The alt right isntreal
>the alt right, israel
Oh i see
Texas is awful. Don't go there. Just stay away.
Pass on living on a Mexican tornado farm.
t. Idaho
mexico 2.0 cuckservtive edition
blue stronghold in the making
RINO land currently
Texas is real, alright.
Texas is a gay shithole filled with self obsessed weirdos and beaners
Basically California with more cowboyhats
t. Hoosier
not gonna happen.
Best state and best history. Burgers will act like we're fucking Mexico yet they can't see we're currently fighting a war on all fronts
>Liberal judges
>Liberal cities
>Spanish out the ass
Greg Abbott is only one man but he is definitely doing all he fucking can to save the state by passing anti-sanctuary city bills. We're fighting so that the lesser, weaker states can still live.
It's a tough fight but someone's got to do it. Victory or Death.
Eventually some Democrat will win a statewide office in Texas, but probably not in 2018 or even 2020. After that the demographics start catch up to the Republicans and it become truly competitive.
That said, it could happen sooner. If Democrats continue to run high-quality candidates like Beto O'Rourke (running against Ted Cruz this year) in every race, eventually they'll get lucky and win something. Traditionally, the Texas Democratic party has suffered by not being able to recruit good candidates who are willing to sacrifice their careers on longshot statewide bids. Also, if Trump and the Republicans continue to drift towards an openly white-ethnonationalist platform, Texas Hispanics may shift strongly towards the Democrats.
Another scenario is if expensive coastal states and cities get their shit together and pass laws restricting neighborhoods' ability to restrict dense house construction. This would create a massive construction and population boom in places like California and New York, likely causing migration to those places at the expense of Texas. Right now everybody moves to Texas because it's cheap--but California has higher wages and better social services, so if CA deregulates land-use and housing costs start to decrease, Texas may start losing population. This will slow the political-demographic change and extend Republicans' statewide hegemony in Texas.
Next California.
the beaners ruined it. Also AMA Iive in spiccer central Houston
My man.
>when foreigners think of you as the stereotypical white Americans but you're gonna be majority Hispanic within a decade
Texas is not what you see in movies.
You know that 56% meme You spam on America? It's actually more appropriate to be targeted at Texas.
Its very bad, please stay away, especially if your a californian refugee. Texas is not a good place to live just let us suffer and stay the fuck out
If Texas falls it's over for the GOP.
Where will the GOP stronghold be if Texas is lost?
California's even more diverse than Texas.
We're doing fine.
It's tragic because he was told on the 12th day to abandon the fort. It had been a failed recruitment effort and Sam Houston needed the troops to return to washington on the brazos. For Travis it was a point of honor to defend the fort and thusly, he died and took the garrison with him.
There won't be a stronghold, just small bases here and there. The Midwest likes to LARP but I doubt they're going red anytime soon. Even then, the Dems will already have, like, 70+ electoral votes in the fucking bag.
Absolutely fucking stupid that they only got any support because of fucking immigration
digits confirm it sucks here. Especially for minorities. This goes double for leftists.
Ever since my early childhood I imagined Texas being a state of rednecks with big trucks who would occassionally go on nigger hunts like in that one Johnny Rebel song.
Who the fuck cares about Cali.
Listen, when white people are outnumbered you're not going to be the same anymore. Your watered-down cuckservatism isn't going to save Texas.
Yeah... That's not Texas.
It used to be like that. Now we can't go on nigger hunts.
Texan here. hell no. Texas is red via politics or bloodshed.
It's Mexicans.
About half of Texas is Mexicans.
And the Texans aren't doing shit about it.
And Commies are infiltrating via a city called "Austin."
Texas is population by SOME Americans.
The other half are Commies and spics.
If Texans don't deal with the cancer they'll be out-bred by the time GenZ dies.
But you are still all cowboys, right? Don’t tell me all these stereotypes are false.
They have their own power grid.
Please don't let Texas fall.
I don't think I could handle it.
t. Californian who used to look up to Texas.
Moved here from South Daklta for business, stealing all the beaners work. Being white gets you pretty far here.
I like it so far, just avoid shit sides of town in big cities like Houston and it's great.
In cities only spics and ranchers wear cowboy hats.
Don't listen to A good chunk of people wear cowboy hats. Some spics do, but a majority of whites are the ones wearing them
>hurr texas is a blue shithole filled with mexicans
explain this shit then
Feels good, desu. Earth feels like a better place to know there are still cowboy hat wearing rednecks in big trucks. No sarcasm, I love America.
you wanna trade?
no sean envidiosos putos
mi estado es el mejor del sur
I’m fine living in my windmill and going out for a stroll on my fresh wooden clogs. It just feels good to know people unironically wear cowboy hats somewhere across the ocean, I don’t know why but it simply does.
An actual word in Spanish
Illegals aren't supposed to vote and according to the Democrats they don't.
So assuming that's is true the likelihood of this is minimal.
If it does happen well we will just need to kill some deep state people.
I honestly don't know why every chickens out. We could literally show up with pitch forks and hatchets and overwhelm these treacherous corrupt oligarchs. Our loses would be minimal and police or military gunning down civilians en masse would only strengthen our cause.
Sometimes a massacre is all it takes.