Redpill me on Sandy hook Sup Forums
Redpill me on Sandy hook Sup Forums
stupid cracker shot up some other stupid crackers
I have a cousin who attended Sandy Hook Elementary School and I can assure you it really happened.
Didn't happen
I used to go to a chatroom with livestreams
there was a girl there from connecticut I chatted up and met up with by doing a 6 hour drive and fucked in a hotel for two nights
well this girl used to tell me she went to Sandy Hook and knew Adam Lanza (he was apparently in a grade older than her). she said Sandy Hook was real.
Tell me, Sup Forums.
Did I fuck a CIA nigger?
Israel/Jew psyop to try more gun control.
Check out this shilling
utter nonsense
School was long closed before the supposed shooting happened.
AR-15 was left in the trunk, not used.
A lot of suspicious stuff happened around this shooting, there is a high probability it was a psyop.
I was a student at Sandy Hook
A Sup Forums commando shot about 20 first graders.
the end.
>adam lanza was a nationally ranked ddr player
Whenever you talk about Sandy Hook questioning outside the narrative a signal gets sent out to the SHIDF shills.
Shotgun in the trunk
my whole family died in the hook shoah, it was very real goy.
I have a cousin who attended Sandy Hook Elementary School and I can assure you it didn't happen.
a jew went batshit and shot up some kids. any questions
was your cousin there with you when it happened?
Yes a lot actually
It was pure coincidence !
What's Sandy Hook?
My grandparents barely made it out, goy.
Nice. Me too
This. Never forget.
a sub par training exercise w some horrible acting
Sam Hyde knows