Largest political discord all people welcome
-Lauren southern in
-Richard Spencer in
-Sargon of cuck is in
everyone but you? seems so
Largest political discord all people welcome
-Lauren southern in
-Richard Spencer in
-Sargon of cuck is in
everyone but you? seems so
Honestly, clingy guys like that have it coming to them.
No sympathy for betas getting cucked.
Why do all american women fuck niggers in the mutts back?
>marketing your shitty discord channels based on how many irrelevant e-celebs are there
fuck off
Lazias a mod? theres that free unbans from Sup Forums for everyone
>a bunch of worthless youtube eprostitues are there
Then I'm not!
they get bullied duh
Don't fall for the stupid e-celeb meme user.
>though I will admit that Lauren southern only does it for the money
Fuck off you cancerous retard, get real friends and form your own opinions
Lmao great idea recruiting people for it from Sup Forums, you'll just get retards spamming "mudshark kike" at Lauren
thats the point
Yeah it's best if we keep the truth away.
Lazias? you mean that turkroach leftypol faggot?
explain yourself and send the fucking video now
use a VPN next time (((Noah Cohen))) nobody is going to buy your bs about Lazia being turkish or left/pol/
reported so he bans you
lol you predictable idiot
report all cohen posts
stop shilling your discord you stupid schizophrenic turkroach faggot
This is noah cohen
He goes around Sup Forums calling everyone a turk/non-white. Everytime you see a leaf poster doing that just remember it's a jew
there are pictures of you, you are not white dude
pls no
pictures of me?
there are no pictures of me i dont even have social media nice try cohen i just know all about you jewboy
So you're a shill? Ok.
That's not the truth though because she is not jewish.
yes she is shill
That is lazia, he shills his discord on here and larps as a fascist. This is despite publicly declaring he wants to destroy the altright. He organized flagging of krauts shit before and calls various peoples jew and/or pedophiles. Also he is brown and might actually be schizo.
1) Lazia has a red sign saying mod next to his name
2) lazia doesn't own this discord
nice try cohen
hook nose kike
Kill yourself you subhuman kike.
More like (((everyone))), no thanks.
nice excuses
they seized it cus they a jewish company
>meme flag
Fuck off.