We are the one true church of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. Unlike Atheists we don't kill our offspring. Unlike Christcucks we don't let people walk all over us. Unlike Catholics we don't fuck kids.
We will outbreed you and take control of the inferior races and bring the world to a new golden age may you all rot in hell.
Mormons are the future of the white race
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TLC has a new show called 'SEEKING SISTERWIFE' and I shit you not this polygamist lawyer guy has 4 wives and 15 ayran children. Not pro Mormon but I mean good for him he's single handedly propping up the white birth rate
Hell even without polygamy Mormon families are very large.
What are they doing that other westerners aren't? because clearly Mormons are very fertile people
Having kids, valuing the family, and not being degenerate fucks.
>atheists kill their offspring
I dont think thats exclusive to atheism
>don't fuck kids
gj browing up Salt Lake City, retards
Anglo scum
Mormons are fucking weirdos, theyre tough to hold a discussion with. From what ive interacted with, anyways.
That's true, lutherans are christcucks
Catholics don't fuck kids
We should unite with mormons
Mormons are freemasons.
mormon sectarians inhabit le 56% new world cunt
their fate will be like all other mutts - either on purpose or inadvertently mixing with le 44%
Lutherans are evil freemasons.
Mormons are good freemasons.
Fuck off back to your Satanic cult, blasphemer. Huntsman died today...Hell got 10 degrees hotter.
Mormons are the only real American religion
Mormons do nothing to advance anything. They live just to breed and make more mormons.
Get the fuck out of my state, you freaks.
Mormons are notorious kidfuckers too unfortunately
most of these just look like typical women and normie shit to be honest
>omg i have anxiety and being gay is not allowed oh no!!
Every women
>Omg im addicted to porn
Basically every modern male.
> Catholics don't fuk kids
Your priesthood would like to have a word with you
>We are the one true church of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. Unlike Atheists we don't kill our offspring.
Absolutely sure there's Mormon girls who've secretly had abortions.
>Unlike Christcucks we don't let people walk all over us.
The typical view of Mormons reacting to things like the Book of Mormon is the most chill response any religion has had to satire.
> Unlike Catholics we don't fuck kids.
That being said, Mormons are cool people. Some of the most generally nice human beings I've met.
No, Mormonism causes unique mental trauma. It truly is a mental illness all to itself. Plus it has nothing to do with Christianity
Is this what you ment by future?
>May you all rot in the Outer Darkness
For a Mormon, you’re not gonna make it to your celestial kingdom to join Elohim and be the god of your own planet with such dirty language
good for you m8. btw what does this religion entail? anything with koolaid and you might want to count me out. last time i ran into that shit i barely survived, thanks to my gag reflex. But you do you, even if that entails acting like a self important radical douchbag with strawman arguments as their only understanding.
sincerely -Soviet
oh no muh self esteem
the book of mormon is literally about Jews slowly degenerating into savages
> Unlike Catholics we don't fuck kids.
You don't seem to know your sect's followers very well.
you forgot one heretic
unlike real christians, mormons believe they can become polygamist demi gods modeled after the idolatry of joseph smiths new new testament.
We will destroy you in the name of Jesus. Mormons without their chosen elder "prophets" are about as visionary as the blind monks of nepal.
whats the real bibles verse again? Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter. not that you aren't a bunch of wolves to begin with
see you fal$e teacher$ on the fields of armaggedon when yet another prophecy of mormons fails to come to fruition leaving you without hope of salvation. hells comin with me. Connor 25:17
Psalm 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.
John 10:34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?
ISAIAH 2:2 And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.
What Does "Utah" Mean?
Utah originates from an Apache Indian word (yuttahih), which means people of the mountains.
Genesis 50:30-33:
And again, a seer will I raise up out of the fruit of thy loins, and unto him will I give power to bring forth my word unto the seed of thy loins; and not to the bringing forth of my word only, saith the Lord, but to the convincing them of my word, which shall have already gone forth among them in the last days; Wherefore the fruit of thy loins shall write, and the fruit of the loins of Judah shall write; and that which shall be written by the fruit of thy loins, and also that which shall be written by the fruit of the loins of Judah, shall grow together unto the confounding of false doctrines, and laying down of contentions, and establishing peace among the fruit of thy loins, and bringing them to a knowledge of their fathers in the latter days; and also to the knowledge of my covenants, saith the Lord. And out of weakness shall he be made strong, in that day when my work shall go forth among all my people, which shall restore them, who are of the house of Israel, in the last days. And that seer will I bless, and they that seek to destroy him shall be confounded; for this promise I give unto you; for I will remember you from generation to generation; and his name shall be called Joseph, and it shall be after the name of his father; and he shall be like unto you; for the thing which the Lord shall bring forth by his hand shall bring my people unto salvation.
just saying
It was legal to kill you all in my state till 1976.
