Is this the beginning of Feminism is Iran? Iranian women protesting the hijab

>Tehran police arrested 29 people on Thursday after an unprecedented protest against the legal requirement that women must wear headscarves in public took place this week, according to Iranian media reports.

>In a symbolic move, at least six women climbed on utility boxes on busy streets in Tehran on Monday, took off their headscarves, or hijabs, put them on sticks and waved them for some minutes. The photos went viral on social media networks with the hashtag #NoToCompulsaryHijab.

>Omid Memarian, an Iranian journalist, tweeted, "A growing number of women are removing their mandatory head scarves & waving them on the streets of Tehran: a courageous symbol of civil protest against the hijab; forced on women in Iran for decades. Six women so far and it seems they're just starting!"

I thought Muslims knew how to handle their women? Is Islam BTFO in Iran? Seems like Western feminist values are starting to catch on.

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They don’t wear hijabs, they wear headscarfs because it’s been law for almost 40 years. It’s always protested

bump, beside the point

Focus on your own shitholes, snow niggers.


Not even Islam is safe from the decadence of tolerant progressiveness. It could be entirely possible that in our life-time these countries might be where we are today on transsexuals.


feminists here support the hijab

Oy vey not another (((protest)))

This makes me want to send some of our dyed-hair land whale Feminists over there so that they can scream at those women for being "Islamophobes". It would be very entertaining...

Looks like Islam is failing even in Islamic countries.

The kikes have a fake talmud online just for debunking the meme

That last one is a full blown feminist. Stone her to death.

I wish you snow niggers would focus on your own countries and stop obsessing over Iran and other places. It's becoming tiresome. Sometimes I think the thoughts of other countries are more present in your mind than your own kinsmen.

This is Iran in 1980

Last Iran protest: anyone see that slick fashwave propaganda (((they))) put out here?
It was a really nice attempt.

please kys?

>"muh iran is the biggest threat on earth"
it's funny howall the alt-lite and breitbart and other supposedly pro-european media orgs always focus on Iran and how dangerous they are, yet the majority of muslim migrants to Europe were sunni muslims, not shia
Israel is scared of Iran, we get it, but the whole not-so-subtle demonizing of Iran by the same people who complain about the muslim migrants in Europe shows that they don't really care about the problem but they care about peddling an agenda and now you see all of them make a big deal out of a bunch of protesters in Iran
I hope all the Shapiro, Cernovich, Infowars, Breitbart readers on here see what's fishy about (((this)))

>"Let's care about islamic laws IN an islamic country because that's our business and has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that a certain the-only-democratic-country-in-the-middle-east™ is terrified of Iran while embracing Saudi Arabia

>please kys?

It is difficult that our solution to Islam is Feminism and that our solution to Feminism is Islam.

The only explanation is they want Iran to become a problem so then they could manufacture pretext to intervene. The less people talk about Iran, the better.

Exactly, which is why you see both republican (((conservatives))) and alt-lite constantly focus more on Iran than much more hardcore islami countries like Saudi Arabia
In Iran you can at least be a female tourist and not wear a headscarf, try that in Saudi Arabia

Their goals aren't even to help Iran reform or become more open. No, their goals are simply to divide and conquer via fabricating pretexts, like "giving democracy" or "helping [insert poor oppressed group here]". However, it's all just subterfuge and normally boils down to intervening to stir trouble, Balkanize, and gain access to certain resources. I think they want to try to foment separatist tendencies among various of Iran's ethnicities in order to split the country and gain access to oil provinces in Khuzestan (such as South Pars Gas Condensate Field which is geostrategically important). Petroleum is important to modern economies and the way its priced or the currency it's priced in affects markets tremendously.

In fact, Carter's administration backstabbed the Shah because he was no longer being an OPEC puppet and Khomeini was initially backed by Carter. It's just a load of shit and the narrative most people use to talk about the country is wrong. It really just comes down to manipulating oil markets, even war will make the stocks shoot up.

no, this has been a thing for decades

Fuck off, kike. Also, if you're Iranian, then you're a disgrace to our heritage.

sending money back to iran makes me a disgrace to my heritage?

women are obsessed with taking off their clothes

Iranian diaspora are some of the most retarded pieces of shit that deserve to get their asses kicked in:

"In Dubai, Iranian expatriates have invested an estimated $200 billion (2006).[59]"

Iranian diaspora is so fucking rich but invests in enemy nations rather than aiming to help its own nation. Iran deserves to be reduced to rubble because of haughty and hypocritical faggots like you.


"[The combined net worth of Iranian diaspora] is $1.3 trillion (2006 est.)[7][57][58] In 2000, the Iran Press Service reported that Iranian expatriates had invested between $200 and $400 billion in the United States, Europe, and China, but almost nothing in Iran.[9] In Dubai, Iranian expatriates have invested an estimated $200 billion (2006).[59] Migrant Iranian workers abroad remitted less than two billion dollars home in 2006.[60]"

I hate Iranians.


thats not decadent. Muslim women have the highest rate of bone turnover because of that. I'm sick of men who say a woman who's wearing jeans and tshirt or a nice dress are not modest or that's "problematic".
In Iran they created a public park for women only when they found out about the Vitamin D issue. But they struggled to find a suitable lication because they needed to prevent men to lurk out of the windows of the surrounding buildings to catch a look.
That veil thing is retarded. If someone wants it, whatever. But it should not be forced.
And not wearing it doesn't mean running around like on a slut walk

The point is will you STFU about Iran. Wearing or not wearing it isn't your concern, you little bitch. Iranians don't go around telling you bastards what your culture should be, so why don't you fuck off too? Honestly, I want the hijab to remain to spite you snow nigger pieces of shit.

i can tal about what I want and take party for whatever I want. I can't influence the politics there but I can talk about it.
>I want the hijab to remain to spite you snow nigger pieces of shit.

the only thing you spite is Iranian women

Before the late 70s, woman wore bikinis and mingled in iraq and were treated just fine.

