>Be at university
>Every single one is a literal Marxist.
>Only one guy who isn't one and he's a Wahabbist sandnigger.
>I actively hide my politics.
>'Friends' to thick to figure it out, even though I regular slip up.
>Dumb as shit, no wonder they're commies.
>Have some free time when Brexit results roll in.
>People crying, white bitches holding Tyrone's hand and all.
>I cry, tears of joy.
>They think I'm one of them.
>Everyone has lost virginity, all to Tyrone. One of few straight guys, even then those straights fuck Shaniqua.
>Still a virgin.
>Cheating is common with gangbangs being heard all over.
>I've tried slowly red pilling them.
> Doesn't work.
Anons, how do I get a Ruth gf and retain my sanity, they've started to check up on computer history thanks to a new firewall...
Might not even be able to go on here anymore, help.
How can I retain sanity?
Go to church lad.
feels bad man
stay strong user
It's okay user bro. not all can swallow the red pill. just stay strong.
>tfw there could be a new crusade soon
No churches in the area. The nearest one is an hour away... I can go to a mosque though.
How is that possible? England is small as hell.
I know... It is small.
It was like this from the 1930's.
Ever hear of a Mosley speech outside of East London that wasn't attacked by a literal militia of Jews?
I know user. it hurts. But we have to stay strong because who knows what horrors we will be condemning our peoples to if we don't pick up what Mosley left us.
the fire still burns.
if it makes you feel better..
Dont let the fire be extinguished
>be me
>studying in the desks in my college building
>peacefully enjoying my lunch
>hear a soft roar echoing from a hall in the distance
>start shuffling around in a panic, while I shove my notebooks, pencils and textbook into my backpack in a orderly fashion
>the earth starts to tremble beneath my feet
>the shrieks get louder and closer
>Two dozen corpulent beasts of the most horrid appearance wobble into my view, their voices screeching like harpies
>shitty twitter hashtags are streched across their bodies like war banners
>gallons of spit fly into the air
>their beady eyes stare into me, most likely determining my gender identity
>I avoid eye contact and make myself as large as possible before quickly escaping the horde
Anyone else at a liberal community college?
>>Everyone has lost virginity, all to Tyrone.
It canĀ“t be this bad, can? mudsharks are that common?
Depends on location, southerners are a weird bunch of people.
>leave Somalistan
>come to USA
become chad
kek, I would like to read more of Nazi bros adventures.
That goes to show again that women are indeed are only a rib of adam.
Imagine it, they would bow over to any ideology if they feel attracted to the masculinity / strength of its members (Sandniggers in germany today / Russian army in ww2 in austria, many more).
But that is as old as humanity itself, if you raze the tribe, you kill the men and keep the women as slaves. The men will always try to usurp you anyway - the women will be obedient and accept you as their new stronger ruler in exchange for their life...
That's why women should never have been allowed agency. They have loyalty whatsoever.
Im in the same boat Britbro, stay strong and know you are never alone
Get a VPN just for peace of mind. There honestly has to be people who are like you. They are in the woodwork or something. If nothing else, you should LARP as a radical liberal and go full horseshoe theory.
>start anti-Zionism/peace for Palestine club and turn it into an anti-Jew club
>support racemixing and degeneracy for non-whites and Jews
>support more gimmedats from the gov so you collapse the programs all together
Basically excellerationism is your only hope, but go for the casualties against non-whites the most.
Be glad to live there, OP. Could always be worse.
might be crazy anuff too work
> crash this plane with no survivors
Start a UKIP club, or Brexit club. See who shows up. May need to register club w/uni first. Tell'em you just want something less liberal, but your not fash or anything to cause trouble. May have to call it young conservatives or young tories, or whatever it is these days. Can't imagine they can block an established political party. The tories may not even be conservative enough, but you will find a few just like you do here. Probably even a qt or two. Then, split off and do your own thing. Persist. Be a leader. Takes time.
>be german
>can't talk about politics in public
>state one opinion on social media
>get sued and sent to prison