A Pajeet beat my son at 2nd grade bee

I have been training my 7 year old son 3-4 hours a day for the school spelling bee the entire school year to promote strong values such as literacy and winning and determination. Naturally with putting so much time into this I REALLY wanted to win and show the other parents how smart my son was. Well he made it to the final two and lost to a fucking Pajeet Indian on the mother fucking word "cryptology". Who the fuck asks that shit to fucking 2nd graders? And the Indian got it perfectly right in like 3 seconds while my son missed it and lost. The worst part was the Pajeet parents were cheering going crazy meanwhile my son didn't even seem like he gave a shit that we lost until I started yelling at him after and made him cry.
Why do they come to our
country and win all our fucking spelling bees? English isn't even their first fucking language. This has to stop now if we're going to take back America we can't keep letting stupid pajeets beat us and humiliating our culture and race at spelling bees.

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Your child will never win against pajeets teach it the value of something else besides winning

If you don't find out where that pajeet lives and go beat him up you're a cuck.

you're acting like a pajeet. Teach your son what it means to be human (read, talk to him, etc.), and he will far surpass that poo in the future.


>I started yelling at him after and made him cry.

You are a sack of shit.

you post this shit everyday
shit bait poojeet

also can you spell POO IN LOO?

3/10 obvious b8. This story did not happen. Sage goes in all fields

There's more value in losing gracefully, because it will encourage willing to try more and a better competitive mind to let bullshit slide away. Wins will happen. Wins are meaningless if they're build on a lunatic negative attitude. Indians are very smart when they're forced assimilate to under western environments and are taught to wash their hands and not develop scat fetishes.

Take responsibility you degenerate filth.

spelling sucks anyway who cares?

can't tell if b8, but if not, then quite being a little bitch. Tell your son to work harder, and if he's not interested in some retarded spelling bee, then don't force him to do it. Try MIT's integration bee instead to see if he has any other interests in math or something.

Sage, fag

So I shouldn't teach my son winning is important so he can end up a loser like you? Nah ill pass

>cant detect the curryshit stench of OP
are you this blind to the gypsy deception tactics?

SAGE this australoid gypsy b8

but he didn't win you fucking retard. that was the point of my comment. So see if he can succeed in something else thats more important than a spelling bee.

OP just read the following article and was triggered.


>muh spelling bee
nigga please when the teacher brought up this shit and we did the school spelling bee crap in class I fucked up at the lowest level and didnt give a shit. I just wanted to go home finish homework and play pokemon back in middle school. Pajeets can have their autistic poo in loo competition.

Maybe your son is just like you and is a stupid sack of shit. I'm not defending poos, but you sound like a dumb shit. I'm sure your son is too.

>my son didn't even seem like he gave a shit that we lost until I started yelling at him after and made him cry.

I hope your wife leaves you and your son gets a new dad who isn't a piece of shit.

report and deport pajeet


>I started yelling at him after and made him cry
Absolutely degenerate and disgraceful. Humility in defeat is a virtue. Your kid went along with your dumb vicarious ambition and got SECOND PLACE. Also this is a stealth "whitey can't compete" thread, you're a faggot and your story is fake & gay.


Fake and Gay

>implying spelling bees mean your kid is smart
Spelling bees are pure memorization and bare no resemblance to anything people would do in the workforce. They don't prove intelligence at all. Pajeets and chinks just chase after them to show off to other parents. You're being a pajeet parent right now.

Can he POO IN LOO?

>my son didn't even seem like he gave a shit that we lost until I started yelling at him after and made him cry.
You're a terrible father. No shit he didn't care about a spelling bee that his father was forcing him to do for the gratification of his own ego, that he was only doing out of fear of his father and need for approval from him. You lord that over your son and treat him like shit. Show some fucking self restraint next time, teaching him to fear his father isn't the same thing as teaching him to intrinsically want success. He's fucking seven he isn't going to be ultra competitive yet. He will certainly be less inclined to compete at this sort of thing in the future though now that you made him feel like shit about it. Read a book on how not to be a douchebag abusive parent.

did you beat your son?
pajeets beat their son
you shouldve beat your son

MRW walking up on stage to accept my school geography bee award in 5th grade. Pajeet and Kim BTFO.

