Thoughts on this game? Will you be joining millions of other players as a they decimate a christian, white-supremacist cult? :PPPPP
Thoughts on this game? Will you be joining millions of other players as a they decimate a christian...
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waiting for this pc mod
Sup Forums didn't freak out when we were shooting niggers or chinks, the only reason they fucking freak out now is because you all have a god damn persecution complex. It's fucking stupid. I mean fucking seriously, why does Sup Forums identify with a waco tier cult?
Come the fuck on, one of the main friendly NPCs is a white guy and son of a veteran, and Sup Forums pretends like he doesn't exist. Also the fucking preacher man who is an actual Christian. If Sup Forums identifies more with the fucking cultists than the actual Christians it's their own fucking fault.
can we play as them? that red head guy on the right sorta looks like me.
naw man, no one gives a shit about this game
the point of the photoshop is to show the double-standard with regard to treating christians as a punching bag because it is the least controversial thing to do
we all know ubisoft would get charlie hebdo'd if they tried this shit with muzzies and the jews would sue them and accuse them of antisemitism if they tried it with the Zionists
>Just enjoy your subversion goy.
awwww, poor christians. it sucks not to be in charge anymore, doesn't it?
Not a white supemicist cult. It has black members.
>Ubisoft game
>A bunch of dumb "pay us more" editions
Everyone is arguing over the whole plot of the game, while I just refuse to bother with a game with such obvious levels of jewery to have a bunch of dumb expensive "special editions with useless toy and some of the DLC". I hate that shit in games and from what I see, Farcry 5 is the biggest offender of this bullshit when it has literally 2 special editions on top of the regular 60bux base game with literally nothing.
The fuck are you talking about? Games about shooting muslims are released fucking constantly. What kind of fucking bubble do you need to construct in order to think like this?
We shoot muslims and niggers and chinks fucking constantly. And you say this is the least fucking controversial? I do not remember anyone even making a peep the last time. Fuck man.
Fuck ubisoft, far cry 3 was the best one, far cry 4 in india was cringy , wildlands tried to be hard although they did their little reaserch on el pozero but all in all their games lack depth all of em. They also mentionned Sup Forums in wildlands
Dont support these cucks and stop making fucking threads about it because they monitor this place.
Far cry 4 was in India?
Of course I pre-ordered it. Even put down an extra 30$ for the "Fuck Drumpf and Fuck White People" edition.
It's gonna be lit
Well, it pretty much was like Nepal. Aren't they mountain Pajeets?
I thought Tibet or something like that, but I think it's Nepal yeah, so they are mountain pajeets? Interesting.
We're doing it IRL in about 25 years.
name some, where the villains are jews
Yeah I will, because that cult is deranged and killing innocent white dudes for no reason and take the word of God completely out of context. Fuck off.
Every time they use Muslims in a game it always turns out to be that they were being manipulated by “evil white men.”
In all of the Call of Duty games it’s always a white guy behind everything
>throw $60 at another boring copy paste open world game with a nonsense forgettable story
>when you can pirate it on PC for free and play it on max graphics
consolefags are truly a disease, they always buy cuckold trash even if they're "red pilled", and they have no shame in it
cults like this are few and far between, to take a game and make it all about some very rare circumstance like this makes it hard to suspend your disbelief in the first place, not to mention how they're sort of making christianity look bad like islam in a time where islam is seeking to destroy the west and is managing to outbirth us 5 to 1 and flood our countries
just admit it you're a cum guzzling faggot shill
why the fuck dont we have ANY next gen games set in fighting in fucking middle east?
all these faggot nu-male game developers need to go broke and find a new line of work or starve
Waco and the Branch-Davidians was actual pretty peaceful, the ATF and the FBI went in and fucked em all up and told media they were a cult and had abused children and stuff. False, if ours going to use this as a comparison to something else, atleast do your research. They legal sold the guns they had, the atf got a warrant based off lies and so much more
go back to Sup Forums and kys
I'm actually going to buy it just because I like Far Cry's gameplay.
Also be sure to buy Fallout 4 and Skyrim Special Edition today!
Keep politics out of vidya period unless it is historically accurate.
waco did nothing wrong
>proven wrong
Maybe you should just do us all a favor and stop existing.
maybe sooner
>meme flag
so you are trying to derail the conversation with inane Bullshit then.
Seems like it would make country living unironically great and attractive.
to be honest while i relish a new far cry game, i feel like this is a way to make a cash grab on the whole conservative right christian punching bag. It's especially concerning as this is basically the strawman of trump and the right. all in all i love far cry, but this game strawmaning the right, yet playing it off as a jonestown reference. DESPITE THE FACT THAT JIM JONES AND JONESTOWN WAS LIBERAL AND SOCIALIST
Im just glad theres no obnoxious over confident black bitch in this game. And you can always pretend the cultists are hmm i dont know, isis, unless youre some unamerican piece of shit who would rather kill christians.
Can't wait until we get to hang the faggots by piano wire.
And by faggots I mean mentally ill queer faggots.
Am I talking about the video game?
I can't wait to liberate towers and spend hours collecting colored plants.
>paying leftist Jews to rot away your own time
True test of retardation.
>Im just glad theres no obnoxious over confident black bitch in this game.
One of the mercenaries that helps you is a sassy black woman with an afro and sniper rifle. Because, you know, mercenaries and operators are often black women.
All I want out of Ubi is Blood Dragon 2
Is that seriously so much to ask that they need to make April fools jokes about it?
Agree. Far cry 3 was one of the best games I ever played.
>Console gaming
Literally all of it has turned into an SJW circlejerk. This is why shit on PC is better. There's zero SJW or leftykike bullshit in Escape from Tarkov or PUBG.
Buy the game, goy
Yes, it does. But what's going to suck more is what's going to happen to you if you keep persecuting whites so blatantly. Remember, your subversion and infiltration only works if the goy stays asleep. You do realize you are fucking with those who created most powerful nation on earth right?
>what's going to happen to you if you keep persecuting whites
The time of "if" has passed. Communists wanted a war on positive values, family, whites, white culture, and white western culture. They kept pushing. Whites kept appeasing. Camels backs are broken and breaking. There is no turning back for them now for the seeds they've sowed.
That's where you're wrong kiddo. I'm fully hyped to decimate blasphemous red neck cultists while fighting alongside a real preacher of the word of God.
What the fuck is the meaning of this image? How the fuck do they come to this conclusion?
And no, "Link crossdressing" isn't a good answer when you consider trannies get triggered to high hell over that shit.