And we did.
Have fun somewhere else.
For any other state, these people are worse than jews and should be treated as such.
Pic related; what should be done with mormons
They make the second amendment so much better. en.wikipedia.org
help make doom and AoE 2
Don't worry scum we just need to wait until we outbreed you and your degenerate lifestyle.
If you're saying Joseph Smith is a spokesperson for psalm 82:6 you're a fucking heretic and will burn for your blasphemy against the son of God.
Utah was stolen from the apache and, as you know, cheaters never prosper
Just sayin, asshole.
Jesus literally says ye are gods
what about genesis?
and Utah was named by the US government, not them, they wanted to call it Deseret
better wear your magic underwear.
ITT mormons try to pretend Joseph Smith wasn't a pedo rapist murderer with many wives, who didn't start a religion based off a popular religion, just to scam a bunch of people out of money.
It's not a bad idea, though. It worked for Muhammad, why not Joseph Smith?
Hey, gullible OP. I got a religion for you. It's called ultra mormon. It's an update to mormonism that's even more better. You get to rule four worlds when you die, and you'll have 4 penises to fuck all your spirit birthing wife factories simultaneously.
sorry.. My Planet is FULL
Jesus was teaching people to break ranks with the human comfort with evil, to reject your freedom to lie and become an angel again. This isn't what Mormons think. Mormons don't think. They're the cancer that eats at true Christianity. On judgement day unrepentant Mormons will be judged for standing with the antichrist. They LARP for Christ while serving Satan.
>Extensive statistical studies, including stylometry (or wordprinting), have been conducted on the Book of Mormon (Reynolds, pp. 157-88; cf. Hilton). Blocks of writing were analyzed to identify the writers' near-subconscious tendencies to use noncontextual word patterns in peculiar ratios and combinations. Wordprinting has been used to ascertain the authorship of such works as twelve disputed Federalist Papers and a posthumously published novel by Jane Austen. When applied to the Book of Mormon, wordprinting reveals that the word patterns of the Book of Mormon differ significantly from the personal writings of Joseph Smith, Solomon Spaulding, Sidney Rigdon, and Oliver Cowdery, who served as Joseph Smith's scribe. Furthermore, patterns of Nephi 1 are consistent among themselves but different from those of Alma 2. The results of objectively measuring these phenomena indicate an extremely low statistical probability that the Book of Mormon could have been written by one author. The introduction of new vocabulary into the text is at a low rate, which is consistent with the uniform role of Joseph Smith as translator.
Just saying
Warning to the LDS.
I informed my State I only support the 2012 Solutrean hypothesis.
Jew lawyers accused me of being Mormon, outlawed the Solutrean theory and jailed me.
They are going to do the same to you.
I think I should get to SLC and talk to your elders about it.
Oh how edgy of you, but no amount of fedora tipping will produce offspring or create a society.
based missouri - 1
cultish fake-news Bible religion - 0
[citation needed]
you goys were jewed before you even started
gg. no rm
Small sample size but every single Mormon I’ve ever talked to has been really interesting to talk to and quite polite. Maybe things are awful behind closed doors but they all seem like upstanding people.
conveniently forgot about Orthodoxy which will be your demise
They would be really salty of they knew we patched our bullets with the magic underwear of their dead. Its like jackson dipping bullets in pigs blood.
You follow Islam for white people
Is that a leaf I see? In all seriousness though the Mormon communities are tight and while some people scream that it is in group nepotism the fact is that it works and Mormons have shown to be far less scummy to outsiders than the Jews, Muslims, and such.
>They live just to breed and make more
I know nothing about Mormons beyond a South Park episode, but I do know you are absolutely retarded if you don't think reproduction is the purpose of life.
That movie was made by a Jew. We have much different plans for hostiles.
>trusting mormons
>censors killing a cow
>shows tons of dead bodies
PETA still exists in the future
Your pepe is shameful
oh no better not be a part of any group that has ever had members kill anyone.
I'm pretty sure literally every religion has that issue, including atheists
If only the leadership wasn't full of zio cucks and open border shills.
Mormons are nice... a little bit to nice. Seems like the church has a culture of effeminacy which is odd considering how ultra masculine the founders were. I mean Brigham Young would literally pull out a bowie knife and swing it around while giving speeches. That's pretty cool.
those people still exist, Joseph was pretty red pilled
>If only the leadership wasn't full of zio cucks and open border shills.
Aw man. I had hope they would preserve the white race and save us. I guess we're all jewfood.
That's because Book of Mormon was pro-mormon, if anything.
Can confirm.
>Not Polygamist family
>raised Mormon
>12 people in direct family from 2 married parents.
>White as fuck.
>Over 45 nieces and nephews.
I really hope that you're joking.
