Anyone starting to notice a decline of users on here?
Anyone starting to notice a decline of users on here?
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Yeah, hmm. Maybe low quality american shitposting isn't what attracts people who actually WANT to discuss politics
Meme flags accelerate the decline.
yah started in 2016 when the_donald defeated old pol and started trump generals and now we're nupol. it's been shit for 3 years now
I've been coming here less and less, too little discussion too much "MUH SHILLS" and infographics
no decline noticed my friend
honestly would be suprised if a more than 400 hundred people post here daily
The post rate is still way way too high, Redditors are still posting here in droves.
what do you think their average weight is
You're starting to notice now?
No, it’s been a shitshow. Praise kek
Maybe you looking for love in all the wrong breads desu.
Literally nobody says that shit on here
Immediately after the election this place became really weird
Way more low energy, lower quality, maybe less posters.
thats the nupol
im sleepy lads what a long day, time for some shuteye whaddya say?
No decline.. It would be good if there was.. Too much shit going on, most of them shills or soyboys.
Got the espresso dripping. Going to be a long weekend.
Yep. The blackpills are starting to be swallowed by everyone. This whole presidency was the Republicans and frankly the white man's last stand...It was the chance to unfuck this country and destroy the left in one fell swoop. And it's been completely wasted on bullshit committies, infighting and nothing-burger memo's.
This is the beginning of the end for whites in the Americas. If white men had any balls at all they would have used the Nuclear Option endlessly to destroy the left and annihilate all of their bases of power, but instead white men sat around being cucks and crying about:
>muh procedures!
>muh honor / empathy!
>my codes of conduct!
...None of this will be any consolation when screaming hungry niggers and savage Muslims come for youa nd your family. Violence is the supreme authority, not your fucking bullshit rules and """"feelings""". It's all fucking over. Future you chose.
>p-please stop browsing Sup Forums
honestly Sup Forums is getting stale and people are taking memes way too seriously its really not that fun anymore
I say kill your fucking self.
How did you notice?
And what exactly did you notice when you noticed the noteworthy noticeable fact?
Union break is over, back to work.
it's mostly bots and shills, and faggot compromised mods that quickly prune anything interesting before it can be noticed or discussed while leaving up the same shill threads that get posted every single day. if the mods would stop being pieces of shit that need to be hanged maybe things would be different.
>demoralization post about demoralization.
ahh hooey with all that grab a cup of nice warm water, and crank up the heat and hit the rack, sounds good eh?
Board got too hot and heavy and was like yelling into the abyss. I imagine that pushed the semi-intelligent people away because well, some of us really do have better things to do than yell at 16yos, babbys first woke newfags, actual astroturfers, people who use this site as a pathetic social crutch, low rent trolling with a never-ending supply of newniggers and dumbasses to eat the bait, and the mentally ill.
Nothing pisses me off more than when someone dumps two dozen half-ass infographs I've seen 100 times and doesn't even write anything
>trump generals
>larpers like q
>arguments always come down to haha try again shareblue or muhammed or the weeks boogyman or bots and shills
>the posters are insufferable
>reeks of reddit and the_donald
>cries to mods
>sages threads
can't wait till this board dies desu
Traffic has been declining for the site as a whole lately. We haven't seen under 200k online at a time since the election.
It's over run with shills/leftist faggots and redditors. The right wing redditors wouldnt even be that bad if they could just ignore the millions of bait threads posted every day, but instead they bump them. Also the mods are fucking useless and purposefully let pol degrade like this. I rarely come here anymore, so many fucking idiots....
this nigger gets it
>Being a pussy and stopping with saving their country
This will spread like wildfire. This shit here is what changes the world. Catalonia getting shut down on their independence, that is what inspires an awakening. Venezuela crumbling because muh corrupt government. This is a global pandemic, which is scaring the shit out of anyone that doesn't have their heart in the right place. Society is about compromises, but we don't have to compromise our freedoms to achieve what we want.
It'll get better when Trump gets impeached. Sup Forums does not behave well when they're in power. It needs a boogieman. Things would be more alive if Clinton won.
