Parallel to /SWEG/, this is a thread for laughing with a taste of cultural enrichment.
Sweden YES
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>b-b-but we just count more things as raep now!
Understand also that every other most western countries crime rates have plummeted in this time frame. Granted, Sweden had an astoundingly low baseline to begin with but when you consider that it's even worse.
Did you extend the definition again to include men breathing?
Sweden loves Trudeaus new move with the national anthem!
Forgot the amazing pic
you think peter would want to do something about it. but he is anti far-right. because muh horseshoe.
cheers boys, have a bump
The socialists do actually want to pass a new law about "negligent rape" or something like that, I'm not sure exactly what to translate it to. Basically it's that retarded video of the guy stopping at every moment to ask the girl if he can take off her shirt, take off her pants, touch her, etc, from that one video a while ago about making consent cool.
Except it's so poorly written and fucking retarded that you can now get sentenced to rape even if you do have full consent.
Every single person working in the judicial system that has spoken on the matter has said that it's an extremely bad and poorly thought through law that might as well be criminalizing regular sex. Of course I don't expect such a law to ever get applied to non swedes, so this as far as I can tell is almost entirely an effort to get swedes reproducing less. I don't want to get conspiratorial but I really can't imagine a law like this existing for any purpose other than that.
What does the article says?
somehow not surprised, seems like a good premise for a new MM vid.
It's hard to sentence someone for rape today. This won't make it easier. The burdon of proof still lies on the accuser and how can you proove something like this?
But it might work as a scare tactic to make people have less kids. Only white people care about the law, mudslimes have their own, sharia.
Use google translate. Comparing it to Trump articles that this supposed neutral News paper (that is funded by tax money) posts, this puts Trudeaus move in a favorable light.
where is the thread regarding the swede election meem war? I dont want to shitpost, i want to see how Sup Forums will help save swede so we can perhaps move on to my country perhaps. I can help with the poster shit too though.
day hours euro time for the live threads. we arent running those 24/7 yet. wont be long though. the sven rises.
Sweden will be Western Europe's country-sized red pill, hue.
red pill in the shape of a cock, and people say the magic isnt real, kek.
i'll come back tomorrow to check out how you guys are faring, and update/share my current knowledge on the swedes current situation. Deus Vult.
Will sven reach inside his pants and confirm his testicles?
We must help them pol
Look at those rapes those are Tory level of numbers.
Sweden needs a Tory to tally every rape
Every swede you will ever talk to, like fucking clockwork:
"this is only because Sweden counts every instance of marital rape as a separate crime!"
cheers lad.
hey fren, saw you stopped by the general earlier. thanks, we're still growing support. its early, but never too early.
I can see you have Vietnamese language in your browser.... why would that be?
It's all (((Alt-Right))) lies, don't be stupid
its true, while the refugees go raping around using the victim card and get away with it. Is just a half truth, do like the said and stick around to see how we will handle it.
Yeah I've been debating swedish people on reddit and youtube, and they think our posters on rapes are contaminating the debate climate lol. Let the swedes know the facts. People are afraid swedes will get "emotional" (angry) if they realize whats going on here. Which they should.
Swedes don't get emotional or angry, that's the opposite of how Swedes are.
>Being a Stockholmer
your normalfags are crying on the inside. we're going to pull it out of them.
Yes, we Stockholmers could literally behead someone and stay completely calm like nothing happened. Now be gone with you Diaspora nigger.
Crying about what?
rapists getting 150 hours of community service.
>behead someone in cold blood
Same goes with the muslims, on which side do you want to be?
> being so passive that you do nothing while your country is colonized by foreigners and all your political power is eventually stripped by a large alien voting block. From then on you submit and convert or live as second class citizens forever.
I guess your destiny is to serve as an brutal example of what not to do.
lets all take a moment to enjoy the classics. we need a volume 2 MM.
Swedes would get angry if they knew how bad it really is. For some reason they get treated like kids who can't handle scary information.
Do we have any early opposition heads we can get dirt on for Lulz?
Who are the pedos in Sweden other then Mustafa?
Any Swedes named in the recent banking leaks over the last few years?
Any Soros pawns?
What else can we use the weaponize the Swedes?
The rapes won't be enough if they were they would have killed many mustafas
Sven has much fear of Mustafa
Sweden was too free. Too nice. They avoid hardships at all costs and have paid the toll and then some.
It was kinda funny years ago to pick on the so called men of Sweden but now I feel bad. The rapes are practically government sanctioned. The rapist are often named as Asians. We must save the women and children of Sweden. We must teach and inspire Sven to fight.
is there a strong gender divide about these issues?
