Brit/pol/ ELVIS FOUND ON MARS edition

>Darren "Lionheart" osborne jailed for the Finsbury park crusade

>Uncle Jezza "earned" around 150K from the taxpayer, then gives a little bit of it back

>Some french bloke gives his opinion on football

>Coal power-stations shut down as are apparently not economically viable anymore?

>Crypto cuckency speculators have bottled it

>Niggers die

>Son of Socialist dies


Go away pube

first for bumsex

I am completely addicted to fluffies. Please help.

why does pube steal other people’s gimmicks

get your own damn flag and name


you never had your flag



It’s my brand at this point. I hate it’s usage in real life though.

So apparently Teresa has once again decided to ban the internet. On a scale of 1 to 10 how fucked are we this time?

Uh oh! Who did Eddie piss off this time? Whatever he did, he's frozen to death in the Mersey.

Find something to distract yourself.



I just imagine him sat in there as the cold waters of the Mersey rise up around his feet, all of the empty dog ends and corned beef tins bobbing around as the cabin fills with icy cold, muddy water.
He types "you fucking nonces got BTFO again" into Brit/pol/. A single tear rolls down his face as the car disappears underneath the waves forever.

4 trips in here already. You useless NEETs are fucking cancer

They're namefags, not tripfags. I know there isn't too mch difference... but.

>A lot of uncertainties remain. The BBFC said it was not yet ready to speak about exactly how the system will work. A spokesperson explained it was just starting what is due to be another lengthy consultation process with relevant parties and experts, to formulate a best practice framework ahead of the April 2018 deadline.

I doubt it will happen. 0

Could you do some OC to illustrate this?

>eddie hunkers down for the night in his sleeping bag
>like 10lbs of shit in a 5lb sack
>"just one more go at btfo user" he thinks
>his phone lights up
>ghastly reflections from his glstening jowls
>he hears a thud, notices ripples in the dregs of the pint glass he mineswept earlier, the dicarded tabs swirl around
>the thudding gets closer
>suddenly the sun roof is ripped off
>a giant corded arm reaches in and palms eddies head like a nog with a basketball
>eddie notices a rainbow wristband as he is pulled bodily through the roof
>he screams, "please, no"
>a geordie voice booms
>HOO, YEE. Yee callt wur a nonce on Sup Forums
>eddie looks up but all he can see is a giant shadowy figure in a muscle shirt that appears to have a picture of a redheaded anime girl on it
>"ah'll prove ahm nee nonce"
>eddie stammers "w-what, how?"
>"well, ye're owa 18, eh bonny lad?"
>there is the sound of unzipping. It goes on a long time
>a giant hand bends eddie over his car bonnet and holds him down
>"h-here we go again" thinks eddie


student actually
like being NEET only I can tell myself I’m being productive

daily reminder I am 5’6 and don’t speak like that
just correcting the record (CTR)

>link titles
cracked me up

there is literally no difference

former tripfag and veteran namefag/avatarfag here. can confirm

have you ever been in love user ?

Yes. I'm still paying for it.

Yes. But im married now :(

Whats the problem?

probably not. had the odd autistic unhealthy idolisation though

that's a proper sport

you'll feel better

Yes. Deeply. Grew up together, fell in love, had a relationship, moved into a flat together, did everything together, shared the same interests. Went on holidays. We inseparable.

Then one night she went to a nightclub with her new slag mates she met at her workplace and slept with some slap headed Deano cunt. Wasted seven years, made me homeless, went literally insane.

Women literally monkey swing from man to man like apes in the trees.

I have yet to meet one man who has not been seriously traumatised by a woman.

You won't let yourself be loved


>tfw it takes 3 minutes to get through the captchas

My story has a slightly different melody and tempo but it ends the same way.

Just when I think it'd be nice to have a gf, someone drops a blackpill like this

Oi mates, pass the malt vinegar for me chips eh??

