal
Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita
Stain arc/Toga
No Game No Life: Zero
I feel like they would have to go out of there way to make this season anything less than enjoyable... it won't be 2006, but at the very least I could just reread the source material.
why are you fucking retarded casuals posting on this board?
why are newfags so fucking retarded dudes
Nah they're right. Watching a lot of anime is one thing. Watch most airing anime is retarded. Most of it is garbage. At least work on all the 70s and 80s and you missed.
I haven't decided yet. I'm definitely picking up Fate/Apocrypha since I'm a Type Moon fag. ShÅkoku no Altair looks interesting as well.
You sound like a casual. You never know how shit a show is until you give it a go.
How else should he spend his time oh mighty decider
>Most of its garbage
So you watch almost all of the airing shows? I highly doubt that. Anybody who actually tries to watch a full ~30+ shows a season realizes that a lot of the best shows are not the shows they thought would be good.
A lot of shows have a strong start and fall apart by episode 6-7. Some shows are absolutely awful in till episode 10 where you realize the show grew on you and it becomes a favorite. If you aren't trying everything then you are either
A) letting other people dictate what is "good" or
B) Judging a show completely off of its looks/summary
How would you have not watched something if you watch everything every season?
This is true. If you don't watch one episode of every single show, you don't belong here.
You can't know if a show will be good with one episode. You might as well just watch the preview. But it's a waste of time to watch the 4-5 episodes necessary to figure it out for every fucking show.
I've seen enough shows to figure out which ones will be good. The few times I've been wrong, I've been able to figure it out from Sup Forums threads.
Basically, you guys trying out all the shows are the real casuals
Karadasagashi, it has a 0.1% chance of being the first good horror anime and 99.9% chance of being amazing funposting fuel
>waste of time to figure out if a show is good or not,
Watching anime as a whole is a waste of time. Why even bother if you just drop anything that you "sense" will be shit. I see so many shows that are trash but I accept that the show is trash and enjoy it for what it is. Sometimes it turns out way better then expected.
Also the idea that you can use Sup Forums as a gauge for what is good that you missed out on is retarded. Sup Forums barely discusses anything besides the top 10 of a season. Just this season there were 24/7 eromanga threads yet nearly 0 sakurada threads. 24/7 Re:creator threads but only a couple Machiavellianism threads.
this season is shaping up to be the worst season in years, so much that everything you're anticipating in your picture is guaranteed to either be shit or completely unmemorable, overrated trash.
>judging a show completely off of its looks is bad! muh three episode rule!!1
except in the case where you were to have a brain, whereas this is then a perfectly sensible way to judge a series.
>three episode rule
I'm literally advocating watching ~30+ shows to completion/ a season. Not to some arbitrary 3 episode rule. The "I have a brain" excuse is retarded. What your able to tell something will be garbage on episode 4 when it had such a promising first 3 episodes? What about the show that sucked ass in till episode 5 but then all of sudden it got really interesting on 6.
The only valid justification for not watching a lot of anime is either not liking anime, being to busy for anime or being someone who cherry picks from a bunch of hobbies without devoting themselves to any of them.
What's so bad about this season? There seems to be a fair amount of fantasy/adventure type shows that could be quite interesting.
fuck now that I think about it I have nothing to watch on summer except bnha, what are your predictions for summer's aots anons?
cause I didn't start 20 years ago
This makes me feel better, been too damn busy working and being married to watch much lately. I thought marrying an Asian girl she would want to watch anime with me... was so wrong. But she makes hella good eggrolls so I have that going for me which is nice.
>all asians must like anime
Definitely not edgy shotacon garbage like made in abyss
let me apologize for everyone that doesn't have the ability to watch 30 series a season, of which at least 2/3 are guaranteed to be utter shit. regardless, your argument is inane, as very few series manage to have those "promising first three episodes".
coupled with that, the argument of "a show that sucked ass until episode 6" is beyond fucking retarded. if a show wastes two and a half hours to entertain me, then it's shit. why the fuck would something like that be good? my point wasn't even that you have to watch one episode to tell if it's shit; i'm saying that in most cases, you can just take a look at the cover and determine that it's fucking shit. if that's not enough, take a look at a PV. by then, 99% of the time, it should be quite clear if the show is watchable or not.
