European Colonization of Africa

The reason why Africa is so poor today is white colonization. In the past, Africa had rich civilizations and Africa was a developed continent. The first civilization was in Africa (Ancient Egypt). The richest kingdom was in Africa (Mali). Agriculture was invented by Africans themselves. Longest river in the world is in Africa. First mathematicians, scientists and philosophers came from Africa. Africa used to have more than 2000 native (Bantu, Turkish etc) and foreign languages (Mostly Arabic). Now there are only 10 native languages alive in Africa. Africa had resources that Europe didn't have (Oil, gold, rare materials, jungle wood, various fruits and vegetables). First complex architectures were in Africa. Various pyramids in Egypt, Sudan and dams in Ethiopia, longest wall in the world is in Africa (Benin Wall) not in China, these were all built by native Black people. Even humanity began in Africa. First humans were Black confirmed by scientists. Before the white colonizations, Africa used to have rich kingdoms and empires such as Ethiopia, Sokotro, Songhai Empire, Benin. Now they're all gone. Various African peoples were genocided by the white colonizers, there were whole tribes destroyed by white hordes and cities filled with Africans whose hands were cut off by Belgians. On top of that, white farmers replaced African farmers in many country (Zimbabwe for example) whites stole Black people's farms. Black people were sold as slaves to many countries by white hordes. This is why there are so many Blacks in Europe, Americas and other places of the world. Whites should pay for what they did in Africa. This is why i'm a Pan-Africanist, this is why i'm a zealous supporter of a united Africa. We must make whites pay for what they did and make Africa what She once used to be, cradle of civilization.

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So white people took literally all the resources in Africa? If that was the case, why is China colonizing it right now?

Africa was poor in the 1850's when most of it was colonised

We can only make Africa great again by killing everything wh*Te that ain't right that's in sight in every country. We kill the wh*Te women, we kill the wh*Te children, we kill the wh*Te babies. We kill the wh*Te blind, we kill the wh*Te crippled, we kill them all … and kill them a-god-damn-gain because they didn't die hard enough

Africa was better off with colonization you low IQ savages cant even self govern properly

Africa was poorer before whites built roads and hospitals

Keep blaming whitey while your shitty continent gets sucked dry by the chinks you dumbass nigger.


Good, we should take more.

Good luck with that Jamal.

>Africans live isolated for 1000s of year on the largest and most resource rich continent
>don't develop the wheel
>don't develop beyond tribes
>don't even reach technology from early antiquity
>get colonized

Wow, wondered how this happened

>The richest kingdom was in Africa (Mali)

And here's the greatest "building" it was able to achieve

Meanwhile, much poorer kingdoms (but with superior white IQ) built Versailles Palace, the Kremlin, Neuschwanstein Castle....etc


Shoulda fought harder pussies.

>hurr durr muh wh*Te civilization
There is no such thing.
Actually, wh*Tes are primitives and BLACKS created the civilization.
>inb4 cracker KKKretins post "WE WUZ KANGZ" """""meme"""""
Countine being jealous of us, wh*Teoid cave dweller. Ancient Egypt was built by BLACKS.

>Africa had rich civilizations and Africa was a developed continent
Yes, and these were long gone by the time the European slavers had arrived, in fact, they arrive to what was pretty much a post apocalyptic Africa. Anything below the Maghreb were thousands of small tribes scattered all over the continent and scarcity of resources because Africans, with the exception of said civilizations, had barely reached the early stages of the agricultural evolution. There were a few rather sophisticated tribal nations here and there worthy of note with rich culture and all, but nothing strong enough to face muzzleloaders, tuberculosis, common flu and several other bioweapons we brought along with our ships. Sorry, buddy. You guys were already in deep shit even before my ancestors arrived to enslave your ancestors. If you'd like we could buy you a plane ticket back to whichever African country your ancestors come from.

>literally stacking rocks on top of one another
>african """""architecture"""""

Arabs aren't black dude

>The reason why Africa is so poor today is white colonization.

No. It's because they learned nothing from what the whites tried to teach them. Video VERY fucking related.