Sven needs to balls up
When someone rapes you sister your mother your daughter
Well you kill him and anyone who gets on the way Sven. That's that
Stop being a selfish scared little asshole and stick your neck pit for the women and kids.
Neck out
Educated people are the worst people imo, they act superior and they refuse to aknowledge the truth. But yes men are more likely to vote for SD. Altough uneducated women are more likely to vote for them than educated men.
I think it's more that the government is intentionally hiding it from people because they have an agenda set in place by politicians in the EU, who in turn cooperate closely with banks and corporations who "reward" politicians who cooperate.
Keep in mind also that a large amount of politicians in the 7 old parties own property rights, something which has been a rarity in the country for as long as I've lived, and the more people you get in the country the more valuable these housing properties get.
In turn people have to take out higher and higher loans from banks, to buy properties from politicians, who also refuse to expand, but when they do expand smash up a whole lot of bronze and iron age artifacts, then claim Sweden "has no indigenous culture" despite that it has the culture of the geats, swedes, gotlanders, kvens and even the sami.
The fact that media over a certain size, I forget if it's office space or employees or what, but over a certain size media gets state funding, but only if they work for "guarding democratic values". I won't even go into why it's a bad idea to have the state incentivize media with money for having the "right" values.
the lads are working tirelessly to gather dirt on the opposition, points of weakness in immigration policies, blatant hypocrisy, etc. fortunately there should be a wealth of material to work with. any swede speakers are welcome to phish. dumps can be provided in the generals, we'll make sure they get back home and archived. our main focus for internationals atm should be support and awareness, we all know what that means. fun stuff.
> Educated people are the worst people imo, they act superior and they refuse to aknowledge the truth
It sounds like education in Sweden functions like a religion. It creates True Believers out of people; they regard attempts to change their views as outrageously offensive and indicative of a deep character flaw in the messenger.
if you type in "swedish history and culture" in yt, a good amount of english material is available, its darker than you think. i've been studying the hell out of them.
It's more or less the standard deal that applies to most countries these days. If it's anything that isn't STEM it's just paid indoctrination.
Yes it's exactly like that. And I've also noticed successful people like to give money to beggars (That's just bad imo). They feel a duty to give back to poor people. And in Swedens current situation that spells catastrophy. The immigrants come here to get gibs and rich people feel good giving them gibs. Kill me.
I'm not poor myself but you kinda get shamed for not giving beggars money, if you get what I mean.
So protect your women, Sven
Why did my flag change? I'm postning from my iphone, why did it do that?
>People who help fund the fucking gypsy weapons smugglers
Don't even get me started.
fucking kek, they kiked you into ancap.
and yes bogfren, we have names arrests and sentences that are going to tickle you good. its marked dont open til christmas, if you know what i mean.
Swedes are literally cucks. They just stand by while their women get raped instead of doing something about it.
will this be covered on 60 Minutes this weekend ??
Only white men
We will need opposing faces
we shall add heads to the collection
do you know why raspberry and blackberry bushes have thorns, user? because raspberries and blackberries are delicious & desirable, and they're hanging right there waiting for any hungry animal to eat them. The bush needs some protection against the animals - it needs thorns.
Sweden is a big delicious raspberry and blackberry bush without thorns. You're going to get mauled. That's simply how nature works.
>I don't want to get conspiratorial but I really can't imagine a law like this existing for any purpose other than that.
It's not a conspiracy when it's been openly implemented for years
if its not rape if they enjoy it, which swedes do
are... you larping as a boomer?
Until you say that the Swedish people have a right to exist
you always have the best bogs.
I would say proof of a coverup of mass sand nigger rapes but that didn't wake Britain up
Perhaps it is your body rejecting the Swedistan.
It's pretty much that way in the entire Western world
Sven must stand its one of the top 5 on the rape scale in the world
Also I heard someone talking on a bus on to his friend how the internet has sites that have rapefugee porn. They seemed like Pollacks so we joked about how Sven had zero balls left.
If they have rape sites shouldn't haxxors shut it down.
Amen godly pepe
That's why their is only one true bog
All others are false bogs
Brexit voted to leave
its been pushed to a radically ferocious extent in svenland, far worse than most. its not "hans" bad, but its really fucking close.
Yeah, I'm full of thorns. Unfortunately that labels me as "mean", or even evil. Not that I care anymore. Although I don't want a sentence on me, which might pretty easily happen if you disrespect multiculti.
