Oh hay guyz! Who's gonna watch the big foo'baw' match in a couple days

Anyone want to throw back some craft brews at my place and eat conventional snack food?

We can criticize the coaches and players!

Don't forget your polo shirts, and rehearse small talk about kids and work while we pick at chips and pretzels while standing.

Then the ladies can sit among themselves and talk about girl stuff.

Then I, the host, will say: "Well, shall we?" And lead us to the room with the television.

Other urls found in this thread:


C'mon, at least one of you must want to?

How about a European who is new to this?

I can introduce you to the great American past-time.

>another patriots superbowl

digits confirm that, but let's make this a conventional social event with snack trays from Costco and the craft brew du jour in the liquor section. Sam Adams maybe! Stella!

t. unable to act like a normie.

If you're actually a sperg, hosting a SB party is a good idea to actually connect with normies if you actually know anybody in meatspace. Just make it not shitty

I would legitimately kill myself if I was this autistic. Learn to socialize you fucking sperg

This will be fantastic practice.

"Didja hear about what Brady did with the.......?"

"Man, I hope Brady can stay healthy!"

So easy, brah.

>Wanting to be a normie
>At all

This is why i hate white people

Fake ass mofukers.