
USB 8992 for USAF frequency

Turn on Squelching to filter out noise

Skyking x1: It hasn't even begin

Skyking x2: It begins

skyking x3: You could have prevented this


Theory is the more activity and more skykings the more serious and uncertain global conflicts. Not much activity last night, but we are getting closer to 4/15, expect more transmissions as we approach the day.

>Some serious weirdness going on; lots of chatter and coded signals?

List of known USAF military stations:

>Primary: 8992






Other urls found in this thread:



anything was aired tonight? Or are we just larping for the sake of larping?

no skykings yet. but its been active.

i didnt put "HABBINING" or anything else up there.
just kind of wanted to see if there were any other radio enthusiasts out there

I posted this about an hour ago on a different thread,
On my porch for a smoke, 40 miles west of Boston, look up big bright yellowish moon, then notice flashing lights EVERYWHERE, at least 12 separate planes all different altitudes. Normal nightly smoke 4-5 planes.
NEVER EVER this many. Something is up.
Logan airport flights over my house. THESE were not Logan inbound/outbound

im pretty far in the middle of nowhere. you check online to see what they were?

i know nothing about radios but i join /comfy/ skyking threads as often as i can

Did anyone record what they just said? I just got in this thread. It was a pretty long message.

it is /comfy/. just got my own rig so i can listen to them without the internets
i didnt. i dont have mine set up to record, yet.
id like to find a way to automatically upload them, but i imagine that would take a bit of work

Either way, /comfy/.

post a pic of your rig friend

Evening SkyKangz!

just got it last week

any chatter tonight?

evening, fellow skykang

Oh boy have i missed these. /comfy/ as hell.




I had my radio on the 40 Meter band, rag chewing with a Canuck most of the evening. Switched over to HFGCS just now so if there was anything, I missed it.

Apu's gonna get a lot of SWR holding a Yagi Foxhunter like that.

And please direct newbs to use 11175 USB instead of 8992 USB on the website. 11175 will play the same messages as 8992.

And actually, when the Netherlands is in darkness, the lower frequencies (4724 and 6739) work better due to ionospheric propagation changing at night.

What's supposed to happen on 4/15?

neat, did you learn radio-stuff from these threads or other sources?

Please tell me you're getting your general class ticket to put that to full use.

whats the significance of 4/15 faggot

Thanks for making a proper thread w/ all necessary links, senpai!

why 11175 over 8992?


not too much. just got home and turned everything on a little while ago
i have it, slowly reading to get my extra
yeah, im listening in the us...i was lazy and copied that
i didnt read over the copy&paste
OP is always a faggot


Too many people mistake French radio chatter on the same frequency from low-powered local fishing boats for "Russian Hackers" and the JORN and PLUTO II Radar sweeps as 'Jamming'.

fighter jets flew low overhead earlier today... way too low

it has less interference, usually.
lower frequency works better at night though. it depends on where you are,8992 has other people talking on it sometimes i believe

radio-fags: you guys hear a lot of female traffic among fellow shortwave hobbyists?

What antenna are you using?

I have a Kenwood TS-590SG, Pyramid III 40 Amp PS, Avantone Mix Cube monitor (if you can afford one, get it, best monitor speaker on the planet), MC-90 mic, and a True-Talk G5RV up 40 feet in the tree.

What book lies beneath that pen?
>Do not answer

Eh, it depends. There's a couple of YL (women's) nets on HF and a few connected repeaters on UHF every Thursday night. (Are you here, Sam?)

You'll hear them more often when there's "Contesting" going on.

whats 4/15?


ive talked to a bunch over the years. some people can be pretty rude, but most of them are pretty smart and give it right back to them. theyre great to have on field day.
i have a 240 something foot dipole and an 80/40/20 fan dipole. i plan on putting up a 500' quad soon. i just like to build them. nice rig man. how tough is it to hook the panadapter up?

My English copy of Tuntematon sotilas.

Not too bad. I had to uninstall and reinstall Omni-Rig and HDSDR twice to get the radio, panadapter and computer to talk to each other, but the DRV output on the back of the 590 can be set to work as an Antenna out, so I just had to buy an RCA to SMA cord for it.

