Anti-circumcision general

What can we do to get this barbaric practice banned? If we can't get it banned, we should at least find ways to subvert the cultural norms that allow it to continue.

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Nothing it seems. Germany banned it, but that soon got changed. In the UK they can do without the parent consenting to have their son mutilated and they won't get prosecuted, but vaginal piercings are classed as FGM in official figures for some reason.

Push for legislation that requires a 1 female circumcision for every male circumcision
Or make it so that only cosmetic surgeons can do it since it's a cosmetic procedure

On the large scale it is difficult to eradicate this practice in the US but i think that there are two things people could do.
1. Eradicating the double standards currently in place that there is between boys and girls genital alterations. Both are a violation of the babies autonomy and that's why it is bad.
2. Spread awareness about this to other people, obviously this must be done moderately and when it is appropriate so you don't sound like a broken record.

Have you read to Brian D. Earp? He has many papers on the issue.

desu i wish female circumcision was a thing, so many girls that look cute but as soon as you go down on them it is a fucking mess of ragged flesh that just hands loose in the wind

This moron’s justification after the German ban:

>But that, according to Dr Montgomery opens a can of worms. "How about piercing the ears of little children. Do parents have the right to pierce the ears of their little daughters?"

>And what rights do parents have over their children's religion, he wonders: "With baptism in Christianity, you pre-construct the religious position of little children by baptising them.

Oh yeah because splashing water on a baby or little girls asking for their ears pierced (which will heal up if left) is really the same as permanently altering a the genitals of baby boys. I will say I don’t agree with piercing the ears of babies mind.

desu i wish all males got circumcised. so many boys look cute but as soon as you go down on them it is a fucking excess of gross skin that just grows smegma

inb4: I know that the ideal state of things is that it disappears everywhere so this things apply in any place.

Anti circumcision threads are a jidf tactic to encourage the latest batch of impressionable soyboys into thinking having a sensitive pinus is a good thing.
Sex is for procreation and conquest, anything else leads to degeneracy.

I haven't heard of Earp. I look up his studies.

Who says one is ok over the other? In fact, only conservatards jump on the circumcision bandwagon, i.e. "I'm circumcised because my father was circumcised. It's jewish tradition!". Liberals are all about all-natural sex positivity.

That's why I was circumcised

Well it is how this topic is handled massively, MGA is seeing as trivial while FGA is not.

t. Ahmed al-Saladin Muhammad

Don't bite the b8

I know a slut that had 2 male children circumcised because another whore told her it will prevent diaper rash.

I tell people whenever it's relevant that circumcision is genital mutilation. I am mutilated. I will never be whole. Shouldn't I have had the opportunity to at least decide for myself?


Is it time for another IOBTW? Just a stark white piece of paper, in bold font, all caps:

"Stop mutilating baby penises"

plastered over every available signpost and bus-stop.

i love my sliced up dick a lot and, as a dirty idiot, i am glad that i dont ever have to think about smegma. i jerk off one million times per day and its all good with just a piece of cloth. i would probably have fucked myself up if there was some nasty piece of skin flapping around. i dont even want to think about my weiner being different with some extra flap, getting caught on shit, it seems like a hassle.

im not saying im right, but smegma sounds nasty, phimosis sounds much worse, and i have way more pleasure now than i can even handle so i dont know what the problem is.

i think if you are angry about this, then you are looking at some failure either in yourselves or others and using this to blame it on. but i think you are misguided.

smegma and phimosis are nasty as hell and dont exist for me. this means nothing to you?

i am not a troll, promise

Lol two softcock fgts

The problem is forcing it on a person without his consent.

its me same guy, new thought.

maybe the dick flap was good before we invented clothing and underwear.

but now its just extra and unnecessary, getting in the way.

the virgin uncircumcised thinks he needs the flaps, the chad slicer understands that clothing serves this need while also allowing full exposure to his male clitoris at all times, constantly having a boner