It's not that she doesn't like anime, but she hates watching subtitles, and I refuse to listen to crappy dubs. Plus she likes more slice of life type stuff and I like darker anime. And she's definitely a casual, where I used to watch like a full season in a night every night. But me and the wife do everything together, so if she doesn't watch I don't watch. Makes me a little sad, but other than that she's amazing.
It has nothing to do with the hidden quality of the show. Theyre just pushing this ridiculous notion that you can somehow be better at watching anime than someone else simply by consuming more shows a season so that they can feel better about what ever uneventful life allows them to waste so much time.
I get enjoying a little bit of escapism. I understand really enjoying the medium. But being elitist about it is the stupidest shit and really doesn't belong here.
>shotacon garbage
it's you again isn't it desuarchive.org
Only Made in abyss, I suppose.
You do know that there's a thing known as the three episode rule, right? It works in 99% of the cases, the missing 1% is KKK.
That rule exists because after three episodes, it should be clear whether or not you have interest in a show - obviously, your interest might die off even before that, or maybe much later, so it's merely a suggestion. In any case, it exists so people feel encouraged to try shows out and give them a chance at catching their attention, it doesn't have anything to do with the objective quality of a show because anime is nothing more than entertainment -- if you aren't feeling entertained by a show, then please drop it and move on.
Sticking to a show regardless of how much you like it is almost as dumb of an idea as disregarding everything because "the industry is dying".
>doesn't have the ability to watch 30 series a season
Watching 30 shows in a season averages to a little bit over 4 episodes per day, which means slightly under 2 hours per day spent on your hobby. Are you really unable to dedicate that tiny amount of time to something you like?
>states that more than 66% of every season is shit that isn't even worth trying out
>dares to call the other user's argument "inane"
Ah yeah. You just don't like anime.
nothing, summer sucks
Abyss looks promising, the rest is trash.
I liked this season. The shows harder to complete were Oratoria and Sin:Nanatsu no Taizai.
Had fun with the rest, especially CWP, FAGs, Twin Angel Break, eromanga, Natsume and finally Bahamut, that took a while but its fun again.
Next season seems hard though.
Not hard, I do the same, you can spare 2h a day with a bit more or less on weekends and its pretty easy.
An episode of 25min means 2 shows per hour, or 4 per day, that translates to almost 30 shows a week.
Nothing wrong with that if you enjoy those shows. The real problem is when people watch so many anime just for the sake of completion.
And what exactly makes you think they are not pleb tier like and already did that?
Be less casual.
>the typical current year Sup Forumsnon legitimately thinks the board is for generals
Kill me now.
The upcoming season looks supremely trash. I had my hopes up after this season.
There's a whole bunch of maybes:
Symphogear (Which I must be the most reluctant fan of around by now given that I've been less enthusiastic about every season since S1)
Isekai Shokudou (Because I have no idea what the fuck it's meant to be so it might be good)
THE REFLECTION (Anime superhero shows have been consistently decent in the past, mite b cool even if it is DEEN)
Knights & Magic (Anything with mecha automatically earns a 3 episode test from me, otherwise I'm not expecting much).
Honestly the only thing I actually have high hopes for is Made In Abyss.
>the only thing i do is watch anime all the time and that makes me bettet than you
Lol imagine being this stupid
Spending 2 hours every single day on currently airing anime is pretty hard actually, especially if you also read VNs/Manga/books, play vidya, work on your backlog or study something. Not to mention you might miss one of the days and in that case you'll have to spend 4/6/8/etc hours to catch up.
Then you need to increase your level.
There's also lots of weekends with nothing to do that you can watch 10h worth of episodes with no problem, which gives leeway for the next week.
If you work you should not have problems, if you study you might, but that's the reason backlog exists.
