When exactly did identity politics become such a big deal?
When exactly did identity politics become such a big deal?
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Look at the Alt-Right. They're all jews and all they talk about is identity politics. Jews are trying to deracinate our society.
when we realized ideology politics was shit. ideologies do nothing but standardize people and make us into anonymous consumers, doesnt matter if its capitalism, socialism or some other shit. its all universalism. its cancer.
>talk about identity politics
>trying to deracinate society
Ashkenazi IQ is a meme.
It never wasn't
This is now a joost thread
How do you mean? Because one could argue that since this country was founded for free white men, it started from the beginning.
A bunch of people too young to be involved in politics started listening to the ravings of old men. Those kids are now adults.
During Obama's presidency, when the kikes become emboldened and confident.
When the Internet became mainstream and connected people who's opinions would have not mattered due to an extreme minority who shared them.
>pic not related
Does joosten fart?
They started pushing it hardcore during Occupy Wall Street in order to get people fighting among themselves instead of against the globalist top 1% running the whole show.
around 2012
>haha look at the average black person's IQ
>n-no, ashkenazi IQ is a m-meme, it's a j-j-jewish plot
t. angry little cuck bitch with retard IQ
>Ashkenazi IQ is a meme
It absolutely is. They’re good at twisting the meaning of words and cunning, no doubt genetically inherited traits from being a culture and race of merchants and thieves. But they’re pretty fucking dumb, all things considered.
Pilpul and nepotism are the “ashkeanzi genius”. They’re very good at using their judaism as a group survival mechanism too but it won’t protect them forever or for much longer.
I read that during the height of Occupy Wall Street, back about 6 years ago, that groups of young protesting people started to meet in Lower Manhattan, trying to figure out how to broaden the message of Occupy Wall Street, planning on how to make it go from groups of people sleeping on sidewalks outside the banks and how to make it a national movement.
Just at that point, as these young people were meeting, the big banks brainstormed, and noticed that many of the movement leaders in Occupy Wall Street were young while males around the age of 25 or so, and the banks thought that if the banks could get young females and minorities to go into these meetings, and to start play "Identity Politics" and ask why white males are leading the Occupy Wall Street movement, they could start an internal Civil War inside the Occupy movement.
Pretty soon, the weather got colder, and infighting started and factions started to split off and minority movements started within Occupy Wall Street, and their movement died.
Thus, was born, the Identity Politics movement.
The religious right when the Republicans grabbed them.
i wanna fuck her in the ass
>When exactly did identity politics become such a big deal?
American education folks. We literally fought a fucking civil war over identity politics. Every world war was somehow also over identity politics, race, religion, and national identity.
All human societies are organized around identities, you fucking mong. Its gaslighting to pretend we function without them, and "identity politics" is some kind of aberration.
progressive stack
Stefanie a cute!
Hot face, bad legs
This is probably actually right. I was in college around this time and I hadn't had ID pol pushed on me in High School. It probably wasn't until about 2007-09 that this stuff really started widely taking hold in Universities and leaking into the rest of the world. Ramped up with Obama's election and just spread like wild fire. It is an evolution of feminism and post modernism so you could say it started taking root with critical theory in the late 1920s, 30s
You fucking want to know when it went downhill? I'll tell you how it went downhill for me: the moment I was born. I could see these smug leaves just parading around their little cuck asses and I was conflicted between whether I should fuck the shit out of them or just fucking murder them straight on the spot. These little fucks really ruined my country and have been for as long as they've been living here. I can't remember a time in history when Canada was a good place to live post-loyalists invasion. I fucking swear to god, it will end up with the day of the rake and it won't be pretty. You fucks meme about that shit all the time when these cunts throw some "funny banter" around, or just plainly shitpost, but give me a rake and, god protects us all, I'll go on a rampage. That shit might break along the way, but my resolve won't: I'll end every single one of these little fuckers with my fists if I have to. Next time I see one: he's getting the full rage out of this post into his face. Faggots.
Sorry, its a fact. The proof is that you're too fucking stupid to look it up, dumb kike.
idpol has always been a big deal . literally all politics is idpol. people only care when its not their idpol being talked about
JUST, no.