Literally everyone I’ve talked to is vehemently pro-circumcision and it seriously makes me upset. All of they’re defenses are “it looks weird”. It’s fucking insane seeing how far people will go to defend genital mutilation. My “friend” threatened to post a video on social media claiming that I have an uncircumcised penis unless I submitted to him and admitted that being circumcised is better. Everyone is literally brainwashed

i believe that abortion is maybe ok because i belive that what we call a "soul" is generated by our memories, ideas and opinions.

if i cant remember getting chopped, then that means i was not a person.

pragmatically, it makes no difference to me. either i was or i was not a person at that time. if my parents made the decision to give me smegma, or not, i would not have been a part of it.

i was not there

I could say that the little fingers in your feet or your ear lobes are useless under some criteria but it doesn't make valid or means that you can remove those parts without people consent.

the little 2 month old poop blob with no soul might as well be an unfertilized egg as far as im concerned.

cut men have smaller penises

they don't have as much room to grow into during puberty

jews force circumcision on others so they don't have to compete with uncut man sausage

its a literal lobotomy.
the brain does not go back to normal after the skin gets removed.
id post the pic, but i dont have it on me.

removing fingers or other body parts would obviously cause a disability.

i am not convinced that my cut dick is worse than circumcised.

correct me if i am wrong, but it is impossible to study the pleasure of a cut dick vs uncut dick unless you either have sex with a baby or chop a grown mans dick

If it were easily reversible, you might have a point, its not, so you don't. No-one has the right to make an irreversible decision for someone else except under extreme circumstances, and even then, its still sketchy.

There's been studies that it affects the brain chemistry, irreversibly. While you might not consciously remember, your brain chemistry does.

i mean to say uncircumcised there sorry

is this your first encounter with people? I have bad news for you- pretty much everything people believe has the same level of justification. as in 'none'

i would like a link to a study that says this. that sounds alarming.

if you really believe that it affects brain chemistry in a way that science can reliably reproduce,

then you must believe that the entire concept is a conspiracy of some kind to destroy the white race rofl

just give me the link

Memory might define what you call 'soul' according to some philosophers but a) it is one of many definitions of what makes people human then it is not universal and is not the one used for human and civil rights b) Remembering something doesn't define the morality of the acts inflicted on the person (i.e. rape doesn't stop being rape only because the victim was unconscious and doesn't remember it)

It's one of the most obvious examples of pure ideology.

Your fingers are degenerate, cut them off.

>correct me if i am wrong, but it is impossible to study the pleasure of a cut dick vs uncut dick
You are incorrect, its entirely possible to measure it, as there are fewer nerve endings, and you can also measure neurotransmitter release rates, normalized against known activities.

Here's one from the first page of google scholar.

Plenty more where that came from.

Its not a conspiracy to destroy anything, its actually the result of a quack doctor by the name of "Graham", as in "Graham Cracker". Look him up.

Getting circumcised hasn’t prevented me from being a chronic masturbater all its done is taken the joy out of it. I don’t feel anything anymore.

Motherfucker use soap.

Nope yesterday I was arguing with a female friend about it and I mentioned it makes sex less Pleasurable, and in response she said “wow are you stupid? It makes sex MORE pleasurable for guys, that just shows how little you know!” And I said nothing cause wtf do you say to someone who is talking out their ass. Seriously feels like a twilight zone episode, and my wiener is mutilated!

You missed the point so I will repeat it. The usefulness of a body part varies according to the criteria you use i.e. "Legs are useless because we have cars".
But the rights of body integrity doesn't depend on the 'usefulness' of a body part. Then 'uselessness' doesn't justify violating this right.

It has been studied see for example this.

The procedure might not stop you from having sex but it obviously will an effect on it (every intact male can verify this)

How else will (((they))) get their foreskin skin moisturizer shekels.


The problem is that some people don't want to be circumcised. For example, me. But my parents did it anyway and now I'm mutilated for life. You shouldn't alter your child's body without their consent, unless it's for a medical reason.