I mean, I understand that people cant be bothered to watch all the shit shows themselves but instead just pick up the stuff that is successful, but watching 35 shows a season requires around 14 hours a week and thats assuming you dont drop anything. I thats an insane amount of time to drop on your hobby then you might wanna rethink your life choice or stop letting your employer treat you like a slave. If youre a student its almost impossible to not have at least 3 times that much freetime. Unless youre one of those people who claims to study 20 hours a day for some completety wicked reason (while in reality its more like 5, with Sup Forums, netflix, some girlfriend and 10hrs of sleep filling the hours that are "not freetime"). Always laughable reading all these Americans claim how they have no freetime, when in reality they are just shit at managing their time or cant be bothered to commit.
I wish i still could care about Symphogeah.
I doubt most of the "watching every show" do actually watch every single one of them.
Did you watch the new Duel Masters (2017) or Beyblade shows for example? I doubt it.
>just pick up the stuff that is successful,
>I thats an insane amount of time to drop on your hobby
Your pleb is showing. Not a single show outside GBF and Cinderlla Girls was successful this season.
>(while in reality its more like 5, with Sup Forums, netflix, some girlfriend and 10hrs of sleep filling the hours that are "not freetime").
Fucking normalfags that can't even manage their time properly, I fucking swear.
>watching anime is a hobby
If you're not some newfag that watched less than 400 anime, I doubt you can watch every single show and enjoy it. There's bound to be a bunch of anime that you watch simply because you "have to" not because you actually like them.
I hope very very very much Centaur no Nayami will not suck because of studio.
Time to save this shit thread.
Ballroom e Youkoso
Isekai Shokudou
Jikan no Shihaisha
Konbini Kareshi
Made in Abyss
Nana Maru San Batsu
Princess Principal
Shoukoku no Altair
The Reflection Wave One
Vatican Kiseki Chousakan
Youkai Apartment no Yuuga na Nichijou
Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e
Stop being retarded, they're talking about seasonal series, that are usually new shows, not the everyday old franchise shows.
Are you serious? You call being able to watch a lot of anime a good time management? More like you have nothing else to do
>but watching 35 shows a season requires around 14 hours a week and thats assuming you dont drop anything. I thats an insane amount of time to drop on your hobby then you might wanna rethink your life choice or stop letting your employer treat you like a slave
That's not insane compared to people who read one or two books every week, watch multiple movies and TV shows, or spend hours every day playing video games.
Newfags can't even watch 3 shows a season, they cherrypick 2 (usually shows that already have a fanbase like Fate) spam that its AOTS and feel good with themselves.
Nobody is paying anons here to watch anime, if they watch its obviously because they like it. Sure some might lie, but some might also be telling the truth, so nothing changes.
Because some people can't do it, doesn't mean nobody can.
>if they watch its obviously because they like it
You're new is showing.
>Your pleb is showing. Not a single show outside GBF and Cinderlla Girls was successful this season.
Popular then, you know what I mean you fucking retard. They wait for people to rate shit on MAL and then pick it up which is why shows like Tsuki ga Kirei had good threads until e4 and afterwards all the NTR loving normalfags streamed into the show and its respective threads and ruined them. Its the same shit every season.
Thats whats most of them usually will blow their time on. They claim to have no freetime whatsoever and then you ask them what their day looks like. Its either those things or the claim that they study 20hrs a day.
It should be obvious that I never claimed for it to be insane. The "I" was supposed to be an "If", should be clear from the context. My entire post is about how 14hrs a wek arent a lot to spend on your hobby.
Hi Sup Forumseddit
>watching less than 20 shows a season
lurk more retards
Yea but that people do something they like. There is absolutely no way that someone enjoys all the anime in a season, or are you implying that every anime is good and fun to watch?
How would you ever be able to answer that question unless you watch the shows, though?
It takes less than 2 hours a night, dumb newfag. Just go to bed an hour earlier.
That's less time then almost any other hobby out there.
You have people that play shit like League of Legends a minimum 4 hours a day everyday, a single series episode on netflix is usually 45 minutes (2 anime episodes) and people don't watch a single one a day, people that watch TV from 6pm to 9pm are speding 3 hours a day on it, etc etc.
