Anarcho-Primitivist thread!

Anarcho-Primitivist thread!

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this is now a technocracy thread

>No reliance on tech.
WTF is fire OP. Wtf is a spear? Clothing? Socks? Sandals? All technology faggot. Primitive tech. But tech nonetheless. Also.
You're both faggots.

>t. brainlet

Why does everything have to be "anarcho-"? Frankly, I don't care about anarchy. I just want humans gone and trees back.

The AI will destroy you. I'm not a primitivist. But I am a luddite. I use this computer. but no tv, minimal radio, no smart phone, and only a burner phone for work and close friends. Technology is making us into machines ourselves.

I'm all for anarcho-primitivism until one day society collapses and we can rebuild again. Never been a supporter of too much tach/transhumanrobocuck shit though.

>becoming a machine is a bad thing

>Technology is making us into machines ourselves.
That's literally the point of transhumanism.

I value my humanity. it cuts both ways. In gaining you lose something. The question is of value, which is determined by the individual. For me, I'd rather be a flawed human than a machine.