Thanks for breaking protocol!

id like to do that with mine, even though it has a real nice screen, but i have a couple nice monitors that need to be put into use. and a few other comms receivers that could be put to good use that way

happy to hear it, man.
Another radiofu! Thanks

As long as the radio has a USB or COM9 port, you can control it from the computer. I have to get a different computer for my setup; all the USB ports are right next to my mouse and it drives me batty. I'll probably buy a used laptop as a dedicated radio computer soon.

Just ordered a copy at through the Boston library system. I love these threads.

eam.watch If you losers want some real knowledge...

It's a fantastic book. Yamaguchi's translation is considered the most faithful.

Read up on The Winter War and Continuation War if you're not well versed in the Finnish Campaigns of WWII. You'll need the assistance.

Haven't seen the new version of the movie yet, but I hear it's incredible. I love the 1955 version.


>eam.watch If you losers want some real knowledge...
This guy


My favorite thread

nothing wrong with women on the radio, we only have a few in our club, but are trying to get more. although these shots look more like someone posing for pictures, i would like to see a old rig like that
one has a com port, the other must be from the 60s/70s. i wonder if i can do anything with that. pretty much just has a headphone jack and some verter plugs,external vfo and remote. havent looked much into it yet.
fucking l337 bro

Here's the EAM.WATCH Discord if y'all want it. bN6cv

I added some new additions to my shack.


I just love that these threads get people interested in Amateur Radio.

In America, licensing is cheap, $15 to take the exam, and a small UHF/VHF radio will get you on the air with you local repeaters (stations that re-broadcast your signal at higher power) for less than $100.

The big boy rigs and antennas... If you get lucky, you can find a 6 month old TS-590SG for $200 like I did, but mostly you're looking at $1000 for a good radio, antenna, antenna tuner and power supply.

I'm also a Volunteer Examiner (VE) through ARRL, so if anyone needs more info, please feel free to ask.

(pssstt... delete. Your CS is visible)

Lovely set up. TS-590; you're a man of good taste.

When the NK strike happens and not a single Skykang is heard I will smile to myself.

take your cs down and retake the pic! had to let my pups out. thought the thread got kill
thats why i make them when i can. the rigs and baluns are all you need to buy, plus some wire and insulators. i like to build the antennas myself. good for you being a VE, i havent gotten around to doing that yet. i think its just some paperwork.

Wouldn't a Sup Forums 40 Meter Net be fun?

For the non initiated, what's important about a CS? What..is a CS?

isnt that just 7200?
i was listening the other day and someone was playing the theme from deliverance with a clip of "fuck" and fuck you. i recorded it but dont have a youtube account to load it to, or that i could link here

VE is an open book quiz. I've done 2 sessions as a "fill in" guy at two Ham swaps so far. Pretty hard to fail it.

That G5RV I posted in the pic is a True-Talk one made with teflon coated stealth wire, two 51-foot radials, proper ladderline and buriable RG-8 already cut to resonance.

It's $100 brand new. I couldn't have built a G5RV cheaper than that, 32 feet of ladderline alone would have cost me $60.


Joe, Jerry and Dave were going at each other HARD last week. I always listen around 1300-sundown when I'm not in a net or rag chewing.

7200 is Sup Forums. I want a Sup Forums net.

once youre livenced you get a call sign that identifies you. supposedly you should use it every 10 minutes, but on HF, (farther away communication) people rarely do
i think you might have been telling me about that in an older thread. i need to build 2, but i want to see how theyre made. the radial thing might be tough for me to swing here atm

i would love a Sup Forums net. i dont know where we could hide though

Fairly silent on the channel tonight isn't it

haha saved
too bad we cant have 1488. would be pretty funny

BUMP for general interest

it is tonight. real quiet
do you have a rig good sir?

what is the criteria for adopting a channel?
why would't 1488 work?

Yeah, I have a city lot with a silver maple in the back yard. It barely fits on my property. I'm waiting for the weather to get better to raise the radial on my house on a pole as it's too close to the house for the antenna tuner to tune for 80 meters. Tunes 40, 20, 15 12 and 10 fine, doesn't like 6 and G5RVs are fuck all for 60 and 30 without a mega tuner (my next big purchase).

I keep looking to find an obscure repeater with Echolink and no Broadcastify link to it. About as close to anonymity we would have.

The ITU (international) and FCC allocate certain frequencies for amateur use. The closest is 1800-2000 in the 160 Meters Band and not many people have an antenna good enough for that band. You need a 40 meter long antenna for it, minimum or an expensive magnetic loop.

arrl.org/frequency-bands is a list of where we're legally allowed to talk.

in the US, frequencies are given out by the fcc. hams have a very small portion of the radio spectrum. 1488 would be a commercial broadcasting frequency

I do not unfortunately. University has put a hold on my discretionary spending for the time being. Soon though.

