How do Christians take this stuff seriously? Reading the sermon on the mount for the first time, this stuff is insane

How do Christians take this stuff seriously? Reading the sermon on the mount for the first time, this stuff is insane.

Jesus tells you to rip your eye out for looking at a woman with lust and to let people hit you without retaliation. How can you faggots take this crap seriously?

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How can people take Richard Dawkins seriously?

i take it seriously. got a specific question?

metaphors within metaphors.

>2018 reading 1 verse of the bible and making an opinion


So I'm guessing you're blind after ripping both of your eyes out? There's no way you haven't looked at two women lustfully.
And you're also okay with foreigners taking your country, since you shouldn't retaliate.

It's not about literally ripping out your eye or being a cuck. Jesus and the apostles met soldiers and never told them to leave the army so clearly there's a deeper meaning here.

Christcunts are white jews. They look white but on the inside, they're 100 percent semitic

There are Christians ITT saying they take it literally.

Yes. I interpret the bible the way it's meant to be interpreted.

By interpreting it literally.

>waiting for the righteous to use all sorts of degenerate language instead of having any form of dialogue.


>By interpreting it literally.
ANd when it is in your convenience you will tell me to interpret it metaphorically. There is no consistency in the religious. All justifications for their superstitions and inability to deal with the realities of life. The universe and existence do not owe you an afterlife. You were spat out of your mother, and you will take a final breath. In between you can choose to ignore reality and believe in myths, or you can become human and accept your mortality.

How many eyes do you have left?


Not an argument.
That's not the matter here and I've already had one of you christcuck on pol telling me about the merits of the sermon on the mountain.
You fuckers are despicable. You're no better than kikes and muzshits in your own way.

And yet some people tell me it's just wishful thinking.


your question was a generality of if people take the word of Jesus seriously.
The gentleman from Japan stated (I assume in generalities) takes the word seriously.

Muslims take their word literally
Christians derive meaning from the word.

>ANd when it is in your convenience you will tell me to interpret it metaphorically.

No I won't. I interpret the bible EXACTLY how it is.

Checkmate pal.

So what is it about then?

Why do you still have two eyes?

I'm not even a Christian (raised Baptist though), but the sermon on the mount is straight fucking wisdom. I'm sure this is a troll thread, but obviously the language isn't always literal.

I can give you my interpretation or you can read the church fathers to see their apologies about military and defense in Christian countries from the past 1700 years.

Because I've never lusted. What's so hard to understand about that?
Too hard for you? The road to heaven is a thin one.

>spat out of your mother
no he was birthed through her vagina

look at this idiot, he doesn't know how babies are born


We don't call them christcucks for nothing, user

Never in your entire life? You're not bullshitting anyone.

go back to your jewish breasts threads you fucking monkey

Yeah sorry pal. We're not all adulterers here.

t. resentful preachers of death.
Christcucks are out of this world.
The only downside with your death cult is that it doesn't allow you to actually commit suicide. What a waste of time.

>Jesus tells you to rip your eye out

If you can't grasp "parable" you're probably far too dim for any sort of mental activity. You're probably a nigger.

So if a bunch of niggers came to your house and robbed you, you wouldn't retaliate? Would you give them your bank account details as extra?

>And Noah was five hundred years old: and Noah begat Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

I'll admit the body part aspect is hard to decipher. i haven't cut anything off but i want to ideally cease looking at women lustfully.

Since having a state in the first place would require force, no such concept would exist ideally, so there would be no state/country to take. if I'm a poor guy tending to my small land in a stateless country there isnt much incentive for ppl to attack me. but yes ultimately i would ideally turn the other cheak because this life is temporary

>It's not about literally ripping out your eye

>I interpret the bible the way it's meant to be interpreted.
>By interpreting it literally.

Two christians, each telling you to interpret the bible in different ways. Which is it? Literal or Metaphorical. Inconsistency is a hallmark of fallibility. If you can not show a consistent message, it should cause all to understand your message has no veracity.

Makes 100% sense. Still laughing.

Bullshit. I guarantee you look at an attractive women almost everyday when you see one.

your eye cannot cause you to lust. Jesus is saying if your eye made you do it, you'd rip it out as a solution. This illustrates the important of finding the real cause of your lust when it happens. Because if an eye caused you to do it, it would drive you mad.

