Watched the movie Darkest Hour.... It seems like some bullshit propoganda. Why do people actually believe this shit?
Churchill a Churchshill?
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Muh Histree!
Haven't seen the movie but the trailers look pretty bluepilled.
If it doesn't portray Churchill as a bloodthirsty alcoholic madman it's probably not worth watching
Old fat retarded Zionist cunt, I'm tired right now and going to bed soon so I can't be arsed to go into it properly. The best defence Churchkike shills have is that he ran on the slogan "Keep England White" in the 50s .. and it's like, so? And what? What does that even mean, how does that benefit us now? Even when he was in power again after the war he did nothing to reverse the immigration.
He destroyed Europe's last gasp for his jewish financiers and it shows today.
you should watch:
You're a freak, you know that right? England bent over backwards for Germany, letting them take over Spain, Czechoslovakia and Austria. But Poland was just too much. As was the invasion of Russia.
The only way Jews got their state was by blowing up repugnant Anglo-Saxons in 1946.
Irving is a faggot. Ignores how Britain bent over backwards regarding Spain.
>disagrees with me on one second/tertiary thing
why would you watch that movie OP?
its from jewwood can't be anywhere close to the truth
It looks AWFUL too.
im half anglo and half germanic, feels bad
It changes everything. If you don't take Spain into account it makes Churchill look stubborn, not Hitler.
Just ignore Spain. Good undermensch.
wow based polski!
>h-hitler was the good guy he just ironically invaded 15 countries
if it's made in jewlywood, it's propaganda.
>Why do people actually believe this shit?
Because the Jews repeat it over and over again.
You're an idiot if you think preventing Germany from taking Poland was in the national interest of England. There was no strategic interest or political logic to declaring war on a nation you could not defeat without help from a stronger power. The British Empire no longer exists because of the traitorous and corrupt "statesmen" that helped usher in the destruction of Europe by 1945.
>He actually thinks Hitler wanted to conquer Britain, what a gullible faggot!
>Hitler said he wanted peace, he wouldn't have invaded!
Again, fucktard. Keep ignoring how Britain let Germany take Spain.
>Britain was the good guy, it just ironically invaded 1/4th of the Earth
Churchill was a disgusting Jew-shill Freemason cunt
It is such an embarrassment on the anglo race that there 'greatest hero' was a fat, disgusting drunkard who was obsessed with mass murder and a paranoid schizo, what a disgusting person Churchill was as well as his fellow anglo scum.
except that's a VZ24 tho. The Germans captured a great number of them after the annexation of Czechoslovakia and incorporated them into about 11 divisions due to manual of arms similarity.
Britain bowed to Germany in Spain, Poland was too much.
no crying britbong...only dreams now
Nazi complaining about mass-murder
>You're an idiot if you think preventing Germany from taking Poland was in the national interest of England
Christ I hate Wehraboo fucks. The only reason the UK and France declared war over Poland because it was the straw that broke the camel's back. British foreign policy between 1800-1945 literally just consisted of "don't let [insert power here] take control of the continent".
Yeah man. France and England already bent backwards over Spain.
> (OP)
>what a disgusting person Churchill was
>as well as his fellow anglo scum.
Come on, now
I like Churchill.
>Britain let Germany take Spain.
What the fuck are you talking about? The German army never took Spain.
>France and England already bent backwards over Spain.
What are you blathering about?
Britain and France abandoned Spain to Italy and Germany. Everyone knows they could have helped the government a lot more.
If Dunkirk happened today, the British government would have sent the boats to bring the invaders over, because borders are just a racist social construct.
Churchill can rot in hell
user... Spain was officially neutral in WW2, though it pretty much was an Axis country. They helped the Germans out with intel and the like. I think you're confused. Germany didn't conquer Spain in WW2.
You stupid tit.
Spain was neutral during WWII
>burger education
>abandoned Spain to Italy and Germany
What did Italy and Germany do to Spain that was so terrible after being abandoned by Britain and France?
Yes, they appeased Hitler and Mussolini by not sending arms to the Republicans, and they appeased Hitler over Czechoslovakia and Austria. But Poland was too far.
>england let germany take over spain
how fucking stupid are you
That agreement is one of the reasons you aren't swimming in refugees Romania.
The Bombing of Guernica. Oh yeah, Franco killed 1 million Spainards.
Couldn't be worse than commies taking over.
He's talking about the Spanish Civil War, you absolute tit.
Why would you expect the British to intervene in a foreign civil war between Fascists and Anarcho-Syndicalists?
You're an idiot. Spain wasn't even on the radar in the 1930s for Franco-British foreign policy. They had enough shit to deal with let alone a civil war in some bumfuck, piss poor third world country like early 20th century Spain.
So the Third Reich sent air support to help Franco defeat commies, a friendly gesture from one fascist to another. What's your point?
>Franco killed 1 million Spainards
Commies don't believe in the state, and therefore aren't Spaniards. Also they're not people.
Yes and they didn't care about Czechoslovakia either.
"How horrible, fantastic, incredible it is that we should be digging trenches and trying on gas-masks here because of a quarrel in a far away country between people of whom we know nothing. It seems still more impossible that a quarrel which has already been settled in principle should be the subject of war."