>stylometry (or wordprinting)
Do you have any evidence that this is worth a shit as an analytical tool?
>Over 45 nieces and nephews.
Why don't Christians breed anymore, did the jews subvert us that badly?
truth is, theyre the only whites that are even breeding.
that's not completely true, they are completely against degenerate behavior such as gay marriage and so forth.
they seem to focus more on lifting other races more than killing them, huge education funds and job training. It's my most of the non-white Mormons are also really nice.
it just goes to show that culture is pretty important as well. put a degenerate with a bunch of non-degenerates and they will slowly become non-degenerate.
>mormon friends
>1 mom
>15 kids
proved that a bunch of other books had 1 author and that the bible had multiple authors. it's a historically reliable thing.
also the FBI uses it to check if suicide notes are actually suicide notes
>truth is, theyre the only whites that are even breeding.
Christians are breeding? Or just the mormons?
>true church of Jesus Christ
>doesn’t believe in the Nicene creed
lol nice shit bait op
nobody is a mormon anymore because people aren’t stupid
proud moron...but he wishes the boy was a fat samoan...oh well...just import more fat samoan child brides
That's just breaking the conditioning.
Mental illness isn't real.
No wonder the Mormons left Missouri, it sounds like living there is pure misery.
We've had reports of people eating tide pods. People are dumber now more than ever which is in part why mormons will outbreed you.
You devalue your family when you have a surplus litter. It's basic economics. We shouldn't be trying breed like niggers. We should be trying to eliminate their breeding.
>thinking the Nicene Creed is legit
I bet your church was accepting niggers long before the Mormons were forced to.
Honestly considering it.
Converting I mean
t. Arthur Shekelsbergensteinowicz
I bet you get triggered by the Mountain Meadows Massacre.
Almost every Mormon family I knew growing up had at least 5 kids.
Mormon are UBER KEKS
Im Gnostic Christian and I have 5 kids
3 more generations and we will run the midwest. Fuck off Mormons. State of Desert my ass.
They value family over almost all other concerns. Men and women fill the roles that they are meant to fill. They avoid obvious degeneracies and take it further by shunning activities and substances that most of society finds acceptable. Their social lives outside the family are centered around community. They accept all who are willing to be agreeable and peaceful. They prepare for adversity in order to weather social unrest, natural disaster or personal tragedy. In short, they are kind, loving people who brook no shit from aggressive outsiders. Pic unrelated.
Your average Mormons are good people but the upper echelon of the religion is corrupt as fuck. The Mormons only settled in Utah because their advances further west were cut of by American settlers. The typical American hated Mormons in the 1800s. So they said fuck it and made Utah their land of Desert.
Then they git all paranoid about settlers taking their land so they literally started killing those that passed through out of paranoia.
Then they told the US government to make Desert its own country and give them special rights. US tild them to fuck off and Desert tried to start a war. Eventually the US sent in the big troops and BTFO the Mormons and they chilled the fuck out.
More modern times.... Mitt and Bain launder drug money for the Bushs... Mitts dad was super fucking corrupt.
Worst yet, Utah has absolutely fucking attrocious adoption laws. They basically allow legalized kidnapping of unwanted kids from out of state. The religion that supposedly values the family has no problem tearing up non Mormon families. Fuck them.
I've read your book and its a total fakewalk
Salt Lake is already fucked. Many liberals (mostly Californians) started moving there in the '90s in what seemed to be an organized movement and began shifting local politics. This attracted gays and other identity politics types, further pushing politics to the left. After hurricane Katrina, 50,000 displaced blacks were shipped in by the feds, resulting in more gibs for the area. This welfare and political shift has resulted in Salt Lake City and County becoming a blue pocket in a deep red state. Lately, there has been a very rapid increase in the number of "refugee" centers around the city which will only make things worse. It will catch up with cities like Denver and Portland within the next decade.
If missionaries have been your only Mormons, yeah they're weird. Young kids who know fuck-all about life in general trying to sell an afterlife. They usually mellow out a bit as they age a bit.
Hell no.
You people are basically communist. You are multicultural as fuck and believe God won't punish you unless you are not a sinner. A subversive culture that attempts to dominate the world through manipulation, mind games and actually brain washing. You prey on the mentally ill, the weak, the unsure, the individual who needs to learn to rely on ones self, not some hive mind.
You demand tithing from people who should save that 10% for themselves, tell them they need to go to a fancy temple that costs millions if they want to be saved, and preach that greedy worldy people are evil and will go to hell.
Also Mormon angels don't have wings fuck tard. Stop larping you faggot and look at things objectively. The church is based in the turd world now in places like the Philippines where a little more than 40 member children die of starvation every year.
But hey, they got baptized and their parents pay tithing. I don't hate you, I just hate the actual cancer that is in your mind.