Ask a leftist anything
Ask a leftist anything
When will you fuck off back to Plebbit?
Why are you a communist?
why are you so retarded
Reddit is full of fucking liberals.
Because it's the truth.
who is behind that memeflag?
reveal yourself
This is like a middle schooler going into a college and saying, ask a 6th grader anything.
I don’t need to ask you anything. Your ideology is based in fundamental misconceptions.
Elaborate i don't understand
Fuck off commie
>shill thread
Why don't you practice what you preach?
I was thinking of different nationality with different ethnic background
>different to kikels
I'm not a leaf and I'm not a jew
Have you ever experienced real communism?
the absolute state of muttposting
Thanks to your truth I am living in a Second world country, faggot.
Why do you deny science?
How big is your favourite dildo?
Why is my poo so stiff?
Why are you right?
How long until will win?
>the colonized and dominated parts of the world are dumber than the parts who did the colonizing and dominating
Really makes you think
Don't own one
Eat more fiber
In what way?
Well you also say nonwhites are ‘colonizing’ you so does this still apply? Also colonizing people isn’t that bad according to you so if they’re ‘colonizing’ what’s the problem?
Why are you correct?