> Stayed tuned for more trump bullshit goy
>t-this time they’re getting locked up for sure!
The democrats are so fucked. Their rep for 2020 will be so shitty kek they will have to beg michelle obongo to run. broke faggots cant even keep the lights on at the DNC.
>literally the opposite of reality.
>its literally nothing disregard it all
t. libs
It’s going to be interesting this fall when the GOP hemorrhages seats all over the country. I’m guessing the 4d chess will be accusations of election rigging like the dems do when they lose.
LOL the opposite? Nigger they just posted their "Earnings" and they are abysmal hahahahha the RNC is fucking filthy rich with donations from people who want chance in this country. The DNC broke faggots used it all up paying for that garbage dossier. But the memos have nothing incriminating right? thats why bulging eyes schiff was going bananas for it not to be released? fucking neck yourself share blue faggot..
So still nothing?
Nerd virgins begone.
This time for sure it’s happening, no doubt about it just tune into Hannity at 9pm EST 8 central for the details!
>Nerd virgins
I disagree, revelations that the FBI and DOJ is filled with corrupt Obama cronies and that Democrats are protecting them is a good reason to get lots of Republicans turning out to vote.
is honestly fascinating how you people just dont get tired of being wrong time after time
Vote for what? Trump controls the executive branch he should be kicking those people out, more braindead partisan voters aren’t going to change anything in the FBI and DOJ.
>says the guy that believes every larped up hype happening is going to be the big one
>If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
Looks like the GOP is setting up a pavlovian situation for their dogs.
in a nutshell
YEAH! Tick tock libturds!
>Stable. Genius.
Vote for Republican congressmen so Democrats don't take control and shut down the investigation.
Oh wow, there's another memo that loosely, barely connects the DOJ and FBI to the Democrats without anything remotely resembling a smoking gun?
You faggots are worse than liberals crying Russia
god damn the demoshits and rinos better invest in Depends with all the pants-shitting they're doing
It’s like a competition between both partisan groups to see who can be more delusional.