At the time it was amazing. I felt complete and happy. It took six years to get over her and now I can't stand to risk anything but casual sex.

I was talking to other girls and in general being a shitty boyfriend. I always had strong feelings for her, and she always had strong feelings for me... and when she said she was done it was like a fucking slap in the face. Who am i ? why have I been acting like this ?

That was five years ago. on top of all the depressing shit im irreversibly redpilled. I still miss her but its more of a grey mix of hate and sadness than the potent depression i felt for the first 3 years.

All in different games. 2 deflections and the other hit my head from a corner. The penalty box on sunday league games is scruffy as fuck, and you can hardly see shit unlike pro football which is more spread out. Plus I'm 5'9ft and was surrounded by the 6'1ft+ giants. Even pro defensive players can get own goals.
Other than I got MotM 4 (or 3) times, and became (VC) only 5 games into the season. Not bad for a first start.

Anyway, back to Sup Forumsitics

Anyone watched altered carbon

44% malt vinegar? Disgusting.

I've read the book. It was awful.

ill give you lovies
Whats it about

Wish I was gay to be honest.
I still cannot trust women.

Knew one bloke who was told by his GF to get rid of his beloved Staffie dog or she'd leave him. Turned out she was cheating behind his back anyway. He had already gotten rid of his dog.

Self loathing and worrying about your own potential mistakes are even more compounded when you wonder if it was any of those that caused them to do certain things or run off


user in a thread earlier mentioned it but no idea what he was talking about

Seen the hitler doc

Too late already given, accept pls

Lad, i met the perfect girl, 10/10 funny af. I was constantly amazed she was into me. Got engaged etc. Then i got a little fucked up on gear, started lying to her, she started getting paranoid, fucked with her head. Anyways.

Years later Im married, still think about her, what I could have had if I hadnt been a fucking idiot. Wake up sometimes in the night next to the wife, and just a split second I think its her instead.

Rich folk are bad and can afford to live forever.
Dirk McSteelface is a private eye lost in drink or something and some gorgeous space broad turns up in his office and muh wealthy husband is ded.
It's a cheap detective novel with some talking computers

>Wake up sometimes in the night next to the wife, and just a split second I think its her instead.

God I wish for both of us thing shad worked out differently. I am now successful I suppose but achingly lonely and would rather be a bachelor than date women of my own age.

Darent. Those books esp woken furies are some of my favourites. Couldnt take it if netflix fucked it up.


this..... I can't lie, i've given up on that life.

I don't want to put all the effort into building everything up just to lay down with another women and still be haunted by the life I could have had. I think i'm going alone from here on out. maybe a quiet life off grid until race war starts. with a dog and some farm animals.


I've put everything into my career snd fitness once I finally sobered up. Now I am terrified that I'm too old to love or if I do I'll lose it all again and not be able to recover this time.

I can’t love anyone m8. I don’t think it’s possible.

Read woken furies, kovacs is slaughtering his way through space muzzies and basically helping the ghost of ayn rand.

I can still remember the day that the police raided next door. They were an elderly couple, David and Agnes. Sweet as you could imagine and kinder than anyone you've ever met.

Turns out that they had a huge patch of stinging nettles in their garden and cupboards filled with iced gems (bakers buckshot). I had no idea that they were terrorists and I seriously fear as to what nefarious plot they were hatching in their well manicured bungalow.

you fucking nonces btfo again

You could at least try

Does anyone have any good ideas (other than going on the game) on how someone could get money short term if you have very, very little?

I'm starting a new job in a month but until then I have to somehow get by, and I've very little money left and no safety net. It's so soon that I can't really find a part time job and just leave after 2-3 weeks. How difficult is finding temp cash-in-hand work? (sarcastic question GCHQ & tax man I of course would do no such thing). I have bar experience, would pubs want someone to work for a few weeks and fuck off?