Spelling is sort of line math, some kids just aren't fuckin good at it. Hurts their tiny brains. Sure, anybody can get good at it as an adult but some kids need to develop before gitting gud at spelling.

Does your son know how to use the toilet? Then he has already surpassed the Pajeet

your stupid white spawn will soon learn how to spell "tickle my balls" while tickling our Hindu brown balls with his tongue. He is going to learn to love the tase of Hindu spicey anus ass well, since thats the only thing his tongue will be contacting.





look at this pajeet. do you really want your son growing up to be a turbo-autist because you just NEEDED to show the other parents how well your child could spell?

Jews trafficked us in to rape and destroy the whites. We are thankful to the Jews.




Pajeets have words longer than your address, they are good with letter but can't work a screwdriver.

Cry more bitch baby. We are happy to dominate every single industry in America because we can. White people are stupid, black people are stupid, Euros are stupid, Mexicans are stupid, and chinks/gooks are smart but they have to study 5x more than we do.

Just accept that America is like playing a video game on lowest difficulty for Indians.

We don't even have to try to beat everyone else in America.

Even the dumbest Indians in America become millionaires by owning gas stations and motels.

BRB the entire medical field is full of Indians
BRB tech is full of Indians
BRB law is full of Indians
BRB Indians taking over Wall Street

LMAO white people always comment on the state of India and how the average Indian IQ is low as fuck because illiterate villagers are lumped into that calculation. They have nothing else to come at us with because they know that we completely murder them in every way when given American opportunities.

Enjoy being brainlets, non-Indians. An Indian person in America can accomplish ANYTHING that he or she wants to. It is quite simply the most amazing feeling in the world.

Meanwhile, white people have to "discover" themselves and all this bullshit LMAOOO just LMAOOOO.

>my son didn't even seem like he gave a shit that we lost until I started yelling at him after and made him cry

Maybe you are a terrible parent.

OP was a fag, is a fag for yelling at his 7yo kid for losing at fucking spelling bee, and will be for making him cry.

My 5th grader wiped out every poo and chink in the county 8th grade and under. They cried and their tiger moms ridiculed bad berated them; it was beautiful.
This is your fault.
Get your shit together, user.

This is some high grade bait, well done

fucking this.


We have taken over Australia, Canada, Britain, Spain, Germany, US

The whites will all become 3rd class citizens!!

Your future is Uganda and Fiji where Hindus are the ruling class that shits on the 3rd class white citizens.

We own your franchises, your companies, your universities, your hospitals, your wall street, your banks, your tech, your hotels, you gas stations, you women, your moms. Its all fuckin OURS

This. I hope OP is joking. That is a son who will grow to hate his father.

fuck off with your reddit spacing fagblue

What is this stupid-ass memeing

>Indian master race
>Can't master toilet
>Can't master deodorant

Spelling is fucking worthless.

t. Architectural Engineer

> takes his son to a spelling bee
> "wait man what the fuck why would you ask a kid to spell "cryptology" what the fuck man my kids the winner!!"

You sound like a nigger who was expecting easy words like "Shaqueena" and "LeMarcus"


I flossed my teeth while reading this.
Remember to floss your teeth for good dental health.

Dude, it's a spelling bee. Your son sounds more levelheaded than you do. I agree that knowing how to operate your own native language is a must. Knowing how how to drive is also a must, but that doesn't mean you need to be a champion Formula 1 race car driver. You said he didn't even "seem" like he cared, but did you ask him? If not, then for all you know, he might've already felt sad he disappointed you. You should apologize to your son for being a jerk.

fuck you traitor. we are alleys of Jews. Jews and Gypsies were always alleys. Jews brought us here and are right! whites are the slave race!!!

We are the Patel Cartel. i just bought another hotel this week. and a LOT of franchisees (90%) are Indians. According to one of the franchisees she chatted with, he worked as a computer programmer for five years, saved up enough to start a hotel, moved to a remote area of Pennsylvania, and had free labor from his family. Now has five hotels.

"The Patel Cartel"
more than 90% of all hotels in US/UK/Australia are owned by Veddoid masterrace