What does Sup Forums think of centrists? 1/2 libtards, or based?
>1/2 libtards, or based?
I would say something in between
Centrism is cancer because they still believe in some left wing ideas. The entire left wing political spectrum is a plague on this earth. Right wing=best wing.
As far as I see, most of great leaders in history are centrist with some democratic/republican tendency.
As the graphic indicates, Sup Forums doesn't understand centrists.
In the minds of Sup Forumsfags, centrists try to seek the middle ground on all issues. But in reality, centrists listen to all sides and then decide on each issue individually. And because on most issues both sides have good points, the conclusion they come to is usually somewhere in the middle.
Third position is based, radical brainlet centrists get the bullet.
alt-right = larper fagz
alt-left = larper fagz
10yr old boy mentalities lmao. learn to compromise at least a LITTLE
Well it depends, are they center left? (liberals) or center right? (conservatives). Both are pretty fine, they're just moderates really. Some might be left leaning socially while right leaning economically.
>compromising with traitors and subversive elements
Centrists are people who don't care about anything but themselves. They are selfish creatures and more dangerous and detrimental than our opponents.
No one is getting the bullet, however the third position is the way. Centrists are cowards and cowards aren't worthy of death.
>We want civil rights
>We want to kill black people
Gas yourself
Civil rights are more dangerous than death.
>Civil Rights for whites only
That's a compromise.
I'm a conservative centrist. Radical centrists are just hippie libtards in disguise.
The comic you posted was by a (((centrist)))
Everyone is selfish, even you retard. 99% of you would flush all this shit down the toilet if put under any real duress.
All humans are selfish trash.
Only for people who deserve the latter!
>we want the right to kill black "people"
I can get behind that
Radical centrisim is just a meme. It really doesn't exist.
>I'm trash so ALL of us are
rules of acquisition 34 & 35, mein nagus
Make the right one say we want to kill white people and it'll be perfect.
I'm a man of God. If someone said they would kill me or jail me for beliefs I wouldn't budge because I know there is more after this life. I welcome hatred as long as I can live and say the truth. Fuck the selfish, they are cowards.
They already have civil rights.
These days it's more like pic related.
alt-centrist and proud
They are idiots who don't know the jq and havn't picked a side
Compromise on what?
Life is more complex than a pure centerist tight rope of politics between two dogmatic positions. Healthcare, Territorial integrity, Educational priorities, Drug laws, Positions on Special interests, International relations and approach, Type of economy, Environmental policy
Where is the left/right on that?
Even this does not do it justice.
This picture is inherently biased. It presumes that pro white views are racist and pro non white views are not racist.