Don’t worry man you’re not alone, I know that doesn’t get your foreskin back but hey it helps to know you’re not the only one who got jewed out of having a normal penis

>Le meme meme
Dude read it first comment on it

) i dont read or care about philosophers, my opinions are created by myself. a) i think lots of definitions are incorrect b) i believe that an unconscious woman you want to rape has a soul based on the many years of memories and opinions that they generated over hopefully at least 1.8 decades. if you really want to rape a 1 month old baby, i wont say you should be punished because of your imposition on their will, but because thats a messed up thing to do for other reasons

its so fucking simple you brainlets

Make memes that white protestants forced circumcision and normals will turn against it.

I've honestly never talked to an American woman who thought like the girl in the first image, they are almost always completely ignorant on the subject and literally can't tell a cut dick from an uncut dick when it's erect.

Meanwhile it's the cognitive dissonance fried American men who insist it's a good thing and will get it done to their son.

I don't care what it says, I just can't believe anyone would use that as a source for anything on pol

It’s awful being surrounded by them, they instantly resort to insults and logical fallacies because their egos can’t handle being wrong

Here is the abstract immediately visible upon clicking your link:

A survey of the 35 female and 42 gay sexual partners of circumcised and genitally intact men, and a separate survey of 53 circumcised and 30 genitally intact men themselves, indicated that circumcised men experienced significantly reduced sexual sensation along with associated long-lasting negative emotional consequences.

That is a very small sample size. Did they include female circumcision in this study? If they did, then that is not honest because female circumcision is insanely horrible and not the same.

Your link includes a pdf download that i dont want to download or read. Do i need to download it?

This. Also talk about how it deadens the nerves from over exposure.

How does an intact male know whats its like to have your head exposed all the time? Maybe its great for all they know. How could they know unless they were adolescent at the time of circumcision (in which case their dick is fucked)

Hell no. I basically hate sex and I don't even want to breed at this point.

>tfw living in a 1st world progressive shithole

maybe deadening the nerves allows me to edge for unlimited hours while i work the shaft.

your raw, pure, bright red little clitoris needs some manly callouses and then you can really get some work done.

Ask an intact man. Intact guys who expose the head while wearing pants feel unbearable sensation. Cut men don't feel that, so we must have dulled sensation.

It is a fact that both men and women enjoy sex more when the man is uncircumcised. I'm sorry if this makes you feel inadequate, but it is the truth all the same.

the health issues are real. smegma is nasty and phimosis (google it) is something that happens to people on this Sup Forums message board more often than people who do not post on this board. you dodged a bullet of filth

to gain what? a bright red hyper-sensitive clitoris that would probably feel pain after jerking it off for hours like i am able to do

One by one.
>i dont read or care about philosophers, my >opinions are created by myself

The definitions you gave about what entitles somebody to be consider a person comes from philosophy (and most do).

>> i think lots of definitions are incorrect
Even your definition, but the point is that personhood is not defined by the capability to form and retain memories.

>i believe that an unconscious woman you >want to rape has a soul based on the many >years of memories and opinions that they >generated over hopefully at least 1.8 decades

There you are switching concepts. Here you are judging personhood by the living experience of a person "if you live or lived you're a person". That contradicts your claim that a baby is not a person because just as the woman he has lived then he's equally worthy of rights.

>if you really want to rape a 1 month old baby, i >wont say you should be punished because of >your imposition on their will, but because >thats a messed up thing to do for other >reasons
Cutting somebody's body without his consent is also messed up. Besides if a baby (according to you) is not a person ergo cutting him is not bad why would sexual abuse be bad all of sudden? There you have other contradiction.

i would like to be convinced by a hyperlink to someone else saying this

>make claims about health issues being real without a source
>demand a source when someone disagrees with you

I can pull the foreskin down, you know? It's very unpleasant kind of like touching your eye.

why do you care about how some random historical characters, "philosophers", defined anything? dont you have opinions of your own?

>"Her body her choice!"
>"Lol of course I'm going to have my son circumcised, there's no cognitive dissonance here at all!"