I'm already going to pack up and sell the ridiculous amount of CDs, DVDs, and shit I don't need for a bit, and there's some other things I can sell that I literally don't need or want anymore, but I'm really struggling to figure out how to stay afloat before my first paycheque. Anyone have any ideas that isn't shorting bitcoin?

This is the stuff I like to see.
Good record keeping.

my alt on grinder got banned too D':

m8 do you know how fucking rich i'd be if my parents had let me grown weed ?

You could get a short temporary job at the weekends and just not tell them it's temporary.
If you're on bennies they give you money to when you start I think.

go g4p

Also if you have family don't beg them but start saying to relatives that you are starting a job soon and was wondering if they could point you to anything? If it's helping them out for a bit or even a tenner for washing their cars.

for flat earth shit?

for being too much of a faggot

are you honk or prusse?

>Tfw I am that cunt

I can't help it, I have a thing for fucking peoples birds or women who are in relationships. It's a serious problem for me to the point I've spoke to professionals about it, lost friends over it, got in fights over it, etc.

One of my first childhood memories of my father is him cheating on my mum and saying "we're going to see my other friend", and I was just excited to be spending time with him... Obviously as I grew up I realised what he meant, lol

Anyway, yeah, don't blame me, maybe the guy was fucked up a little bit like me. I'm a "misogynist" now apparently, maybe it makes sense

pube it seems

he never stops does he?

check the ID’s. by my posts it’s obvious I’m the real honk

I hate to wish ill to another user but I genuinely hope you fall down the stairs onto Lego bricks or that it happens to you.

>You could get a short temporary job at the weekends and just not tell them it's temporary
This is what I'm considering doing and there's part time hours going in a few retail jobs around, but I would assume that it'd take maybe a week to get an interview done and start, so I'd literally be there for 3-4 weeks. A reference from them is irrelevant since I'm going into a nice job but I'd feel fucking awful doing that to them, do you reckon many people do? Could I make some excuse up to quit on short notice?
I live in a rural bumfuck town so not much call for it unfortunately.
Already borrowed a fair bit from my parents (to be paid back from the first paycheque, I hate being in debt) and they can't really spare anything else now, already washed all their cars too.

You a proud liberalist?

being the first person in the thread to impersonate me doesn't make you me internet tough guy

Without irony, do you know any farmers? Or are you friendly with your local publican? Even vicar? Saying to these people I am looking to help myself out of a rut and need shifts or work and I want to work hard cab lead places. Otherwise it's the game for you.

>tfw no Keynes to my Locke

Why? It happens to everyone eventually
I've been cheated on too

Does it really matter? Seeing as to all others you're both faggots.

By the way, whichever is the real honk, I want to ask a favour.

lemme guess

of course ill pose nude for you

>implying the real honk is a condescending meanie
fuck off pube

I know the manager of the local pub well (used to work there) and she's asking around for me now, but not especially hopeful. I've done cash in hand work before helping with labouring and shit with friends and already asked everyone about any temp stuff but no joy.

I'm pretty sure I already know the answer, but if I be honest at a shop there's part time vacanies for and just say that I'd only be able to work for a month and a half but I have lots of retail experience and will work hard would they just laugh and tell me no?

Just lie to them and say you need a job for the foreseeable future.

ill pick your lock if you know what i meme

Neither of you are the real honk.

What should I do when it comes to leaving? Give them some warning ahead of time and say I've been offered a job on short notice or make up a lie and say I simply can't work there anymore?

idk why you would think that.
but the real redpillxis knowing the real honk died months ago

>I'm sorry Abdul/Dave/Marjorie to my surprise I've been offered a real job and I can't say know. I start next week.
Chances are they'll be pleased for you.

>all these Honks again

guys... can you not...?

Because it is traditional to ask the real honk to kill himself as a favour.

Who's sending me lewds on discord then, if it's pube ill smash your boicunnie in behind the boatyard.

Wtf, Why are you gay?