Yo so what is this shit?
Somebody made a thread earlier and I was stewing on it. I came back and there's no new thread for it. Did this get solved?
I think I've figured a little bit of it out though.
Yo so what is this shit?
Somebody made a thread earlier and I was stewing on it. I came back and there's no new thread for it. Did this get solved?
I think I've figured a little bit of it out though.
Thanks user! First thing that jumped out at me.
Twitter link: mobile.twitter.com
So I did some thinking, I'm pretty sure it's a custom dotsie font. Check this shit out: dotsies.org
Here's the best formatted version of the code in a grid
And here's the default alphabet for dotsie
The first word decodes as 'ajfbclv' so I'm imagining there's another layer involved. Would Clinton be dumb enough to use a simple Caesar cypher? Let's find out!
Help me out autists!
Niggers I brewed coffee for this shit! Get in here! I need some autism stat!
Hmmm, I don't know what that could mean. I am not good at puzzles like this
When this thread dies I'll wait till I've made more significant headway to start the next thread.
What if you flip it upside down?
I think it really is just a weird font and a caesar cypher. I'll try new stuff if this doesn't work out though.
bumping for Intel agency thread. do your work, autists. America needs you and is actively asking you to freelance for the CIA.
happy to help. my autism knows no bounds.
Prove it's actually come from an email. I'll wait
I can't.
This is all I got: mobile.twitter.com
So far there have been at least three threads today of redditfags doing babby's first crypto and nobody can offer any information on exactly where this has come from, other than that single tweet.
Let this thread die then, shiiiiieeeeetttt. I'll solve it myself senpai.
But what are you solving exactly? If I post some random wingdings will you solve that too?
Some user posted a pic of some graffiti they claimed to be Arabic but was clearly not. user said they found it ant it was nagging at them. It was a pic of chalk written chars on a brown wall. Looked similar to these Dot chars.
Have a bump
was it this?
I've got the first line decoded into ascii, now I'm just trying different ciphers on it. I think the spacing has some importance. Words have sometimes 1 space, sometimes 2, and sometimes 3.
The first line is: ajfbcks brbbdgdsh kk jkbbbgkhnu hs dkks bbckbckkk kk hs
And yes, unironically I would solve your wingdings unless you mean random in its stricter sense, in which case, I couldn't.
Paging anons who know more than I about ciphers!!!!
The text of the first line translates to:
>ajfbcks brbbdgdsh kk jkbbbgkhnu hs dkks bbckbckkk kk hs
the repeating kk and hs seems to indicate something, but it's not as simple as a caesar cipher. I already brute-forced that and nothing came of it.
I don't think this is the right approach precisely because of the repeating letters to be honest senpai, but I can't be arsed to fuck around with any of this unless someone actually shows us some proof that this is legit and came from an actual Shillary e-mail.
This. Love puzzles like this, but require proofs first
I just like puzzles
>MO 6, 14 Iva: had awe :id OZ 4 is Pi yid +' & WA um a*: arerdl r =km 'Rh :re :ra A113:V43 ■ :' raldr t4ldr2 i=x^.
looks like uve been taken on a ruse cruise mate
Nice abstract user
Space nigger hieroglyphics
Looks like braille to me.
Pretty sure it's not a viginere cipher. I confirmed it up to a length 4 key. That's as useful as I feel like being right now.
It couldn't be further from that user.
I already figured out what it is: dotsies.org
Thanks for trying user
Got line #2:
kkjkskk cks hks kk aqajbdhs bfdjhs cbgb hkcd gbckhbc hs
made a transcription error:
>kkjkskk cks hks kk aqajbdhs bfdjhs cbgb hkcd gbckhbd hs
Bump for potential
Y’all are the real heroes
Those look like blurred numerals
I'm pretty sure they're this font called dotsie: dotsies.org
Definately Hebrew numerals
It's a code. The reason why it's blurred is because it was ment to be viewed with another piece of paper that connects them or a specific magnifying lense/glass
Any fags spare some glasses or into optics?
we need optics fags
It's Hebrew numbers.
They form some kind of code.
To see what the code is we need specific "optics" that makes it less blurry by fooling our vision
Wait niggers, try to open the jpg in OP in another tab full screen.
Then zoom in.
