Alright Sup Forums lets brainstorm ways we can dismantle this degenerate industry. The following reasons should be motivating enough.
>promotes sexual promiscuity
>degrades the nuclear family
>harms young white boys
>direct attack on white masculinity
>IR porn is a psychological war tactic to degrade the confidence of white men and lower our self worth
>and above all, it's antithetical to the values that built white civilization
There are plenty of research out there showing the addiction potential and long term health risks with using porn. These days, any kid with a cellphone can access an unlimited amount of porn within seconds.
Destroy the porn industry
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>Alright Sup Forums lets brainstorm ways we can dismantle this degenerate industry.
stop consuming it
and yes, pornography should be banned, and porno actors should get fucking lined up and put on crosses along highways
We saw how easy it was for the whore August Ames to kill herself over a few faggots bullying her. Imagine if we use actual facts and statistics to show how they are harming young men and ruining their lives. We would have cause to inflict guilt on them
I like this idea
Excellent idea user. Porn stars are inherently damaged and insecure. We need to make them understand how horrible they are for society. Scarlet P when?
yes for us individually. However there are a lot of young boys out there who are not informed of the dangers of this. The best way to kill their demand is to wake up the newer generations to this destructive hobby.
Look into behaviour change and behaviour change interventions - this is how you'll be able to promote noporn to normie
I say we start making info memes and make it appealing for young boys to understand the risks and also for parents to be informed on how it will ruin their son's mental and spiritual health.
Wake the fuck op user. The only reason she killed her self was the massive public shame. Women only care about them selves that’s why that worked so effectively. They don’t give a shit about men and that’s why that won’t work.
If you want to take out porn we have to shame them.
shame them that they are ruining boys lives.
No shame them that they are bad people. They don’t care about others you are missing the point.
You better wake up to the nature of women or you are going to have a hard life
>August Ames kills herself from faggots bullying her about not wanting to fuck faggots= kills herself
>bully pornstars for ruining the lives of young men and boys (and for being bad people) and back it up with statistics= no reaction?
Im sorry but I think (((they))) would care about the younger generations wanting to get hooked on porn.
Faggots are a protected species in liberal eschatology.
Heterosexual white Christian males are literal dogshit and they all know they are wanting to destroy them.
Wake the fuck up
and can you prove that they dont care about the life of children?
a mass doxing would have to occur every stars real name so their parents know what they're doing
Yes, abortion you faggot. They don’t care about their own children, that’s how solipsistic they are.
I have an idea. All you IT weebs should make a efficient porn blocker addon, to block all porno content, from simple boob pics to hardcore porn videos.
Yes! Good idea and brand it with nazi symbolism.
I disagree, these women are very unbalanced and are very fragile. A little harassing with legitimate cause would be pretty powerful to them. and let's say the whore does not care. It will over time, Even if they choose to not care, the info has already been put into their head.. Remember, we took down multi billion media firms and think tanks. These people so to say did not care they were feeding us lies, we still won!
>it's not my fault im beta
>it's someone elses!
talk about how little they make doing porn and was it worth it losing your dignity over it basically never being any wife material for any man of substance
"The reason Jews are in porn is because we think Jesus sucks"
Sounds like a lot of the pagans on here, intredasting
>porno actors should get fucking lined up and put on crosses along highways
Couldn't agree more user
Use illegal immigrants and Mexicans on your posters for the campaign. They are, like, faggots, a protected species. They came from conservative countries and poor them they are being effected by the porn.
I'll gladly help with a coordinated campaign.
We need to do this, Sup Forums.
As for informing young boys about the dangers of porn, make maymays contrasting your average porn user (balding, fat creepy unsuccessful fuck in his neckbeard nest fapping) to an adult male breadwinner with a beautiful family. Even rebellious kids don't want to end up like the former.
Alright buddy, I dont know how to use any software to make memes. Do you have any to recommend? making info memes is what i think would be a good start
Ok, make a website where you can scan your girlfriends face to it and it searches a database of pornstar faces. If it’s a match then you know she has done porn and is not marriage material. Shame the fuck out of them. Make the site go viral.
