What is wrong with this girl?
What is wrong with this girl?
She lost her real father then lost her stepfather and real mother. If it wasn't for nii-san, the love of her life, she'd have killed herself already.
this is what you get when you put a sking of a cute gril on top of a smelly fat NEET otaku
Avoidant personality disorder, exasperated by the fact that her reclusive behaviors are consistently enabled and even encouraged by her caretaker.
She is unrealistic
Why she isnt fat?
Kid metabolism and idk anime logic
>tfw all girls are best girls
What the fuck is this anime
She's a character used for pedo bait. It's not that she's wrong, it's the world that is wrong for creating her with that sole purpose.
she's a slug
Speak for yourself. She's literally me except cute and female.
She's not married to me.
>except cute and female
Which is what makes her unrealistic.
>a character from a fiction is wrong because it's icky
Too much tease, not enough panty shots.
Well her mother got a divorce for reasons unknown despite being a horrible negligent mother and then she died.
And something about entering puberty too while having no good role models to follow and having an unhealthy love with her adoptive older brother.
Shit like that my nignog.
She grew up observing her mother who was a huge pervert, and became a huge pervert herself.
Let this be a lesson for you, anons. If you ever somehow manage to have a daughter, teach her the joys of being a pervert. Get your wife into it as well for a higher chance of success.
Wow dat really killed her for me. Thank you you bastard
I wonder why her father got divorced with her mom. He could probably get sex whenever he wanted.
that would be monogatari
obviously not thread related
Lewd girl
Brain damage
Nothing at all. The author's simply using the latest trends to sell his shit, and it's working. This shit is literally a reskin of Oreimo. No doubt that his next work will be very similar and extremely successful too.
I detect a certain amount of butthurt in this post
>mfw imoutos are the next isekai/battle harem
Not all neets eat crap food all day. (source: me)
She is an Sup Forumsnon that died and reincarnated.
She doesn't come across as smart as a reincarnator i.e. Tanya.
She's a cute girl with a kid's intelligence but an user's personality. And she's living in the same house as an unrelated guy she's attracted to.
Anons are dumb manchildren, so its accurate
She's an user in little girl's body.
No perm
she's a shit character in a shit show
No u
She's NBR and it gnaws away at her.
wasn't that already No Game No Life?
Anyone has a loop of the head patting?
NBR there too.
She was probably a succubi
Generic imouto romcom is a trend he started himself and already came and went in the early 2010s, you're late. Only the leftovers and Fushimi himself are left now.
Truly living the dream