Pray that you never meet people like this.

Rigth I should have cited ;)

Labiaplastys are becoming more popular because muh porn and muh beauty standards

lol that sounds horrible i do not want that at all

Smegma is generally not a problem, and phimosis is rare and VERY easily treated.

It means the head is sensitive.

I shower every day so I doubt that would be a problem. I even talc my balls to keep everything nice and dry. So yes, I would love to have a more sensitive penis.

That's a dumb as saying you should cut babies toes off in case they get an ingrown toenail later in life.

I honestly cannot understand anyone who uses the smegma argument. Do they only shower once a month or something? Makes me wonder what else they neglect to clean regularly

"her body because babies dont have souls"

"the baby doesnt have a soul so we can prevent him from having all of the problems that this imperfect dick has"

i might not be correct, but what i say is logically coherent.

Imagine if someone brought up female smegma or vulva secretions.

>babies don't have souls
I sincerely hope you don't have kids.


Fuck off Moshie.

>High level of deflection
Well u know that the foreskin can be pulled back, right? Then a intact male can compare while circumcised males can't

Restore that shit boi.


i dont know anything about phimosis and i dont have to, because it is impossible for me.

during ancient times, it was probably a lot more common, and thats why they did it.

i listened to a dan carlin hardcore history podcast about the mongol invaders during roman times, attila the hun and i think this one part is very relevant here:

when their male children were young, they would scar their faces so that they did not have to worry about facial hair.

so when these mongols came to the roman empire, they had fucked up faces because their society had decided thats what they wanted, to prevent facial hair for some unknown reason.

i bet if you asked any of those mongols in the year 100 or whatever, they would have said its nice to not have to shave

You're basically making yourself out to be a complete retard with this argument. You're comparing yourself to some stupid horse nomads doing dumb shit and justifying it with weak excuses.

Roasties wanting a circumcised cock is a laughable meme. The fuckers don't even know how to suck a proper cock, but know how to mutilate it for its own good...??

>fucking gormless goys, desperately trying to justify their kike mutilated, numb knob members by ironically appealing to dickbrains' dicks

The point is that idea has been disused before as many other then saying that it is valid universally is ridiculous.

This is EXTREMELY GROSS to me, i do NOT want this at all.

I want to slam my dick all over everything and if it feels like my eyeball? holy shit, this is the very most convincing argument i have seen which will make me chop my kids

Is it difficult to convince the hospital not to circumcize your son?

I've heard anecdotal stories where they told the doctor they didn't want it done but they did it anyway. I'd rather take my chances with a home birth in that case.

That's what the foreskin is for you colossal retard.

i dont give a shit what other people said in history, and neither should you.

>Doesn't cares about other people opinions
>Lurks in a board about politics
what does he mean by this?

>this level of kike mind abuse turned mutilation

little wonder Amerimuttania is on the cusp of reïgnitong its Northern Taxation War of Aggression...

i got a lot of involuntary boners when i was younger, and it was pure pleasure.

if my eyeball was scraping into my boxer shorts, it would have felt like shit.

my cut experience was pure pleasure. to this day, every single thing my weiner does is pure pleasure.

if my head was a red hot clitoris of pure sensitivity, then i dont want that scraping onto my boxer shorts.

There are little silk bags you can put over glans if you're circumcised. If you moisturize regularly and wear one of those it'll get you at least partially back to the way you were before your parents mutilated you. The problem is that once your penis de-keratinizes you need to make damn sure to wear that bag all the time because it will be absolutely intolerable to have your glans rub against your underwear throughout the day.

it's a degenerate semitic barbaric practice


Good thing biological sex doesn't determine gender
>have baby girl
>claim xir is a transpolymacrodoodle
>get xirs labia snipped
>call it a circumcision

I was referring to the other guy who cares about "philosophers" like socrates or whoever the fuck

So you prefer fucking your shorts to having full feeling inside a vagina?

>be sterile