14h a week watching anime is less time than what you spend shitposting on your cross Sup Forums boards.
No one talks about "watching every single show", however watching every single first or first few episodes is very normal. I know most of the non-original stuff adapted since already read source material mostly, but i still check pretty much everything despite knowing what to expect.
In most cases youll see if the show is for you after watching first episode - and decide if give it few more.
I usually start watching everything, most up to ep 3 or so, and then during season sloaly cut down to 5-6 shows i actually care. Sometimes even less.
Because i can read what the anime is about, if the topic is shit, it doesnt matter that the anime is good, because it will not be fun to watch.
Do you even visit those shows threads? It doesn't seem so.
>or are you implying that every anime is good and fun to watch?
They must enjoy it to some extent if they can dig watching all of it for so long.
I don't understand them but I don't understand people who watch reality shows or twitch video game streamers for hours either.
But watching anime for 2 hours a day doesn't seem big to me. Just recently I've binge-watched the entirety of SZS in less than a week, while going to work too.
Youre completely fucking high if you think that people arent just watching stuff to complain about it. Thats basically what most people did this season. They watched eromanga to complain about incest, tsuki ga kirei to complain about it being boring, rokudenashi to complain about it being a shit adaption etc.
I'll try these:
Jikan no Shihaisha
Knight's & Magic
Touken Ranbu
Made in Abyss
Isekai Shokudou.
And hope something turns out good enough to spend my fujobucks on.
Yes, I do, and there are always some faggots telling everyone that they "glad the show is over" or that "they can't wait till this shit is over". Some people here have always forced themselves to finish certain shows for the sake of completion, not because they actually like those shows. It's a common knowledge.
>There is absolutely no way that someone enjoys all the anime in a season, or are you implying that every anime is good and fun to watch?
Not everyone is the same. I can't understand how some people love to play games for hours and hours amd we have those streamers that do some 24h-no sleep gameplays or something like that.
I mean, people here might now watch literally every show, but you can be sure that there will be some that can watch 30+ shows with no problem and like it.
Then you're retarded, because that's some stupid logic and you might be losing some hidden gems or even something new that you can end up personally liking, like a new genre for exemple.
>implying shitposters actually watch
They only shit the threads and shitpost, we had thia diacussion already when the triple battle school harem, Asterisk x Stella x Anti-Magic, happened.
If people start hating the series, they'll jist drop it, shitpost is shitpost and its unrelated.
>it doesnt matter that the anime is good, because it will not be fun to watch
This is 100% bait. Kill yourself.
>But watching anime for 2 hours a day doesn't seem big to me
Not him, but of course it doesn't untill you actually try it. Systematically spending 2 hours every single day for a whole year isn't as easy as it seems, especially if you're not new to anime.
Ever heard of the 3ER?
i queue up a playlist before i go to sleep and if i don't finish it i watch it while eating or throughout the next day and do the same thing again every night. the only problem is sometimes you binge watch backlog shows and get a little bit backlogged on current airing shows, but you catch up quickly anyway.
Do you think all people who finished Glasslip actually liked it? Or Divine Gate? Or Chaos Dragon? The list could go on and on. And as the other user said, people sometimes finish the show so they could complain about it.
It's literally just 2 hours a day, its pretty damn easy, unless you have to spend time on something else that is as worthless, but you value more, like my normie friends that only watched Jojo and say that they don't have time to watch more anime, but have to get gold or something on league of legends and play it for hours and hours like its any important.
If you don't have enough time to watch anime, then shitpost less on Sup Forums, that'll give you an extra 1 episode a day minimum, I'd bet.
>Divine Gate
>tfw I liked it.
I watch everything for the last ~4 years and have only dropped probably 1 show a season. I finished Chaos Dragon and dropped Divine Gate.
Retard, im not gonna watch a show about something i dont like. Why is it so hard for you autists to understand? Anime is just a form of entertainment, nothing more.