It was a shit place before and after colonialism, the eurpoeans found africans under 1400—1600, there were no civilization or any special technology, beside african lingustic is super retarded most of the time, the explaination why africans are dumb, they cant think properly because theyre language doesnt let them, the greek language has wors for very advanced stuff which african languages lack. No one went below sahara, the advaned ships in 1400-1500s made voyage to africa possible. Central africans were isolated, but so were the s americans also, but still managed to create great stuff which africans really failed with

That documentary was a red herring for Africans. If they thought whites were nasty to them, they had no idea how worse the chinks can be with their modern industrial colonization.

Are you retarded? Wait, no shit, the average african IQ is less than a monkeys. Arguing with you is pointless because you deny the truth over and over and over and make up bullshit about how great you are like some retarded kindergartener. Have fun living in lala land just remember when you come back to reality its not my fault your lands are shit. You chose to live in lala land instead of making something out of real life. Have fun with your pitty parties. My god youre a delusional retard. Fuck the us-mexico border. Lets all build a wall around africa so nobody can hurt them or stop their progress. Lets see how far they get.

The Americas were colonized in the 1500's, their colonization lasted around 300 years.

Africa was colonized in the 1800's, their colonization lasted around 150 years.

The Americas are still way more developed than afr*ca today.


>don't develop beyond the stone age
>don't utilize the vast abundance of natural resources all around you
It was basically like stealing a phone from an animal. They don't know what it is or what it does, so why not let human beings make use of it.

The abundance is probably whats made them so weak and chimp like. They didnt have to build long lasting shelters to weather storms and shit. They didnt have to grow fields of food or raise animals because there were berry bushes and small mamals to catch and eat everywhere. Thats why the nigger is so stupid and lazy. Even god has blessed them with an easy life and they complain. I hope god doesnt fall for their bullshit as easily as humans. The nigger is ungreatful. A spiteful voodoo child who doesnt even give thanks to god for putting him in the worlds garden. Sorrounded by life but youre dead. Youre a complete retard.


"Colonization" i.e. "Try to make niggers stop eating each other, and instead learn how to farm"

Don't worry though, the PoC Chinese will have their go.

Or maybe it is because the average sub-Saharan African has an iq of 66, (70 is the cutoff for mental retardation). If you cunts were so great, then how did you get conquered so easily? Why not just invade Europe and kill the white man if you were so "superior"?Why is Ethiopia, a country that has not been colonized by European countries, poor as shit and one of the worst places in the world to live? Also Madagascar is not dug in your retarded cartoon but Ethiopia is. Nice try nigger but Africa has been and will continue to be a shit hole for all of eternity unless the countries revert back to apartheid. Saged btw


>The first civilization was in Africa (Ancient Egypt).
Not the first civiliation, also not Black
>The richest kingdom was in Africa (Mali).
The richest individual may have been from Mali (by certain estimates and depending on gold prices), but that doesn't make it the richest kingdom. Also all the wealth was from slavery and natural resources(gold, salt)
>Agriculture was invented by Africans themselves.
False Mesopotamia
>Longest river in the world is in Africa.
Okay? are we considering this an achievement?
>First mathematicians, scientists and philosophers came from Africa.
>Africa used to have more than 2000 native (Bantu, Turkish etc) and foreign languages (Mostly Arabic). Now there are only 10 native languages alive in Africa.
That's how advancement works, Small groups advance and take over other groups integrating them reducing overall number of languages. If the Africans were equal they would have naturally coalesced into nation states like Europe did. Also Turkish native to Africa?
>Africa had resources that Europe didn't have (Oil, gold, rare materials, jungle wood, various fruits and vegetables).
Yes they did, Europe had to overcome those disadvantages in order to compete. Asia also had a massive resource advantage over Europe.

Not really, but on other hand, if Europe had not colonized Africa, blacks would never have found their way to this continent and race mixing would never have happened. The yuro brought it onto theirselves.

We did invade Europe faggot

why isn't china on this map? Who's behind this post?

I still see three, maybe four, coins in that continent. Why don't I own this?