Have a bump friends

thank you, this is surprisingly interesting

i have no desire to try 30 or 60 (yet) seems too restrictive. i want to build something for 6 even though it seems dead now.
echolink would be fun
on HF we wouldnt even need to id, if we didnt want to
nice. if you do buy something used, make sure its from QRZ or another ham backed source, not ebay. some people have bad luck, and some sellers are shitty.
thanks, friendo
its fun, we could talk to each other on battery power if we needed to, ive made a bunch of contacts in norway. and just tuning around can be quite a bit of fun. always something to hear.

If you have the time and $15, study and take your Tech and General at the same time. If you pass Tech, you can take the General level license for free right after. (If you pass General, you can take Extra for free, but that one is tough and will require a summer's off to pass.)

That gets you a callsign good for 10 years and then go to RemoteHams dot com and register.

You can now use top notch equipment all over the world from your computer. Plus, a $35 US Warranty refurbished Baofeng on Amazon and a $15 Nagoya 771 antenna will let you talk locally.

I keep these Baofengs around because when I'm on the bike, I'm not afraid to break or lose one. Same with using it for Marine comms when I'm sailing.

How to study, where to take the exams: arrl.org/licensing-education-training

Really? i didn't imagine there would be a lot of radio enthusiasts here in Norway.
Did they mention which part of the country (North/South/Mid/West/East)?
My guess is Mid

>Op pic
it's the cutest pepe i've ever seen

Sadly, I hear getting licensed in Norway is expensive. In the US, this is used as a public service, especially during disasters. When Puerto Rico was hit with the hurricane, the only non-military traffic getting on and off the island was comeing through ARES and RACES emergency radio services for days. All American hams.

We generally just shoot the shit about trivial stuff, but in emergencies, we can relay messages and whatnot. I do Skywarn, which is the service that reports tornadoes and bad weather to the National Weather Service (we're not tornado chasers but if we see it, we report it).

>1488 is too valuable to be free

>thinks Apu is Pepe

Why do retarded people find Sup Forums?

Is this streaming on YouTube? I am too lazy for all that, but it is like an ASMR or whatever it's called sleepytime soundtrack

im not sure. i looked one up, and he seemed to be in the middle of nowhere
imagine if it was a serious rightwing station? that would be awesome

>. I do Skywarn, which is the service that reports tornadoes and bad weather to the National Weather Service (we're not tornado chasers but if we see it, we report it).

This is the whitest thing I've ever heard.

yeah i did a quick search and its a little pricy, but it would be worth it in the long run if you really enjoy it and invest enough time.

So do you need to take a course or need a license to do Skywarn or do you just tune in and go "ayo btw, shit is getting kinda out of hand here at [location]."

A dude called Skytendies used to stream it on a YT channel, got banned for copyright when a MLB game was accidentally streamed on it, took it to discord but he had data caps and exceeded them too much to continue.

yup, helping others out is pretty white. we have been doing it for awhile now.

any way to filter out the noise?

tick the "squelch" box

Actually, our best spotter in my county is a gruff old black dude with hawk eyes.

It's worth the expense to me. I'm a former paramedic and have always loved shortwave radio and just trying to see what I can do with some wire and electronics. I plan on building a bunch of antenna this summer.

Skywarn requires a 2 hour online course (free) at minimum and then your county/parish has its own rules. My county requires additional training/refreshers (twice a year) to be certified.

I always have a radio in my car, not for Skywarn per se, but if my reporting an Anvil Cloud or funnel saves a life, why wouldn't I do it as a volunteer?

i like it, i got rid of tv and now mostly just find a station and park on it, you hear some funny shit sometime.
im not sure what you need to do for skywarn, but we have a weather net on my local repeater for just giving temperature or how much rain someone got. its more of an excuse to chat about stuff with like minded people

I miss Skytendies

Never stop. Heil our people, thank you for helping protect us in the way you can.

>Actually, our best spotter in my county is a gruff old black dude with hawk eyes.

He can live in the ethnostate by Right of Service

im gonna have to do that. seems easy enough
you can also help. join us

>you can also help. join us

I'm a drunken propagandist, not a sky watcher.