Materialism is Universalism.
Me too Serbian...
Me too.
it was always a thing until retards convinced themselves it wasn't
if you're referring specifically to race, then newsflash retard, race isn't the only group identity in the world
Keep going...
>uh hyuk, just look at dis here-uh info-may-shin char-tuh
cherry picking from a random Sup Forums shit poster is not an argument, cletus.
I blame that fucking nigger Obama and the boner he gave the media, all manipulated by (((their))) puppet-strings
Wasted 88s. I've never understood the appeal of anal sex. You're watching too much porn, Serb-bro
Blacks are so stupid they fought IQ tests in California, and now complain they can’t have their IQs tested
>implying those thicc thighs arent worth licking all over and fucking relentlessly
During the Obama presidency is when shit like LBGTQYITTIGYOR became normal and not something that most people laughed at
Alt right?
>The alt-right are all jews
Then why are they trying to expose the jews?
identity politics is, originally and essentially, a form of left-wing politics.
so, if you want to know when it became such a big deal, you'd want to look into when it replaced other, non-identity leftwing politics.
in the US at least there were two events that lead to the diminishment of non-idpol: the revelations of stalinism (and the show trials) and the rise of the New Left (in the 60s and 70s).
the former lead to an economic, class-based left which viewed themselves as socialists becoming either disillusioned from socialist politics or joining anti-USSR socialists sects which were never as big as the CPUSA.
the latter--the rise of the womens movements and civil rights--focused on issues that the class-predominant Old Left ignored: race, sex, gender, w/e.
later identity politics aligned academics have tried to make the case that both class and the newer issues interacted and mattered, and today, in the US, it seems to me that out-and-out socialists will say 'yeah the capitalist ruling class needs to be overthrown, but also racism is not cool or w/e'
this is a shitposter's summary of leftism in the post-WWII period. enjoy.
>the wider society actually believes it's NOT okay to be white
>why do all these white people care about identity politics?
When Jews wanted to make the country non white.
I can't fully see them, but I'm pretty sure those are some ugly feet :(
Because never question a shill.
2012 it got into higher gears
For non-assimilated populations (read: jews and nonwhites), since always. That's what they've always done. And I can't blame them, it often works out well for them in the short term.
For whites, it's grown with the rise of open socialism in the democrat party. It's a left-wing form of thought that is more emotionally resonant with people than ideology, so it tends to work very well. This is part of why the alt-right has adopted it for right-wing purposes, even as a left-wing form of thought.
They may be right that it's necessary. "Let everything be openly debated and the better idea will win" only works when neither side imports a massive voter base, takes over the schools which teach children how to parse ideas, or turns the news media to pure narrative.
>c-c-cherry picked n-n-no way
LOL @ kike salt
Well, relevant to today, I mean, you could go back to the French Revolution/Enlightenment era. But even that would have been considered very conservative by today's western standards. Then it's the School of Frankfurt in Germany I suppose. Their ideas were based on how to achieve communism without big government that the USSR practised under Stalin. They tackled a lot of Social issues (identity politics). Later these social scientists at School of Frankfurt were kicked out of Germany by the Nazi Government and made refuge towards USA (I think NYC) in the 1930s. These Social scientists stayed on in America and recruited new students that would later be the teachers of most American Universities come the 1960s. These people then turned their baby boomer students into Hippies (softcore SJWism). Anyway, cut the long story short, from the 1960s-onward, the identity politics gradually got more hardcore and regressive, and here we are today.
Capitalists/Elites have also played a big role on identity politics too.
I really started to notice it around 2012.
When they started pouring millions of brown retards into our countries
It was always a big deal. Only in the last fifty years or so did we decide that human instincts are evil and must be suppressed, but only in white people.
I realize that the false belief in your superior IQ is the only thing keeping you from anhero over your disgusting face, body, and greasy personal odor, but you were lied to like the gullible shekel counter you are. The Cohanim lie to you rank-and-file kikes like they lie to they goyim. To them, you're no better than goyim, just pawns to be disposed of as they hunt more wealth.