It's literally because sexual harassment is basically rape there.
Explain. Sources.
>In recent years, several revisions to the definition of rape have been made to the law of Sweden,[3] to include not only intercourse but also comparable sexual acts against someone incapable of giving consent, due to being in a vulnerable situation, such as a state of fear or unconsciousness.
Basically if you grope a girl when she's unconscious that can count as rape. They widened the definition.
Dude become the baddest ass Sweden out there
The term rape has become gender neutral and extended so that in addition to intercourse it also includes another comparable act with a person unable to give his consent. [...] Following a change of law, April 1, 2005, it is now as serious to abuse a person who has been drunk on a sober person. As of July 1, 2013, sexual offense legislation [and] was expanded to include cases where the victim reacts with passivity.
Google translated from Swedish.
i've seen the raw data, the names, the actual crimes, the sentences, the judges, the ages of victims. soon you will too. your statement is so far off base, its in unintentional shill range.
Yes sticking your fingers in a girl is considered rape if she didn't agree to it. But that does not explain the rise in the statistics. That law was passed in 2005.
It doesn't since the graph begins after 2007.
It's not off base. It's absurd that Sweden has such high rate rapes when more diverse countries like France have lower rape rates. It doesn't make sense. It has to do with the definition.
It does* By begins I mean that massive rise is seen after 2007.
What happened in 2015, we imported a bunch of sandniggers and we've done the same up until 2017. Let's just see what the future holds for us.
Even with the wider definitions, the amount of rapes have increased on a massive scale, in fact a recent study done in 2017 by BRÅ regarding safety showed that the inclination to report crimes had gone down considerably, while the people who were victims of violent crimes had gone up. Also even if using a broader definition of what rape is, it doesn't explain why gangrapes are up, a phenomena which was nonexistent previously.
Yeah gang rapes are up, but then there's no point using these massive rape numbers. It's easy to pick them apart.
True, but in 2013 it was widened by even more so it's difficult to pinpoint.
Except the massive rape numbers are largely gang rapes. This is also not even going into the huge spike in violent crime in general.
Looking at the sentencing rulings, Julian. Yes it's quite easy to pinpoint.
we're good man. i've seen the names, and the actual crimes. hardly any swedes or finger bangers in there. when we are ready to show our hand, we will.
It's not though. The graph literally lists 7230 reported rapes. It's absurd to think that those are gang rapes. Most of it is probably drunk people regretting what happened.
I bet there is a ton of intimidation and petty scuffles that don't get reported, too.
Show me 7230 sentencing rulings and if a majority are gang rapes I'll believe you. It's not a coincidence that after rape laws are liberalized rape accusations and reporting goes up. The same thing happens on college campuses here because having sex with a drunk person can count as rape to a college.
Why are you trying to take wind out the sails
Don't discourage Sven
I'm posting from my phone right now and i can't find the link via google, maybe some user can help with that. And the statistics shows that ALL rapes include a disproptinate amount of none swedes.
Except the BRÅ statistics on safety aren't done by looking at reported rapes, they are their own independent survey, done primarily to measure not only unreported crimes but also the trust in the police entity. This is considered more accurate just because of how many people don't dare to file police reports anymore.
Swedes Don't rape well maybe the elite but your country used be like comfy and free nude beaches and baths right?
dont mind him. we had to smuggle our shit out like kikes stealing nuclear secrets for israel, playing international hand off. i promise you, its very tasty. i know what you like.
You can't possibly think that most of these reported rapes are gang rapes. You don't even see this rate of rapes in France like I said, which has way more Africans and Muslims, both proportionally and as a total number. I'm not denying that crime has gone up with the refugee crisis, it 100% has, but not by nearly this amount.
I haven't seen that at all. From what I can tell it's the actual reported rapes.
not the time brother. we dont tip our hats so easily. this was a thread for fun, remember.
see fun.
Okay julian, i said that in ALL rapes non swedes are overreprecented not just group rapes. And I'm basing this off of convicting rulings. Don't shift the topic, we know it's you. Fucking stay out of Sweden threads.
jesus fucking christ they already ripd it. its not even a day old.
what was this video?
Great... I knew what has been happening in Sweden is downright evil
But they can still recover in time
But the time to act is now sven
i'll get a backup tomorrow. just a little fun the lads were having. they must really be afraid of us to rip a video with less than 100 views, not even a day old, and under a minute long.
smell that fear bog?
Can we get Sven anons to do anonymous interviews with rape victims to weaponize the pain into an echo chamber that friend out any who dare say nay