Tbh that's a good thing. It means users are working and improving themselves (or an heroed), which will lead to improvement of their own country.
I agree. This place is fucking useless and so is Voat. It's nothing but white brainlets screeching about their echo-chamber-topic of the day while ignoring reality and common sense. Not a single fucking thing of consequence has been done by Trump, Replicucks, or white men to stop the march of the left, and we're out of time.
I'm going to just take the Acceleartion pill. If the white race is going to die the least we can do is make sure everyone else suffers on the way to the bottom.
The CTR/Shareblue Shills and Payments:
Holy shit
What would cause this?
Are people leaving their homes and going outside?
it's not just redditors. the real issue are antifa/commies/actual paid shills like pic related. there are discords and other things dedicated to ruining pol. the redditors aren't even an issue outside of being cringey and retarded compared to this stuuf.
that's true too. they've been desperate to create a boogieman for awhile now.
anyone notice op niggerfaggotry?
Nope, but there sure has been a sharp decline in quality.
It's the curse of the short attention span. Just look at what happened to Sup Forums.
Sup Forums was the place for new internet culture, but people got bored and left, and now the stragglers post trap threads on repeat.
Same things is happening here, people get bored, and now we have the same threads posted every hour by autism riddled losers in pursuit of (you)'s.
Choose your side wisely. This is not something you want your idols in charge of, because you should know you would be the first in line to be thrown to the dogs. Never trust another man, question everything. You are free to make your own decisions, choose wisely.
Who bumps bait threads. Why are anti Trump or threads about other forms of governments deleted/ignored? Why are there 10+ threads about Trump or the memo all the fucking time? Things would be better if all the Trump stuff stayed in one place. We don't need 20 threads on the memo.
>but we don't have to compromise our freedoms to achieve what we want.
Yes you do. You absolutely do. White men haven't won a fucking thing. Trump hasn't accomplished shit. He was a blow-off valve for white, male anger, nothing more.
You are still in denial. White men don't control anything in large numbers anymore. The left controls everything. The tiny majority the Republicans have isn't being used for anything useful. And under 18's in this country are already majority non-white. You really don't get just how fucked you all are, and how big of an opportunity has been squandered by white men crying about their
>muh freedoms
and all the other pointless shit while nothing gets done. You can scream at the Jews all you want, but really white men have had a long fucking time to clean up this mess and countless opportunities. All wasted. Future you chose.
might have to do with the fact that every post that isn't in favor of trump is branded a shareblue shill
well, my life is currently falling apart
in two weeks I will probably be left without a career
after which, I will anhero
this explains my absence from Sup Forums
lots of anons being nabbed by the goobernments, i know a swedish guy who got placed in a mental hospital for "excessive internet use" for posting on 4chinz
reddit man
remember for years Sup Forums was begging to take reddit down. What happened? finally reddit decides to take on Sup Forums and annexed this place in about a week. Everything fucking changed and went to shit. the old posters left and this place has remained a shit hole.
Sick of "generals" and random bikini pics on unrelated posts and tay tay worship and QAnon shite.
*opens an eyeball* shhh you are drifting awaaaaay on a great slumberrr
what can we do about it though? theres 34 unique posters here. Roughly 25 of those are old pol. theres no way to defeat the current onslaught.
>anons going outside
Kek, not a chance. I think all the normies that came during the election/hwndu are starting to scurry back to their normie sites.
Image boards are antiques. Kids that grew up on social media are used to the facebook/Twitter format and are leaving. They don't even understand the bump system here.
They must have increased the number of random shadowbans from 40% to something higher.
You need to chill out with that paranoia. It's not over until it's over. I can't believe YOU would give up without giving it your all.
1.Jobs. People arr getting jobs again.
2. Democrats are running out if shill8ng sheckels.
3. Better things to do.
>make thread pointing out some strange or mysterious things around trump
Every time I try to point out some potentially damaging things about trump, this is the only response I get.