Cross your eyes while looking at the middle, do you see it form something that resembles hebrew?
nah nigga nah
It's hebrew my man, my Jdar is about to melt
wait nvm tried it, now my eyes hurt
We need optics or another page to put ontop this one in case it's unfinished
Don't understand Klingon.
Thanks for the bumpage, but I disagree.
Seriously, go here: dotsies.org
and copy and paste: ajfbcks brbbdgdsh kk jkbbbgkhnu hs dkks bbckbckkk kk hs
into the box in pic related. It gives the first line exactly.
That's defo Hebrew numbers but look unfiished/pixelated
we need the 2nd part to combine with this one
Anyone search the emails for more stuff like these?
oh fuck really? This is simple, give me a minute and I'll have it
You fucking see those everywhere after being on pol for a little while, it's nothing to be worried about user.
Shit that pic...
I like abstracts. If you're in here lurking, drop some abstracts for me!
Line #2 is kkjkskk cks hks kk aqajbdhs bfdjhs cbgb hkcd gbckhbd hs
>drop some abstracts for me
I'll see what I've got
>kkjkskk cks hks kk aqajbdhs bfdjhs cbgb hkcd gbckhbd hs
so it comes out as letters? Have you tried to convert those letters in numbers based on their position in the alphabet?
by golly you figured it out johnson!
Yeah seems to the case. Still don't think you should be spending as much time on it without being sure that it's anything worth your while, but if it helps I would guess that the key to deciphering the text itself would be in the upper left corner. Morse code, maybe? At least that very first line.
>. . . ..
I like this one a lot.
I'm guessing it's using a custom version of dotsies dotsies.org
>further encypted too
That was what I was assuming, take a code or a serial number then simplify it with dotsie.
The problem is not if they have a modified version of dotsie but what exactly is it. It could be a written text or a line of numbers. Therefore people won't know what they should look out for in order to decrypt it from dotsie
>seems to be the case
Anyway, don't ignore that little bit in the corner there, I'm sure it's there for a reason.
Bump due to intrigue
Little orphan Annie says, drink your ovaltine
howdy leaf user check this though: Yeah I can't for the life of me figure that out. It doesn't fit the dimensions of the letters in any manner.
oh you're right... dotsie assumes you're doing letters. They could've used the idea but used numbers or something else entirely. In fact the letters for 'e', 'i', 'l', 'o', 't', 'v' , 'w', 'x', 'y' & 'z' never occur...
shekel hands
oh fugggg
Exactly, if you're gonna hide shit you better just maximize the offered ability at your disposal, it's human instincts.
So I'm assuming it's arabic letters like 12345etc only simplified
Are you properly aligned?
The stuff on the far left is going to indicate where to start (for the top row).
If I've counted correctly, only 16 patterns show total. Could it be hex?
someone wrote:
13 Std.
Ran OCR on the image as Arabic using (link: i2ocr.com
Let's just get the numbers first, then worry where it starts or how it reads, okeh?
Sounds like it, get Sup Forums and some math worms on the line.
My gut is dining in hell tonight
Yeah the top line is the only line with a vertical height of 5 in it, so the first character has to be 'a'
>here Sup Forums waste your time on some BS we put together
no thanks
what if it's a habbenig tho user
used your file and selected to translate from arabic to english and it gets german!
Do not panic
Rape of a landmine,
I'm tired of crying. Playground
Sta are two commodities. I am not interested in any of these
We need jews in on this.
They will be here soon.
It pretty much is.
Why would they have a hidden hex code on her email?
Perhaps it leads to something, my guess either a link or a phrase.
What have you done!?
using stegosuite I found some text embedded in the original image from twitter. What do you think?
Nf weder 1 noch 3
the german was google auto translate to my native language, after i deactivated it I forgot to delete the thing about it gets german ....
anyway strange text
>what if it's a habbenig tho
Oh fuck, trips....
t-they would know to omit this document
Maybe it's a message for Sup Forums?
Looks like one of those code blocks that you scan with your phone. Print it out & use your phone to scan it maybe? Each little block would have something different.
We're the only ones autistic enough to take the time to find out what it is, think about it.
nf neither one nor three. dunno what nf stands for.
is it possible to convert hex numbers or individual numbers into those scan things? It's probably a scattered puzzle.
But first things first, we gotta find out what every number is, then get Sup Forums or someone good at math to convert the hex into something we can work with
What does it say based on this code format? Has anyone checked it out?