Hard mode : no nazis/fascists
ITT: People who have done nothing wrong
You start OP
>declaring war on the axis
>doing nothing wrong
>shill thread
Fuck off with this pointless shitposting.
Did he stab a dog in he anus? Some think he did. I’m not joking.
He posted someone who did something wrong so that OP could post a picture of someone who hadn't done something wrong so that he could start the thread because clearly the FDR poster is retarded and thinks Ted Kaczynski did something wrong.
Agreed. He was a fucking chad and a really interesting guy to interview. Plus our IQs I think might be identical.
fuck this faggot
Goodnight, Sweet Prince.
Ed Kemper did nothing wrong.
I hope this cunt is rotting in hell being raped by a thousand demons seriously. Curse upon his ancestors.
lol Japan you always know how to make me smile
>damn I hate modern technology and civilisation
>I better use modern technology and civilisation to mail bombs to people
>Uses democracy to gain power
> (OP)
>>damn I hate modern technology and civilisation
>>I better use modern technology and civilisation to mail bombs to people
Are you thick?
Did you ever consider that the method could have been a part of the message?
Agreed 100% Vlad Tepes is a hero and should be remembered as such. Pic related was justly defending his family after being fired upon without provocation.
literally sold out his family
Your IQ's may be identical tho - < 80
His IQ was 121. And how can you say he wasn't interesting? He had huge group of subservient women. What do you mean?
Defended his people from the aggression of the jew-amerimutt globalist conspiracy that's now revealed itself to include white genocide.
aside form pfizer, the only reason anyone knows of terre haute
This, he got me started on the road to fascism.
Danskersvin have done nothing wrang
>Helter Skelter
Not saying he was wrong, but irrelevant to this thread
I would agree if he wasn't a known CIA asset.
When you bring in actual National Socialist fugitives from Germany into your country and give them high ranking positions in the government, so that they can cleanse your country of Jews
normies even like Teddy now you faux-edgy faggot
The Bajorans deserved it
Fuck yes
Can't believe no one got this guy already
Guess who's behind the disguise
now that's a rare flag
he sold them out to the jews in las vegas as well
had the dopest style too. Murdered cowardly by U.S.A/Israel.
That guy is a fag.
hero of the english people
found the potatoniggers
He killed Patton.
S to spit.
>no Dylan Roof
come on guys
He was just a mildly famous musician that give already dumb women LSD.
He killed a bunch of old religious southern blacks who likely aligned with you politically.
Found the anglo sub-human.
Its an anglo world and you're living in it
Me. People think im a pedophile because i smacked this grown woman on the butt at wal-mart and i dont even care.
What was his fucking problem?
Well, I don't know about him doing nothing wrong, but certainly not the shit the government was claiming he did.
i finally got you
A god in the flesh
can anyone post the wojack for me, with the jew controlling the brain of the individualist, or liberal please?