>can't recognize built legs
Since for fucking ever. Google the actual meaning of the term "identity politics," realize it's not synonymous with "I identify as a transqueer panhypersexual," then go kill yourself you newfuck.
This is the correct answe
when tumblr was created
Gamergate led to
JQ then
Defeating the Jews is more fun than games were
When politicians realized it was the only way to get a generation of hopeless narcissists to donate to their election campaigns
Women's Suffrage movement early 20th century
2011 when normies got G4 on their smartphones and it became normal to spend all day every day on the internet getting wound up by hyperbole and shitposting in echochambers like nerds had already been doing for 2 decades
If UK, Italy, and most of the western mainland euro countries weren't flooded with shitskins, they'd be on par, if not above both Japan and South Korea
When Hitler lost.
"Working class" is a group identity. "Traditional American" is an identity. "Oppressed woman" is and identity and so is "shitposting Sup Forums lulmaster."
Did you also turn 18 in 2012?
tfw playing Play as Quiet mod right now
>If UK, Italy, and most of the western mainland euro countries weren't flooded with shitskins, they'd be on par
Tested individually, white are superior to kikes in terms of IQ. Always have been. Nationwide averages don't even matter. Kikes want you to count Ashkenazis seperate from other kikes in israel, but not seperate out whites in white countries.
Don't fall for that game.
Since Whitey realized that he will be extinct in 50 years.
Identity is the most important thing we have, and now our countries are under a treat (multiculturalist) so identity is becoming the issue..
When I wasn't allowed to be white
It's been going on a long time. I had a health teacher in high school that often wouldn't let boys talk, and this was back in the 90's. In fact, I seem to remember the first time I really noticed this shit was the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings with Anita Hill.
It has been going on longer than you think anons, even if the pace has ramped in the last decade, and particularly since this election.
there's literally nothing wrong with identity politics
Does she fuck Asian guys?
On Sup Forums it was the Zimmerman thing wasn't it? In real life it has always been a big thing, whites just took a break from it after WW2
Always, but social media weaponized it. 100xing the echo chamber effect.
Who is this jizzum djinni?
She's literally Quiet.
stephanie joosten m8
Except for the fact that identity politics leads to infinite splits. It is self-cannibalizing. Just look at feminists. They argue with each other constantly because they are broken up into fatties, trannies, rape victims, abuse victims, etc all competing with each other. It’s retarded
I'm a jew. You're a jew. We're all jews here.
this is the answer. scared jew billionaires turning the goyim against each other to distract from their corruptness
>tfw no joosten gf
he's watching
in 2012 the world should end according to the Aztec calendar
and there was a book by some Guru in 2008, Drunvalo Melchizedek, "the sepreont of light"
>Every 13,000 years on Earth a sacred and secret event takes place that changes everything. Mother Earth's Kundalini energy emerges from its resting place in the planet's core and moves like a snake across the surface of our world. Once at home in ancient Lemuria, it moved to Atlantis, then to the Himalayan mountains of India and Tibet, and with every relocation changed our idea of what spiritual means. And gender. And heart.This time, with much difficulty, the "Serpent of Light" has moved to the Andes Mountains of Chile and Peru. Multi-dimensional, multi-disciplined and multi-lived, for the first time in this book, Drunvalo begins to tell his stories of 35 years spent in service to Mother Earth
havent read it though
Tribalism has been the norm since before humans were human. Individualism is the new phenomenon.
if you like feet kys
around occupy wallstreet and king nigger.
millennials started questioning global banks, which was leading them to ask the JQ. Identify politics was the virus they infected the generation with to keep the goyim from revolting
Try the 1960s.
This is probably the right answer. Most of us would never listen to a drug addict for solutions but for some reason this became a popular choice for a few decades.
If you're in doubt, compare the average white neighborhood in the 1950s to 1970s. Compare the workforce. The military. The art and media. The list goes on.
Obamas second term started the shitshow
since the Jews came here from Eastern Europe, around 1900
>all of these inbred mongrels cherry picking and attacking strawman
>not a single argument
totally embarrassing display from these cousin fucking yokel retards