What qualities make the perfect female character for you?

What qualities make the perfect female character for you?



Large breasted, bleached hair, tan trueslut with piercings.

age: single-digit
clothing: spats

the nape my man, the nape. And the ears.

Being named Kumiko Oumae

High energy tomboy.

feminine penor


The penis

Knew you were always a pervert, Akira

Sweet natured but a little nervous or spacy

good taste

See, that's an obvious great choice, but now I'm wondering

What would a low energy tomboy look like

could this be a high level of hitherto unknown moe?


Smart,Perfect body (cute face and sexy body), Good likeable personality, cute,cool hair and eyes,Cute and enjoyable to hear voice.

Is that the train to Mizuryu Kei Land?

>doesn't season her food

>Short hair
>Strong person without being a bitch
>Good fashion sense

Oh and how could I forget
>Not a retard

pure and asexual

competitive and ambitious

talented and athletic

smart and mentally strong

>also a lesbian

>Perfect body
>Good likeable personality
>cool hair
>enjoyable to hear voice
Pic unrelated?

I like competent women. Ones who are good at something and have their shit together, or at least a really fucking good excuse not to and rapidly get their shit together over the course of a series. Then they have to be fun to talk to and at least be able to fake self-confidence really well.

good taste

unfortunately rare

Modist & properly dressed.

I want to work there.

shit taste detected

let's be realistic for a second.


blood related

any alice no takarabako characters.

Being perfect, perfection, lack of any flaws.

Strong ideals, moving motivation, interesting and enjoyable attitude, etc.

cuks me

For me, it's the flat chest and big ass combo

>She isn't just a tool used for fanservice
>She doesn't have comically large breasts that defy physics
>She has an actual personality beyond tsundere and big breasted bimbo
>She doesn't constantly scream "KYAAAA" or moan ever 2 minutes
Those are my preferable qualities

Not being a slut.

Tomboy nee-san tits

intelligent, beautiful, ambitious, vanilla

Everything else I'll convince myself to love simply due to how powerful those 4 qualities are.

As much as I adore Kiss-Shot, she is far from flawless and much better for it.

>soothing voice
>child bearing hips

Hairy pussy. The hairier, the better

>not a bitch
>kind of tomboy
i see few anons here with similiar taste. keep it up everyone.

pic not related

all the women in that glorified harem series are shit

Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor
I wonder if Laura remembers much of her time as human? She seems to be the conservative type due to her upbringing

Face titties booty and toes.

A lot of it is probably a blur, but there are definitely going to be a few key moments that she'll never forget. She pretends to have a much worse memory than she does.

VERY large breasts.

Wouldn't a low energy tomboy just be the "lazy male friend" archetype but with tits?

All of this womanspreading is taking up all of the seats on the train

>Easily flustered/embarassed

>tfw triggered but also erect

me on the left

Loves me


I see her nipples.

Damn, who's that army chick five rows down second from left?

>dark hair (particularly if it's a hime cut)
>large breasts

Which characters fulfil that criteria user?

Motherly characteristics which dont always have to be physical

on an anime board

you came to the wrong place

I've definitely seen that anime, but its name escapes me

Remember any character nanes?

deadman wonderland, name's Kiwako Makina

I'm always a sucker for obvious waifubait characters.

>medium size breasts (they're never cowtits or dfc)
>soft spoken
>good natured
>enjoys cooking/cleaning/housewife stuff
>slightly shy or reserved

Thank you so fucking much

realistic and being able to see my life with her as my spouse. medium tits, blonde. i think that kaoru is probably my favorite female character, both personality wise and aesthetically. i love her so much!!!!!!!

>low energy tomboy
She's a perfect example

user you have shit taste the only one in there worth fucking is misato


Any girl who gets down on those tags.

so... a moe girl?

user that's fucking great taste

Why are they spreading their legs like that? They don't have testicles that can be crushed by sitting like a woman.


Smug vampire lolis are my weakness.

They are airing themselves or maybe they have puffy very sensitive vulvas

How does the Deadman Wonderland anime stack up to the manga?

the anime ends just as shit's getting real, it's still a good watch, just don't expect closure.

I see you are a man of culture as well.

>short hair/pony tail
>acts like a total bro but gets really embarrassed easily
Someone please post a related image for me

the most American

his chart is not the best but someone like you has no right to shittalk anyone's taste when you adore a legit 1/10 show

Tomboy, really strong, and a nice big anime hairdo.


user, your post is as worthless as your life, at least put some effort into your baits.

I found one though she's from a video game

What year did the dumb word tomboy become popular on Sup Forums? I see people calling reverse traps tomboys all the time even when they are not tomboyish.


what chapter does the anime end?

>shares an interest in your weeb lifestyle
>wont judge your hobbies or taste(cuz hers are just as bad)
>hime cut
>mole under eye

Literal perfection.

Friendly reminder that Anno himself has stated Evangelion does not have a general, fixed meaning other than being the chaotic product of his depression.

They wanted to produce a typical shonen with obnoxious terrible male MC for all the miserable losers to relate and self insert who saves the world. But they ran short on money and midway changed it into a whining shitfest about boohoo how bad everything is.

You genuinely are unintelligent if you like NGE.

>hime cut
Worst taste


Still a shitty bait, try being ironic or something

Something like pic related.

Good with children, hobbies such as gardening or fishing, house duties; and of course finish the mega beef bowl challenge with max stats.


There is nothing gay about a cute girl having a little extra.