“No purity = no ring”
Its a damn shame she killed herself
How did some lonely neckbeard not pick her up as a waifu once her self esteem was in the crapper? They could have been happy together
Overt porn consumption especially during the developmental stages in a young man's life are pretty damaging. It can make them sexually numb to actual encounters.
Basically, if you are used to not being able to get it up without four tabs of gangbang creampie and japanese rope bondage tentacle fucking, what makes you think you can get it up for a 7/10 qt?
Just teaching them that too much porn can cause sexual dysfunction might be enough.
exactly user. I can personally say that this is true. That's why I dont want it to happen to any other boys out there
maybe because she's a freaking coal burner quarter black whore
Sup Forums what stupid iidiots are addicted to porn? Porn is fine, it's the pornaddicts that needs to die
revert the subversion using subversion??
no one cares about boys lives
unless they are trans of course
It's funny that the fact that its basically pimping and prostitution on camera and that it preys on young women isn't one of the arguments in the OP.
Only a chew uses this .jewpg
It's not subversive if it's true, user
Maybe we start a campaign about jerking off to your imagination increasing cognitive ability and sexual performance.
1.Shame the men and women who are in the industry and who are watching it. don't hate but laugh at them and pity them. 2.Provide an alternative way to channel their sexual energy. (self improvement) 3. Purify the energy using classical art and classical music. (try this yourself, when you want to fap quickly turn on classical music very loud, feeling will go away
Well the example of the DailyStormer being hounded off the internet due to pressure on ISPs shows it technically can be done.
>Weaponize the Feminist Left against it.
>Get them to pressure ISPs that host porn sites in the same way the DailyStormer thing went down.
Mount public pressure on the owners (Verizon) of sites like tumblr which allow porn. Get them to remove it from their platforms.
^Bear in mind we're playing with fire by doing this. The same methods could be used against us.
That said, I still think weaponizing the Fem/SJW-Left in some way against the American Porn industry will be a worthwhile endeavor.
I like this thread. Only problem is trying to get the word out to young kids. You have to reach them early before they get addicted. I got hooked at 14 and years later I still have temptations and I sometimes relapse. We need to find a format or medium that will reach kids easily
same user, I got exposed at the age of 12
Most of the industry has been destroyed already by the free sites that let people share it.
BTW your racism's just as degenerate. What can we do to destroy that?
As has already been said in the thread, make porn uncool. We have to praise role model men with white families. Most people never praise others, save for celebrities. If you start talking with people along the lines of "dude, look at that guy and his family, that really inspires me, I hope to have a family like his" it already has quite a powerful effect.
I'm also thinking about how jews might doxx this campaign to frame it as ebil nazees trying to turn kids away from porn. I mean, won't they be too obvious if they just come out and say it wide in the open? They'll probably come up with something such as "not fapping gives you cancer", and they surely will try to shame us in whatever way they can. But if they call us fags they will put themselves in a mine field with the LGBTQWERTY+Ç45
Two-pronged attack ("DP" if you will)
1. Getting people to taking part in Porn.
2. Getting people to stop watching Porn.
>Most of the industry has been destroyed already by the free sites that let people share it.
>BTW your racism's just as degenerate. What can we do to destroy that?
Ok, you're trolling, but I'll reply for the sake of other anons that you are trying to mislead.
NO, free porn has not "decimated" the industry. Quite the opposite, it has made high quality porn more available than ever, and made more people hooked than ever.
This has resulted in an explosion in demand, for everything from the free shit (which is NOT free, btw, SOMEONE is paying for it), to pay shit, to even obscure fetish shit. Once you have people hooked, it is easy to get them to shell out the shekels for it. This doesn't even take into consideration the ad revenue from the free sites.
Ask yourself, why the fuck would the porn industry willfully provide content to free sites that push down as much traffic at peak times as fucking NETFLIX?? I work in the internet industry, it is an obscene amount of raw data that is pushed through. That shit is not cheap.