You mean the arabs did and you followed and leeched off of them like the welfare chimps you are.

white people tried to move and live with you niggers and you just fucking kill us all the time for free gibbs so you can fuck off fucking savages

>First complex architectures were in Africa.
False, The oldest structures discovered come from Europe.
Various pyramids in Egypt,
Again, not black
> Sudan and dams in Ethiopia,
>The earliest known dam is the Jawa Dam in Jordan, 100 kilometres (62 mi) northeast of the capital Amman. This gravity dam featured an originally 9-metre-high (30 ft) and 1 m-wide (3.3 ft) stone wall, supported by a 50 m-wide (160 ft) earth rampart. The structure is dated to 3000 BC.
> longest wall in the world is in Africa (Benin Wall) not in China, these were all built by native Black people.
A long dirt mound, yeah it took a long time and slaves to build but from an architectural standpoint it wasn't very impressive, especially considering the even terrain, unlike China's northern border or most of Europe which have long mountain chains and valleys.
>Even humanity began in Africa. First humans were Black confirmed by scientists.
False, Sub-Saharan Africans share a common ancestor which may have lived in Africa, but modern Blacks are just as genetically distant from that ancestor as Europeans are. Also, even if it was true, never leaving the starting zone of Humanity is hardly an accomplishment.

>One nigger conscript in the 1st line watching the European knights coming and another warning his white Muslim owners that the Christians are coming
>We invaded Europe

you mean the arabs did. and even they got smacked back to your shitty continent

Africa would be dope af without niggers

Not to mention that Arabs are BACK at enslaving your retarded asses since the only thing that stopped them from making you their castated bitches was the might of the White Man.

>we wuz Arabs and shit

Because that worked out so well in Haiti. Let's see what the people who turned the jewel of the Caribbean into a shithole can do with the rest of the world.

one day. one day


>why is China colonizing it right now?

They did it 500times worse to south america and we are not living in mud huts full of aids
I dont think even chile is that bad. and half of that country is destroyed by earthquakes every year


We nuked Gooks twice and they managed to kill themselves in numbers higher than all the slavery and colonization aver did to Africa and YET they are now fucking telling you how retarded you are.

And instead of getting your shit together on your ressources-filled continent, you made that thread.

First step in advancing is to stop seeing yourself as a victim. Empower yourself. I am all for it. But don't lie for it.

Africa is such a shithole that even ocean water doesn't want to go in...

Lel, is it really the myth, the legend?

It was mostly colonised in the 1890's by West Europe

>I dont think even chile is that bad.
>even chile

>Indeed, even more interestingly, IQ tests over-predict the performance of individuals from lower-scoring groups. That is, if the claim is that IQ tests are culturally biased against Blacks, for example, then they should perform worse on the intelligence test relative to their “true” intelligence. If so, then IQ tests would under-predict their real-world performance relative to Whites. But we see exactly the reverse! Blacks do worse in real-life than you would expect from their IQ scores alone. Cultural bias cannot be an explanation.

>Even more interestingly, the group IQ and achievement hierarchy visible in the U.S. is found all over the world. All across the world, Blacks, for example – as a group – generally do poorly versus Europeans. East Asians and Ashkenazi Jews collectively do well all around the world, better than Northern Europeans do. Across the globe and across very different societies and different economic systems, you see roughly the same pattern you do in the United States. One could attempt to piece together some “cultural” explanation for any particular society, but how to explain this global consistency, then? This is true with populations who have been in these respective countries for many generations, as is the case in Brazil, for instance.

What island paradise is complete without turds baking in the sun, endless fields of little piles of doo doo scattered around, and nappy-headed Kanglets squatting over a frantically dug hole in the sand? Taking a shit on the beach is completely natural; like rape, cannibalism and sacrificing virgins to the volcano gods; amirite tho?


Hebrews were africans.

Shut up NIGGER



>"The University of Pretoria s GIBS Business School..."
you just cannot make this shit up!

pure coincidence

It's funny how most of South America's problems are due to all the niggers they brought here.

If the indians weren't so freaking lazy and didn't die so easily (and if nigger slave trade wasn't so lucrative), maybe we would at least have only mixed indians, but no niggers.

The Benin walls are not walls in the architectural sense you fucking retard, they are the most primitive form of area defense, literally ditch and rampart. They dug a ditch and used the dirt to raise the height of the inside.

They took over 2 millennia to construct, 2000 years to dig a dirt hole.

Egyptian pharaohs are confirmed as white, whits built the pyramids...

Name one actual Sub-Saharan architectural achievement which didn't take 1000s of years and wasn't made of dirt.