i have a question for any jews around here. what's your relationship to god, compared to christians. from what i've read (granted it's not the best source, which is why i'm asking) jews do believe in the morality imposed by god, but functionally they are quite detached from it for various reasons. is this so? not talking about the goy shit bc that's pretty much proven to be true but i'm asking how the jewish bible could preach a hard set of rules of morality, yet at the same time many jews are pretty fucking degenerate even according to their own standards. would you see degeneracy as a sin, or as a natural instinct that's more or less justified by man's animalistic nature that god wont get so mad about
I have a question for any jews around here. what's your relationship to god, compared to christians...
it's simple: the jews are blinded and live in a perpetual state of sin and rejection of God. the Jews are worshiping some form of satanic god, they do NOT worship the Christian God, because the bible says that "he who hath not the son, the same hath not the father". so whatever they're worshiping is NOT God. God's wrath is on the jews: "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him."
>he expects an honest answer
there are honest jews. the most ardent anti semites were at least half jews
Define "relationship with god"
do they aspire to be pious, do they feel guilty when commiting sins bc they know god sees all, or do they just say fuck it and rationalize to themselves that god's actually a bro who wouldnt allow sins in the first place if he were against it, so they go ahead being dick heads thinking god actually doesnt mind cus they're special and chosen.
idk about that, it seems to me that it would be the same god/entity, they just describe it differently than christians
>or do they just say fuck it and rationalize to themselves that god's actually a bro who wouldnt allow sins in the first place if he were against it
Other theists do this too, why ask just jews?
i'm giving you the Christian perspective. in fact, the Bible has most of the answers to your questions. in the New Testament, we learn that the jews had created a completely new religion and weren't being pious and following the law like God wanted them to. they constantly warped and abused God's law in weird ways. when God said don't take the Lord's name in vain, they refused to even say God's name.. when God said maximum of 40 whips, they did 39, they worshiped pots and pans but had no faith in God himself.
As far as i can tell, the demon/spirit/alien/god which was leading the Israelites around the deserts, found them to be a most annoying and disappointing group of disciples.
As others have mentioned, they constantly fucked up basic instructions, acted like idiots and "god" became so annoyed with them that on one occasion when the prophet tries to invite god down to join the jews in battle, god refuses saying " im so pissed at these fools that if i go down i might kill them all, so im staying up here on the mountain"
yeah but jews are supposedly religious, they are studying their talmud and all that pretty seriously, and they believe in their moses magic, their space wizard that chose them out of all the people in the world, and their space wizard had a prophecy for them.
now it just so happens that at least in theory their space wizards is the christian god as well. i'm asking how the fuck do they reconcile all this bullshit
ok they got a different god, different set of rules. as far as i know their god is against degeneracy as well, even moreso when it happens inside jewish communities and not to goy communities. my question is how do they reconcile all the degenerate shit they put out like porn, tobacco, drugs and sex slave, and at the same time they think they're pleasing their god, or at the very least not bothering him.
it's really mind boggling. most other religions would aknowledge that criminals get some punishment, but not jews
Random question: do you follow the old testament? Why/why not
jews don't follow the Old Testament. they follow something called the "Talmud", which is a new Bible that they created long after Jesus came to earth. in the Talmud, the Jews blaspheme Jesus and gentiles and say that gentiles will be the slaves of jews, etc. it's a wicked religion, that's how they justify all their filthiness and wickedness that commit to gentiles.
Ah i see. From my perspective, i dont see much of a difference in leap from either position, it seems from what youre saying they arent being consistent but a "space wizard" existing seems to be an odd claim in theism i cant grasp as far as belief/faith.
yes, Christians absolutely should follow the Old Testament. all of God's commandments are still standing. Jesus makes this clear when he says that nothing shall pass away from the law until everything is fulfilled. Paul also talks about how sin in the law still exists even after being saved through faith in Jesus. the only things that were specifically done away with in Christ are the Old Testament laws that specifically were designed to be temporary and to be a foreshadowing of the coming of Jesus -- those things are the carnal ordinances, the holy days, the animal sacrifices, the laws about meats and drinks, etc. it says in Hebrews 9 and 10 that those things were "a shadow of things to come" and "a figure of the time then present".
so yes, christians need to follow the Old Testament law just like anyone else. the entire law still stands, and God doesn't change. Jesus made no changes to the law.
They worship the jinn Maymun
i dont quite get what you're trying to say
i know that they justify wickedness towards goys easily through talmud, but i'm talking about degeneracy that they take part in. things like orgies, weird rituals, chopping their kids' dicks, all kinds of gay domination and lesbian shit, and the sex slave ring
fun fact, jewish women were the first to be blacked, because it was seen as extremely degenerate at the time yet they didnt give a shit
like i said, corrupting goys is beneficial for them according to their belief, yet according to their belief being into gays and blacks is bad, but they still do it. they still have their own morality that only jews follow, and they break even those rules
I never understood the argument for believers of the bible to ignore that portion. So he makes rules, then states in hebrews that they are no longer rules? Or does he preface the original rules with something then claims they are no longer rules?
I mean as far as the overall belief of a metaphysical being seems odd, the error they dont want to admit seems miniscule to the other claims. I mean, its the point of the thread. Im just not jewish, obviously.
i completely agree with this. however their attitude is not only hypocritical but completely exagerated compared to followers of other religions. they take religious bias and they turn it up to extreme levels.
it's even more hypocritical when you take into account the fact they effectively pushed christianity into europe, now they're the ones disavowing it. throughout history they've the greatest moralists, and the greatest generalists. the cognitive dissonance going on in their culture is out of this world.
they enforce strict rules for following their religion, they teach their kids strictly, their mothers coddle the kids with excessive classic morality, even if they went to woodstock and got railed by 10 dudes at a time in a tent. kids are meant to do good in school and be serious and then end up the biggest junkies, gamblers and sexual degenerates. all the while they maintain and truly believe that they are god's chosen people, they are in fact doing the right things, despite the fact that like said they fail to follow their own set of simple basic instructions
That last paragraph is too real. I dated one in my early 20s, it was a fucking mess dude. I cannot express how insane she was, family was nice though.
oddly enough the families are always nice, they disagree about a lot but they're close as fuck.
and as much as i tried to dehumanize jews they're not exactly degenerate aliens compared to goys, it's just that they think they are