>this kills the Jew
This kills the Jew
Anyone got a link?
Fuck twitter.
Kek he has balls of steel
Here's his profile mobile.twitter.com
>riddle me this soiboi
My fucking sides
Has SPLC commented on what they meant by that? That's the type of shit that demands an explanation
Not too sure about that
Why did this guy choose to ruin his own life?
I feel like we're not doing enough for this guy. We really couldn't find someone more representative of pol willing to show his power level
Need a spark to start the flame.
He's doing just fine unless his car "accidentally" crashes into a wall 67 times
I'm following him anyway the more of Sup Forums that follows him the more of a standing and a voice he has
Bump. Love this bastard.
Bump. Got a link to the vid?
Here ya go, they literally said whites becoming a minority was planned a long time ago, download the video in case ((they)) decide to get rid of it m.youtube.com
>they literally said whites becoming a minority was planned a long time ago
Haven't there been leaked UN documents that prove exactly that?
Shit like this makes me furious.
Not too sure but you just got it straight from the Jews mouth
consider my jimmies rustled.
this needs to be broadcast nationally
Can stop it, will stop it, and no goyim will rescue the Jews this time.
i hate niggers i hate jews i hate spics and arabs too
How? How the fuck are we going to stop this? Trump? The only way this going to be stopped is whites rising up and overthrowing the government. Fat fucking chance.
You don't need documents. It should be obvious just by looking at the dramatic shift in demographics.
It is not normal to drop from 90% to 55% in 40 years. There is a war being waged against us.
So openly and comfortably too. This is the kind of shit we should be calling attention to, not infographics and Alex Jones videos, but vids like this where the people working toward white genocide admit it plainly and proudly.
I'm thinking we nuke the whole planet and take everyone with us except doggos of course they're pure
Why are you even fucking commenting then?
Unless you're trying to demoralize.
"doggos" They'd get there asses handed to them by the kitties!
I mean I think they know there'll probably be no uprising against them and niggers at this point, but I think with time they'll get too confident, this will become normalized at their speech's and people will start flipping their shit
They always get caught by surprise
Oh go fuck yourself asshole. Excuse me if I've offended your feels by expressing my justified concern about our fate lying solely in the hands of a billionaire reality TV star.
mood rn
It is no leak it is an open strategy paper. Just google UN replacement migration.
Standard Shariablue playbook bullshit.
>"It's hopeless, goyim, so don't even think about trying to fight it!"
Every user they can convince to stop reading and just go back to masturbating/vidya buys them another few seconds before The Day of the Rope.
Nice digits by the way.
If your purpose is to demoralize(which I suspect) then suck on a stovepipe, shlomo.
>that complete lack of subtlety
Soon shill.
you can only hold it in so long until you explode.
he's exploding.
white ppl chimp-out incoming.
at this point they dont even hide it im sure you can just ask them and theyll say it openly.
If population replacement replaces one group of people with another whether they consent or not, "you can't stop this" then someone explain to me how it's different from ethnic cleansing? Or genocide if every white country is being flooded and white people might disappear altogether?
Yah this is what I had been thinking of and likely what the guy in the vid was referring to when he said this shit had "been planned for a long time".
I wouldn't doubt it at this point, they've gotten really fucking brazen about all of this over the last few years.
ah, so you are here to demoralize.
>huuur everybody who doesn't share my blind optimism is a kike shill
Fucking underaged faggots. Sup Forums isn't your feel good hugbox. If you want to feel good then fuck off of Sup Forums and go see some cunt with a degree in psychology and let her bullshit you for $150 an hour. Argue against what I'm saying. Give me the white pill. Make me believe that everything is going to be okay. That this fucking guy is in our corner and he's going to reverse over 100 years of marxism and over 50 years of flooding us with non whites.
If that were true then you retards are doing a bang up job at shutting me down
It isn't different, you're literally going to go extinct at some stage if this shit keeps happening, look at your demographics over the last 40 years
The first of many Victories to come
The white wave is forming, slowly but surely & will lead to the expulsion of all non-white, non-christians from North America, Europe, British Isles & Australia
They say it's been planned for a while then proceed to justify it because the population is declining. It's like they are saving us. Should we really be mad at them for helping us out?
>Sup Forums isn't your feel good hugbox
>Make me believe that everything is going to be okay
It's almost as if your ID answered your own question kike
You're the one who's going on about muh demoralization. Ok feefee faggot. Let's make feefees. If you can't argue against what I'm saying with logic then argue against it with emotion. I bet you can't even do that. Just more pussy deflection in your next post.
He's a self-made millionaire, he could retire now and live comfortably forever, but instead he searched for the truth.
Nah, that's the last direct reply you're getting from me, I know you faggots get paid by the (you). You want some feels goods? Open a memo thread and witness how hard we're winning.
Mother of God some Autist needs to make a white stripes style Lego music video with Trump memes.
realize that talking about population decline what theyre talking about really is
Based Nehlen
Now that i'm the kkk, fuck all baby dick sucking kikes.
It's almost as if this bitch never uttered a sentence, practically speaking.
Have a bump, it's always best to hear it from the horses mouth.
She's fucking infuriating
>It's like they are saving us. Should we really be mad at them for helping us out?
This is like one of those retarded sci fi stories where an ai goes rogue and wants to save organics by wiping them out. kys
who doesn't?
Have another bump.
>You can't stop it
I'll show you what I can do.
Threadly reminder paul nehlen is /ourguy/ to the highest degree, and anyone who says otherwise is a shill to be ignored/mocked
Definetly /ourguy/