>you aren't swimming in refugees Romania.
we aren't swimming because we have been drowned by the brits and the russians. No one wants to come to a corpse.
And France and England abandoned Spain to it's faith. But Hitler kept pushing.
>"It seems like some bullshit propoganda"
>watched a movie
user you got a lot to learn
Nazi Germany finished in 1945 and I am not 70+ years old.
You should see his family house.
(Blenheim palace, pic)
You'd understand his connection to the Rotheschilds, his ancestor got rich at the same time and in the same events that got the Rotheschilds global financial supremacy.
Also his 50% mutt blood mixed with righteous British pride, it's all a witches brew of kikiness and (((cooperation))).
>Yes and they didn't care about Czechoslovakia either.
They cared, but they didn't care enough to drag Europe into war over it. You need to look up Appeasement, and why it was the policy up until 1939. They only bothered intervening with Poland because it had become clear by that point that Hitler was treacherous and unwilling to restrain his autism.
Anyone seen the Bit when he goes on the tube and talks to a nigger?
Like there would be a nigger in world war 2 Britain.
“Oi Churchill kill dem nazis ye? All me grandsons won’t rape your granddaughters otherwise”
>France and England abandoned Spain to it's fate
A fate free from commies, sounds pretty good.
>Ameriburgers want to protect this
inb4 stupid stormfags blame Churchill for the war, even though Hitler invaded Poland first, and even though Churchill wasnt even PM when Britain declared war on Germany, and even though Chamberlain was the one to do it, even though He was the one who made numerous concessions to Hitler in the past, including letting him rebuild his military, annex the rhineland, annex Austria, and even called a special meeting of european leaders to just give Hitler the Sudetenland, all for Hitler to go back on his word each time.
>They only bothered intervening with Poland
And how were they going to intervene? There was no conceivable way of defending Poland.
If the invaders were Germans they wouldn't. Unless of course they were modern Germans
Read a book you fucking mutt.
>they didn't come out and say that Hitler did nothing wrong. Movie ruined
Why don't you just watch and enjoy the performance?
Churchill chose to continue the war after getting kicked off of the continent with no way of decisively defeating Germany on his own. Five years later and Europe was split between the USA and the Soviet Union run by a fucking Georgian.
>lmao churchill did nothing wrong
He was a sore loser, and all of the West lost that war because of his betrayal
Yup. Just ignore Spain.
>read my shitty crypto-nazi propaganda!
Faggot buchanans shit book was BTFO by the Hoover institute btw by an actual historian
also, you didnt even address anything I posted
I want to know when we are going back for another Blood Harvest in the heart of the Rhineland
>Germany take over Spain
>you're a freak
>he choose to continue it though!
you mean he kept on fighting instead of giving up to Hitler? wow, what a piece of shit! Also, the entire war was Hitlers fault in the first place. He was the one who invited the soviet union into europe
I wanted to, but the glorification was too much. Churchill is a jerk. He refused peace with the Germans, intentionally caused a man-made famine in India, and created Israel in an attempt to expel Jews in the UK (which failed to uproot them)
He's literally Roosevelt-tier, without the tact. He just sucks
You mean France and England abandoned Spain against a communist uprising in their country? And Hitler was the only one ready to face communism head on?
>wtf I love Hitler now
You should really try reading, independent research and critical thinking.
Watching a (((Hollywood))) film and expecting no agenda
Haha, great post, (((fellow white person)))! Well memed! Cudos to you, absolutely agree.
>this projecting
you arent even arguing a point user.
>the stormfag cries out as you prove his psuedo-history wrong
you dont have any argument
Of all that can be said of Hitler, he was positively committed to three things:
Architecture, humane treatment of animals, and stopping Bolshevism wherever it was found.
Tf? Hahahahaha Franco began the war you ignorant, ignorant fuck.
>There was no conceivable way of defending Poland
Google the Saar Offensive. If they'd had the will and not had cucks in charge, France and Britain could have defeated Germany in a month. That shit can't be blamed on Churchill though, who single handedly united the country in the pursuit of the war by blowing up the surrendering French fleet to stop the Germans seizing it.
Imagine being this much of a fucking moron.
You don't have any, sweetie.
"who single handedly united the country in the pursuit of the war by blowing up the surrendering French fleet to stop the Germans seizing it."
Alpha af
The Brits appeased Hitler for years. Poland was the last straw after years of diplomacy. Should Churchill have been a cuck and surrendered his people to servitude under a foreign nation? Hitler sought to conquer them and Churchill fought back
I'm not arguing. It's what you want, because you're alone on a fucking Friday evening.
I'm giving you free, unsolicited advice on how to better yourself. Take it or leave it, time marches on irregardless of your decision.
You sir , are a disgrace to your country.
>no argument
You guys are so fucking useless that you cant even google when Churchill became PM and when Britain declared war on Germany.
Here, I'll post it for you. Chamberlain himself declaring war on Germany.
>2018 remakes
>not having it co star a loyal, noble jamal who is probably better than chutchill in every way.
>not having churchill get cucked my the godly beast.