You snow niggers constantly fetishize Iranian women because you want to invade and do shit like My Lai Massacres whereby you rape a lot of women. Then you justify it in edgelord contrarian manner and say, "Hurr durr putting my White seed in them!" Your right-wing movement is not genuine and based on virtue or integrity, and it's just some self-aggrandizement BS. You fabricate pretexts about "bring freedom to the women" only to justify expanding your sphere of influence for economic reasons.

i am a woman

she's lebanese

>Muslim women have the highest rate of bone turnover because of that. I'm sick of men who say a woman who's wearing jeans and tshirt or a nice dress are not modest or that's "problematic".
>In Iran they created a public park for women only when they found out about the Vitamin D issue.

I hadn't heard about this before. Thank you for sharing. None of the sources I'm finding list any conclusive evidence about the issue, however.

You don't understand how contemporary geopolitics works. Mind your own business.

No this is just them trying to go back to the way they were not all that long ago.

Good. Fuck hijabs.

typical muslim man behaviour.
>Running out of arguments
> Muh you don't understand. Get into the kitchen

one is a medical thing the other is personal opinion. I know many Iranians. I also can't influence the development in Iran just by writing on Sup Forums. So there is nothing to worry about

>typical muslim man behaviour.
I'm not Muslim, you dumb cunt.

>Running out of arguments
I made some pretty nuanced arguments, dumb bitch. It's about forming pretexts in order to justify intervention or economic purposes. Fuck off with this little game of trying to socially critique and then intervene for your self-interest.

>I know many Iranians.
Most Iranian diaspora are stupid, and if Iran were to split into multiple countries or become a failed state, then it would be their fault, since the diaspora have a net worth of about 1.2+ trillion and invest in rival nations.

>I also can't influence the development in Iran just by writing on Sup Forums.
Shifting the public opinion of the rabble, even just a little bit, does have some effect. I'm saying your narrative of helping the oppressed typically leads to more exploitation, so the best way to help is to fuck off.

>or economic purposes
for economic purposes*

Would a woman do the extreme polar opposite?

unironically true.

>Fuck off with this little game of trying to socially critique and then intervene for your self-interest.

I'm not part of the military industrial complex...

>Most Iranian diaspora are stupid, and if Iran were to split into multiple countries or become a failed state, then it would be their fault, since the diaspora have a net worth of about 1.2+ trillion and invest in rival nations.

some had to flee for not getting killed.

pretty pls kys?

Real feminism

Iran is way better than Saudi Arabia. Why can't the USA be on good terms with Iran?


>I'm not part of the military industrial complex...
Your plebeian mentality allows for its continual existence.

>some had to flee for not getting killed.
Most people don't know this, but the Revolution was also the fault of Carter's administration. The Shah was no longer being an OPEC puppet and he began hiking oil prices to the disadvantage of the West and became ambitious with manufacturing and nuclear projects. He also went declined William E. Simon's 1974 petrodollar deal whilst KSA agreed to it. Regardless, I can share the documents if you want them, but Carter's administration and CIA became fed up with the Shah, and they supported Khomeini as an alternative. They manufactured the narrative and spread it through radio, with the help of BBC, to Iranians demonizing the Shah, and when Khomeini got power, he was not like anything he promised before then.

I'm neither pro-Shah nor pro-Khomeini, but the point I'm making is the USA and UK do not want an independent OPEC country because it's not good petrodollar recycling mechanism which gives USD its values. Each time you snow niggers poke your noses into Middle Eastern affairs, you leave a cascade of damage, sometimes never even disclosing the full truth.

You should be happy most Iranians don't know this shit about Carter because, if they did, then I doubt they will ever want rapprochement. I, quite frankly, do not want USA & UK and Iran ever to be on cordial terms again.

I really don't like it when I see Westerners say what's best for others and flaunt their savior complex. The one thing that needs the most saving is yourselves.

>Why can't the USA be on good terms with Iran?
I hope USA never becomes on good terms with Iran. Even the IRI is the fault of the USA. You should be happy most people don't know the truth.

Carter's administration backed Khomeini because the Shah was no longer being an OPEC puppet:

It is fairly clear from the linked document and several other declassified papers that elements of the US government were actively conspiring against the Shah from the mid 1970s until his fall. The Shah kept pushing for oil price hikes at a time of economic weakness in the West, and just after the US domestic oil production peaked. With that revenue he was embarking upon ambitious development programmes. Eventually, the US managed to get Saudi Arabia to undercut the official OPEC oil price and therefore undercut the Shah. Revolution came shortly afterwards

The USA began distancing itself from Iran since William E. Simon's 1974 petrodollar deal with Saudi Arabia.

Also, on a funnier note, Carter's ambassador to UN also called Khomeini a saint

not to mention iran is a potentially valuable trading partner. all these """free market capitalists""" should welcome more of that there free trade, no?

>I really don't like it when I see Westerners say what's best for others and flaunt their savior complex. The one thing that needs the most saving is yourselves.

It affects me as well since they are pushing for headscarf in the West as well

>It affects me as well since they are pushing for headscarf in the West as well
It's not the Iranians who are pushing headscarf on the West, you dumb bitch. It's normally the Sunni radicals influenced by Wahhabism. Saudi Arabia is the one that finances the spread of Wahhabism to Syria, Western Europe, and more, and their radical brand of Islam is largely behind all these attacks on Western foreign soils.