Capitalism is dying and from its remains one of the two systems will rise. Which will we choose? Which one SHOULD be chosen?
We are headed towards communism or fascism
Divine Monarcho-Fascism
Natsoc will return.
Fascism, mah boi
Will trump take us to fascism?
Fascism has been strawmanned so much by accelerating lefties that it's now equivalent with sanity. It's now just another word for the way things always successfully worked. Even Stalin communism is nothing like modern communists. After he kicked out the kikes it was just far right extremism with poor economics and people getting really superstitious due to lack of religion.
Why are poorfags so delusionnal ?
Capitalism is the most adaptable system in human istory, it's unkillable.
Libertarian social democracy.
>it's unkillable.
Except for when it died and communism took over in a lot of places.
Only to later fall and be replaced with capitalism again.
>it died
It merely paused for a few years, a few dozens of year max. It came out on top. Nothing beats capitalism.
seems like the way forward is social democracy until the people are so sick of neoliberalism, immigrants and jews that they resort to fascism again. We already see that in east europe, it'll take a while for west and north to catch up
This is true. Do you know why that is though? Do you know what real economy we live in :)
socialism most likely will happen next. you need to realize the reason why trump was elected by the working class was an act of class conciousness. that was essentially the workers fighting back.
Capitalism isnt going anywhere and if we had to chose between based Fascism or being a bullshit, dirty fucking commie I think most would chose death.
Just remember, there way more normal people than these fucked up ideologues and noone normal would ever support either of these.
>class conciousness
Soviet fascists and petro fascists actually.
Trump just gave ANWR to China for his Gulags.
If you looked at it objectively, Capitalism is the only game in town.
What's wrong with fascism? Humans need a strong willed leader to keep the ship running on course. It just needs to be the right leader.
So a few commies get made an example of via violent methods. Oh well. The rule of law is more important than my feefees about not hurting anyone.
would you love to live in north korea right now? Because that's pretty much what you'd get under fascism
>Humans need a strong willed leader to keep the ship running on course.
Sheep mentality. That's true for chinks and arabs, though
Both. In separate places.
>Capitalism is dying
How have you arrived at this conclusion?
liberal capitalism is it. we are at the end of history (once whitey is gone, anyway.)
>Sheep mentality.
Maybe, but American democracy has shown that giving the public the right to choose their leadership leads to disaster because the voters don't actually give a shit.
See: Maxine Waters, Patrick Leahy, fucking Obama 2012, etc
Turns out, the people are sheep and sheep shouldn't be allowed to run the show.
Imperial fascism mean RACE or communism.
Capitalism ensures people that really pulls the strings know their shit. With fascism and communism any dumbass can get on top provided they sucked the right dicks. Capitalism actuamly prevent sheeps from having power.
But how do we feed more than 30 people using communism ?!
I mean i am all for that free shit n all y'all but this hunger thingy is getting real tedious fast.
>they pretend to feed us; we pretend to eat
Mining worker camps.
Yuri explains it.
>Capitalism is dying
Bullshit. America is a society predicated on liberty. The war that's being waged is one between security and freedom. The folks on what is considered left these days are advocates of security through limitation of rights. The supposed right side of the spectrum believe that rights are more valuable than the contrived notion of safe space and will not abide the trampling of constitutional freedom. I will be returning fire if I'm ever shot at over something problematic I say on the internet that's at odds with this weeks correct thing to think.
t. 2012 Sup Forums
christian theocracy