We're preparing the memo that shows Lauren Rose is a former coalburner

we're preparing the memo that shows Lauren Rose is a former coalburner

get ready!

You know it's gonna happen at some point.

What comes up, must fall down.

you wish she was tyrone. have fun with your hippo women.

>demoralising and dissuading anyone associated to the "alt right" that's not a white male
Classic divide and conquer designed to isolate us and make us an even easier target for those who can discredit us by saying we're exclusively identarian to young white males.

PS: Russia is filled with aids.

That’s why I’m not gonna emotional attached to her. Cause I know some news is gonna come out that she likes getting rammed by BBC

she's controlled opposition.

> 18/ 19 years old
>somehow affords to live in central New York City
>Much more right wing than other commentators
>Names the Jew
>Doesn't ask for funding
>In one video mentions she "has no family"

she's a controlled government bot designed to reveal the IP addresses and data about thirsty neckbeard NEET kekistani types so that the NSA can identify you quicker in the upcoming race war.
"No family" -- typical of the hopelessness of an MK slave, her only "family" are in fact her government handlers.


what are some good not controlled opposition ppl then?

Yourself. your own mind.
but if you really need puppets to do the thinking for you,
Ann Coulter
Anyone who isn't a shill
thats about it

Old news OP, this was revealed last month and is why she went off grid

>actual shills itt
Reminder that /leftypol/ is trying to dishonestly shill against anyone who advocates for white interests by calling them a kike/controlled op/coal burner etc. Very simple (and obvious) d/c.

>I refuse to believe my e-celeb got railed by nigger dicks

you are the definition of soy

But what if she actually is a mudshark?

>what if
She's not.You're in a d/c shill thread.

sadly this

>Ann Coulter
Quite possibly the only girl who's truly /ourgirl/

1, its more likely she is than she isn't
2, its YOU who is doing the shilling. we are pointing out she's controlled opposition and probably has sex with blacks.
You're shilling for her.
3, Why do you even care? The writing's on the wall.

mfw even that app can't make her the slightest unattractive

We don't need women and niggers.

That's effectively destroys the ideological severity of the alt right.

We need white men, and they need to be monolithic in their behavior and beliefs. They need to look after their own interests, as fraternal organizations have in the past. Through this action, the world will be forced to follow, whether they like it or not.

>1. wrong
>2. lies and conjecture
>3. i know what you're up to, dishonest lying shit heel


Anyone that doesn't rely on you donating to their Patreon.

are you lauren rose?
if so, tell your NSA handler it's almost bedtime.

>but you dont get to cuddle your teddy

good luck, she is flawless

she doesnt have a patreon

>we're preparing the memo that shows Lauren Rose is a former coalburner

What's your obsession with black men fucking white women? Are you some sort of closet cuck yourself?

Also, fuck off and stop shilling for plebbit tier e-celebs. Same with the Laura Southern whore

what is this picture supposed to prove? she's still pretty in that very "girl next door grown up" way. more women should wear "natural" looking makeup like her

Glorious if true.