Pls review article
>#ReleaseTheMemo was promoted by Russian twitter bot accounts, with a 230,000 percent spike in the promotion of the hashtag by these accounts.
Are all of you guys, bots?
I tried to edit it but a van rolled up and parked across the street so FUUUUUUUUUCK that.
Fill Wiki article with {citation needed}
or you can just lay a report against the article for being only substantiated by biased articles
How? Do I need an account?
at the least someone could attach the entire memo to the actual fucking wiki? lol, these faggot leftists deal in lies and half-truths even when they have been exposed for it.
What does wikipedia have to say about the fact that Facebook and Twitter already looked at the data and determined, no, in fact they were not bots, nor were they Russian?
haha no I myself am currently typing this with my supple human fingers
You can't beat the wikipedia autists, they captured the site ages ago and they're stronger than Sup Forums on their home turf
stick to memeing it up in this hallowed safe space, soyboy. You don't want to incur their wrath
The Chad Imperium is a server for political discussion, (((everyone))) welcome.....
What parts of the wiki article is inaccurate in your opinion?
Doubles mean that we must swat the hornets nest of the wikifaggots into submission with a big ugly fuck stick
The only way to stop these faggots is to start dragging them into the streets and putting a bullet into the back of their heads. Someone just has to start the fire.
people still use that garbage?
Beep boop oy VEY nothing to see here beep boop
There is ZERO evidence that russian bots were pushing the #releasethememo hashtag. What the fuck are they talking about?
its already filled with (((media))) sources, who are discredited by the memo itself
uh, on the contrary, twitters' bot detection algorithm was updated with a definition of bot activity that included "posting a lot" and it detected MANY bots
They think everyone without a blue checkmark is a bot because we’ve been on the internet long enough to know better than to use our real names on online like a dumbass.
This. Wikipedia has fallen a long time ago, and the entrenched system of bureaucratic nonsense and cronyism makes it impossible to undo.
Do you want fries with your nothing burger?
wikipedia is an sjw shithole, what the fuck do you expect from them?