When he says to cut your eyes off to avoid lusting he means don't put yourself in compromising situations that might cause you to sin.

For example, if you're tempted to get into to trouble when you drink or hang out with certain people you should avoid them.

>If you can't grasp "parable" you're probably far too dim for any sort of mental activity. You're probably a nigger.

Yet, another of your brethren has told us that only the literal interpretation is valid. THen you go on to use degenerate language. You religious people are not much on living the word are you?

>So if a bunch of niggers came to your house and robbed you, you wouldn't retaliate?

Where does it say in the bible to not retaliate to a bunch of niggers robbing you? I told you I take the bible literally.

Well I'd say look at the Church fathers like Aquinas, Chrysostom,etc. They didn't interpret those verses literally either. Jesus spoke in parables many times so it's not very controversial to say the eye thing is a parable as well.

That's retarded.

in this case, the literal interpretation is valid, because your eye cannot cause you to lust, ergo you cannot rip it out because it has made you lust. read:

No, it's the truth.

where's Hare Chrishna when you need him?

Thank God for 2D.

Pol made me realize how fucked up christcucks are.
It strikes me now.
Look how they defend their shit with the same mental gymnastics muzshits use.
Fucking plebs I hate you so fucking much.

You're retarded m8

Its what God sees as sin not man they had the animal sacrifice at this time so no one was actualoy going to mame themselfs but it gave the finger to the selfrightious phrases made them equal to the lower class

It says to never retaliate. So if a nigger punched you in the face, you'd turn the other cheek for a second punch?
You have to be trolling.

not actually a parable, just non-literal language.

>It says to never retaliate.


How can you not look with your eye? What a dumb fucking thing go say.

Just turn your brain off dude

>Yet, another of your brethren has told us that only the literal interpretation is valid.

And you're too dim to understand satire.

Here you go, friend.

(I know. I've just been trolling athiests by pretending to take the bible literally and watching them rage at my position)

Matthew 5:38-42
38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ 39 But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. 40 And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic,[a] let him have your cloak as well. 41 And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. 42 Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you.

It even says if someone steals from you offer them more to steal.

Its all metaphors and symbolism you dumb simpleton fuck

>in this case, the literal interpretation is valid,

This is justification. Plain and simple. When it suits your needs, interpret it metaphorically. In other instance, the bible is literal. Consistency is a sign of validity. The fact that you need to constantly change the way in which the inviolable word of god is interpreted shows that the entire doctrine is a hoax.

Metaphors for what?

Jesus often uses a figure of speech called hyperbole, namely to illustrate a principle.

For example, the passage you are referencing, "If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell"

Jesus is not commanding us to literally mutilate ourselves rather he is explaining to us the weight of sin and how terrible hell is.

I took the rip you're eye out and cut your hand off to be jesus' sarcasm. He's actually quite humourous.

Think of Muslims... They see a woman out of a hefty trash sack and they believe their appearance is cause for them to be raped.

It's actually a fundamental core of thinking.... Where is the locus of sin and sinful thoughts.

Obviously Muslims and liberals blame everyone else for triggering their sin thus making their sin blameless.

Jesus makes it clear, get your fucking head straight and get over your jealousy and envy. And if you can't then gouge out your eyes and cut off your hands dumbass!

That's a reasonable interpretation.

They don't. Nobody here believes in Christ at all.

They just desperately want to belong to a group so they can scream at everybody who isn't in it.

Pick and choose is exactly why we're having to deal with muzshits so regardless this shit pisses me off.
It's all about individual human retardation at this point.

It's the book shut the fuck up quit going around it, we could solve so much if we stood to this simple principle. Muzshits wouldn't even be allowed here in the first place.
Thx christcucks.

I half figured you were attempting sarc. In reality, there are always xtians that will say both are the way to interpret any scripture. This reality proves that the book is a hoax. If god is infallible, it would have figured out how to be absolutely clear as to what it wanted out of us.