So think for yourself. Who is paying for it, and why? Why do they want to pay so much so they can provide you with free, high quality pornography?
THINK, you fucking niggers. This is big shit we're into here.
I think it's better to focus only on purifying them, they'll automatically be fighting the good cause if they strive towards decency. Making an effort to recruit them or something will discredit the campaign.
Personally I find it much better if they decide to have white families without wasting hours on Sup Forums. Convince them to purify themselves, read some quality authors(as opposed to a ton of books whose information they won't absorb), spend time outside, become self reliable etc. Once they have a taste of purity and, better yet, end their internet addiction, they'll be doing more than most pollacks plus won't need our "encouragement" any longer. All we have to do is put them back on track.
Let's keep this thread bumped, shall we?
If you want a future like video related at least
A first step could be some hacker anons doxxing the women in that girlsdoporn shit, some time ago there was a meme around here from a soldier's girlfriend who did one of those videos the very same day he came home to visit her. When he found out they broke up and she was publicly shamed. This needs to happen often so roasties are terrified of even considering doing something like that.
Social shaming is key, and we've gotta aim(at first at least) at especially sensitive cases, such as that of the whore cheating the soldier who had just come home. That kind of example will piss off people, and it will get the engine running enough so feminists can't dismiss it as simply muh slut shaming.
It can also be powerful to make it clear to them they'll never have a family. If your common roastie species already loses her shit with the idea of dying alone, imagine a fragile porn star
Its destroying itself. Everywhere i look for porn is having trans/pajeet/weird bondage shit filtered in. Its becoming harder to just look at naked ladies
You all know that diplomacy has failed with these degenerates, right?
>jerking off to your imagination increasing cognitive ability and sexual performance.
Can confirm that this does work. I used to have issues getting it up after a year or so of masturbating to some pretty hardcore stuff for a few years.
Not being able to get it up when you have a woman with you is pretty devastating to your self esteem, particularly in your twenties. I stopped watching porn and started using my imagination whenever I needed to stimulate myself because I wasn't going to go cold turkey.
I can now pretty much get an erection on demand and keep it up for however long I want.
Why do you people care so much about race? Its fucking stupid. Do you think black cocks are radioactive and forever defile someone who's touched them?
I think most people just use Paint dude. The only ones who might use something else are those modifying existing memes, e.g. Pepe or memeballs. But infographics and a lot of other stuff can be done on paint
That's quite the idea. I notice they have been sharing those deepfake links in nofap threads, perhaps we could use that technology for the opposite purpose? Identification that is
I know.
Stop being a normalfag.
First we ban the 3D.
In order to keep people safe, we will need to ban technologies which allow for creating simulated pornography using peoples images when they're not consenting to it.
Banning any pornography which has a human in it is the first step in the restoration of Christian America.
>pay existing camwhores to read red pills while getting boned
>release videos
>eventually branch into redpilled history porn reenactments
And that is how you become the jew
Modern women don't see a problem with prostitution as long as they're not caught in the act. Hence many of them doing porn to """"pay for college""". As long as no one finds out of course. Our role here is shaming the shit out of them and exposing as many as those girls as possible, with stuff such as said. There'll probably be a chimpout larger than the one following MakeApp
Spam racist anti-black porn or videos on websites like pornhub (anyone can upload) but frame it as a fetish. As long as you frame something as a fetish, everything is allowed apparently.
Doesn't that exist already? I fear that might attract some newfags to tread through the wrong roads
MINDGEEK runs all the porno sites, owned by you know who
That's not Traci Lords
This memes are always the answers
>Spam racist anti-black porn
Lol Norway
All interracial porn is anti black
Besides do you know how fucking easy it is to take black women? Like shooting fish in barrel
Gross fish though
Surely everyone knows that teenagers are naturally rebellious and will not listen to facts that are presented on a silver platter if they do not like them.
>The following reasons should be motivating enough.
since when does pol need either of those for dismantling something (you are a faggot)