Also, the trump general threads are fucking bizarre. They all look like bots and shills or something
Everyone got too /sleepy/
shadow bans? hahahahehe no no those dont exist
what happened on that huge dip in april?
Just start reasonable discussions and then hide unrelated post.
Cripplechans way more interesting these days. The shareblue shilling is always cringeworthy on here and during American hours it's basically 8/10ths cuckposting.
Trump has accomplished a lot, and it's not even about just Trump. Please shut up, you're pretty fucking stupid and have nothing of value to say. you sound like a shitskin too, so your dumb little opinion becomes even more irrelevant.
Shit content is so prevalent that I sometimes feel overwhelmed and unable to just get into a thread and discuss like a normal person. And redditors... jesus. You start noticing patterns in their behavior. If anything, I'd urge more people to leave.
Lel imagine the massive cut if only /mlpol/ stayed.
*quality users
kids always remember things being better than they were. in reality they just grow out of their rose colored glasses.
It's not going to be as popular as the 2016 election until 2020. It's actually amazing that the media and people are still following the presidency so closely this far into the election cycle. The media can't get enough of Trump.
but can you filter posters like permanently?
Probably because you are one of the retarded faggots who ruined this site so there's actually more of you?
The thing is, if you seriously believe Clinton would have been a better president you are deluded. We would already be on our way to New China, or worse. With the shit that's going on in the world we need stability in our country. It will be a crazy ride the next few years. At last we'll have a chance to rebuild our nation a lot more effectively of we're in control of our country.
Almost half of all posts submitted are never seen by anyone but the submitter.
a lot of the good ones moved to twitter
This. I miss pol before moot nuked us. Also during the zimzam trial. Good times.
Yeah I'm seeing patterns of regulars
shills and normalfags can't handle horse pussy. A beautiful alliance
lol 100 percent
lol yah those were the best times. most of the fucks here no nothing pre 2017
I am sure like 80% of the posts here these days is just arguing about shills or something
Lmao holy shit of course
If I point out the fact that trump was in deep debt to the Jews during the late 90’s and he is possibly controlled OP, it’s just a mountain of retards calling me a “shill”
it's been totally subverted by shills. i'm probably the only real person itt.
i just got back from a ban for calling someone a cuck and niger dick lover over on /gif cause he asked for bm wf gifs,fuck that mod
its just your imagination, sounds like sleep deprivation my poor lad, catch some shuteye.
I only occasionally come to see what's going on, but no one is ever talking about anything. At least there was actual discussion with the memes before, now it's just memes.
Hillary is busy "deleting" witnesses.
They're getting Seth Rich'ed.
No that's cool, but whats the point? Look at what the alternative was. So what's the point?
Why are you niggers so ungrateful and arrogant? Please take a fucking hint and have some god-damn humility civilness. Do you realize these white people could have easily killed you? They didnt because they had consideration but you are so stupid that you dont understand that and the problems of existence because you are so fucking arrogant. I have spent 20 years trying my hardest to have compassion for your race (far more than most people have tried as i am a deeply religious type) and i am done.. Your race has worn out its welcome with me. You need to go, in any way possible, preferably death. You better hope to god you can ride this movement you already have established because i would be surprised if white men didnt bring down some ugly retribution if they ever regain control You apes shit the bed.
Guys used to be main source of news; now there's too much garbage for an everydayman to weed through, sorry.
Primetime evening in the US is trash. Higher quality threads during haunting hours
Because we may need to start looking at other alternatives or new ways forward if Trump is controlled opposition
Get out plebbit.
I'm on here everyday i'm afraid...
That's not a "shadow ban". Most threads just don't last 5 minutes. Sup Forums doesn't shadow ban, that's Reddit. It's very obvious when you're banned here, sarcastically so.
i still lurk but i barely post anymore
people are sick of the shillfest and have gone to other places
I didn't pull 40% from my ass. It's been calculated by some anons somehow. In fact, that figure is pretty old. I haven't seen a thread about it in about 2 years.
Russia won the election so they stopped paying shills to post here. (Mostly, there are still a few)
>kek flag
Fuck off