Its what God sees as sin and repentance for sin i should have said

No its litteral see

It's a fucking metaphor you blowhard

>not understanding what jesus said
suprise suprise
dont rip you eye/hand off,drop the bad habbit that leads you to sin involving those body paerts
lest your enitre body be cast into fire

>im free from sin
no you arent,liar

Lul, the original Judeans were nothing like modern kikes.
They are an extinct ethnicity just like ancient Greeks.

Then so are the hadiths, every single one of them once we're at it because why the fuck not.

It is a metaphor you still have one eye and hand left to lust with, spiritual you have a demon and need to cast it out of you, plank in eye, you cant punish your right hand with your left

No its not

That mental gymnastic.

>No its litteral see
>It's a fucking metaphor you blowhard

They can't even figure it out. If your figurehead is so powerful and all knowing, how come he could not put his edicts into plain enough language? What kind of sadist wants adulation but will not be explicit in how his supplicants are supposed to act?

The true redpill is we are the Gods.

Self sacrifice in the service of love, probably *the* message of Christianity as a whole.

What I don't understand is why you take the world of a self-professed Christian on the internet over the words of the people who *actually analyzed this stuff over a thousand years ago*.

People are gonna get it wrong, That doesn't mean there is no objectively correct way to analyze.

He doesn't want slaves. He wants you to think for yourself, and come to the conclusion, on your own, that what he taught is the way everyone should live, in a perfect world.

I was point out the previous explaination i made in previous post

>Self sacrifice in the service of love

Dictionary definition of pyramid scheme. THank you for admitting as much.

Without Jesus you are without hope. Kys

>mfw I realize the historical figure I most closely resemble is Jesus of Nazareth the Christ.

>He doesn't want slaves. He wants you to think for yourself, and come to the conclusion, on your own,
Therefore, the entire bible should be taken metaphorically. Correct?

You know in your heart God's laws, but because you ignore them you need Jesus to remind you.

Even children understand this.

You are a kike who preys on retards, prostitutes and disabled^

>Tear out your eye
It means that you should remove the things that lead you to sin. It’s part of a broader teaching that places virtue above the flesh
>be hit without retaliation
Turning the other cheek was an act of defiance, basically calling someone a pussy in such a way that they can’t do anything. By refusing to retaliate, you demonstrate that their insults are not worthy, of you want a contemporary example see how effective it is to dismiss an insult compared to getting flustered by it.
BTW self defense is widely considered to be acceptable for Christians

No. You took a part of what I said and asked a question that doesn't really relate.

>retards managed to convert the Roman Empire to a radically different religion

Or, he *was* perfectly clear and humans had 2,017 years give or take a century or two to cock it all up and heap their bullshit on top of it.

The thing you need to understand about the bible is that it was not written in English. It was written in Hebrew and Greek, languages that use words that we can only approximate, sorta, with an english phrase. Those writings were also heavily influenced by the culture of the time.

Example: the NT of the bible, written in Greek, speaks of at least three different concepts of love - Philo, Agape, Eros. You can sorta translate those as "brotherly love", "unconditional love for others", "desire to fuck", but that's really rough and doesn't convey the same meaning.

meant for:

Matthew 5:38-42
38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ 39 But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. 40 And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic,[a] let him have your cloak as well. 41 And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. 42 Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you."

This is another example. Here Jesus lays out the importance of forgiveness, self denial, long suffering and the principle of love which Christians are bound by.

However this is not a commandment for pacifism, we can know that, because Jesus himself wasn't a pacifist, he drove the merchants from the temple with a scourage. And in other passages he more clearly lays out his teachings on forgiveness, self denial and love.

Take your schizo meds

Odd dictionary you use there.

You dont get it everyone is guilty of sin. You would have to cut your eyes out to avoid adultry because just looking at a hot girl and lusting is a sin according to gods standards. The only way to beforgiven your sins is through putting your faith in jesus and his sacrifice on the cross for your sins. But imagine living in a world where most men looked at and treated all woman like their own sister or mother. So get some damn self control you rapists and if you cant pray for help and forgiveness.

>mental gymnastics
You can’t be this dense

Look how hard this guy is trying to sound smart. Yet, at the same time, is unable to understand a simple metaphor. Cringe.

There are a shit ton of metaphorical Hadiths, great argument leaf