Will race war happen?
Will race war happen?
As if the 70% of the manchildren on here would show up.
Yes. Make sure to buy a shirt with the Sup Forums logo so I know you're on our side.
We already know how it will end
As you see, the white race gets its ethnostate... in another world
Take a closer look at their brave white pride
An even closer look
but what is that picture on his desktop???
You have to gas the kikes first.
you are nothing ,you have been raised artificially nothing more if european wanted they could exterminate all of you and you couldnt do anything
The race war came and went. Look around you. Whites lost.
The race war is already going on right now.
The right owns most of the guns in this country. Besides, most leftists have never even shot a gun in their lives.
death & glory, rather than doing nothing.
Say that to this guy's face
he's long dead. I wouldn't disrespect the dead like that.
Whats the matter with the dog?
I just a draw but still...
he was probably trained by the nignog.
pupper didn't choose this life.
White man likes to die fighting his enemy with a weapon in his hand. It's a good death. You want to get old and fade away in your bed like a woman ? Hahahaaa !
Looks like a pitbull, which is the nigger of dogs.
not even funny seriosly, kill yourself
I don't know, perhaps these "leftists" will not be the opponents you'll face in battle.
They sure looked tough in military formation, presenting for the Führer, didn't they? But the battle exposes the truth. They're just useless sacks of flesh, as useful as a pack of dead niggers.
Why the doggo kill tho?
Lol shut the fuck up israel the American military and Armed American civilian population can easily stand up to whatever you want to represent.
fighting agains the world and showing to the children of the winner how wrong their predecesors were ,there cant be more apotheosic victory
That nip probably died from the communist shithole he served.
A-a-at least we are proud white men!!! Shitskins BTFO
The limp wristed bitches the far right will fight are going to be more relatable to the communists who were easily crushed in the Weimar Republic.
ask one wish little children ,only one
At least I stood for what I believed and exposed the jews
>russia: 20,000,000 dead
>Germans: 4,300,000
Sounds like they did pretty good all things considered.
So brave!! Heil Hitler
A race war will never happen.
If whites were serious about saving their own race or saving their culture and country, they would have taken to the streets in the 1980s or 1990s, when thug culture was taking over the streets and music and when the Mexican drug cartels were coming deep into America.
It is far too late now for a Race War, the majority of babies born in America are now Non-White.
Also, the military is full of brown and black people, we can't rely on the Military coming to our aid.
>multiple boxes of wheat thins
>diet sodas
why do i have the feeling this is still the lair of a 250+ pound person?
You keep using that word. They used it too, and just look at how they ended up.
I thought the Finns hated Russia?
>snek flag to cover up his israel flag
really made me think
The Russian figure includes unarmed civilians, that the Germans felt the need to massacre for some reason. In the end of the day, we know very well which country was wrecked and torn to pieces, and today they're the biggest cucks of the world.
EVERYBODY ends up worm food in the mud you dumb bastard, that's how this game plays out for ALL of us eventually. You're going to need some stronger fear to sell here. Anyone got some nice gore webms for this fellow to choke on ?
It's happening every day. We just don't fight back as we get replaced. Eventually there will be too many niggers and the system will collapse. The west will go the way of south Africa
Good idea man. Might make me a target too, like an officer is targeted by the enemy.
Shill detected
>they're the biggest cucks of the world
Yep it's Russia
We may have been killed by this kraut despite outnumbering him 100 to 1, but least we didn't vote for Trudeau. Ha, beat that, jews, we did our part in saving the white race.
>Kill them all, Let God sort um out
>The Russian figure
that's a fake
what did doggo ever do u fucking cunt
that DDR machine doesnt lok like it was used in a while
the empty bag of marshmallows is one clue.
he could be fucking it i guess.