This is it Sup Forums, the US is on its last strings. I work as a data analysis in DC, and everyone is going crazy...

This is it Sup Forums, the US is on its last strings. I work as a data analysis in DC, and everyone is going crazy. Rumors here is military could get involved if riots breakout. The memo was the tip of the iceberg. Today is the beginning of the end of the modern US

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Nigger please larp elsewhere.

you really wish

Good. The (((modern))) US was awful.

LARP or show broofs

Pics or it didn't happen.

Instant-shill responses like these make my cock so hard.

Hang these niggers.

can i get a rundown?

>if riots breakout

>implying we don't want this to happen

That tree of liberty is hungry for the blood of patriots
This country was designed to get tore down and rebuilt

To be fair I'm just bored out of my fucking mind and feel like trolling.

MAGA mate.

Give up some real info, user. This memo was even better than I'd expected.

What part of "God Emperor Trump is going to make 40k real" did you not understand pleb?


>data analysis in DC
analsysis analyst

> H1-B visa Poo confirmed

More details please?

Where is there suddenly instability OP? I haven't seen anything about rebellion or a coup becoming a thing due to the memo. Explain

Good. The "modern" US is cancer.

Our country has been under occupation by an unconstitutional coup since FDR coerced the Supreme Court into reinterpreting the Commerce Clause to justify unlimited federal regulatory power under threat of packing the court with his cronies.


Looks like it's all over for you, Yanks.
Can't wait to lead my assault squads and start mopping up Amerimutts.

Sure shill


>end of the modern US

KEK wills it


>The state of our country
It is time for the tree of liberty to refreshed with the blood of tyrants



Go on


Why did you faggots support this nasty old pile of white queer?
Muhh Race purity? Guess you fucked your own white ass, didn't you, you little faggots?

Look a wild Nigger!

Let's lynch 'em.

tits or gtfo

Why are you so afraid of the truth?

Jesus, the state of this board.
OP, I feel you. I know. Some more knew as well. Markets were a sign.
It's ... done.


trump will start a war, preferably nuclear, that is the only way to distract from his crimes

im down.
cattlechain or dock rope?

>Today is the beginning of the end of the modern US
Good. Let it all come down. Remove the sub-human leeches suckling on modern America's corrupt system destroying the modern family and let the strong survive.

>Today is the beginning of the end of the modern US

pics or GTFO

They going to give you your butterknife back for that?

This. Fuck the deep state. Fuck the secret police. Fuck legislating from the bench. Fuck all those trampling all over the constitution.

We've pretty much know that Obongo and co. used the state to try to rig 2016 all along; now that it's publicly acknowledged we can start to ask how long they've been doing this. They fucked the Tea Party for sure. Was that a test run or have they been working this scheme longer?

go on faggot LARPer..

>a butter knife can kill as easy as a bayonet
Somehow the state of Britain is still worse than us, the country supposedly on the brink of collapse

Let's make it happ'n cap'n.

Rhey’re Gonna have to import rioters. The Antifa fucks I’m privy to in the most cucked city USA, are worn thin, unorganized and not as desperate as the MSM talking heads calling for street protests.

OP if youre gonna larp at least come up with some convincing bull shit to give us

Don't worry. Once we're done here, we'll land in Scotland and move south, driving all leftists and Pakis to the sea.


? what proof do you need? I work in DC and this is word of mouth from people, people in power. Am I supposed to stop what they are saying and start recording them from the start over again?

I can't wait. Let armageddon commence. And let God and Satan show themselves.

love the map

Sounds good. Keep us updated, famalam.

goy yoy yoy

>>Today is the beginning of the end of the modern US.
>>Sorry the modern U.S. was effectively squashed in 1963.
>>Welcome to the reset user

Niggers now hate Trump because he gave them jobs. Fucking no good niggery niggers.

>beginning of the end of the modern US
I sure fucking hope so, tired of being a plaything for the ZOG

give us more then. you've given us nothing. i'm playing along, what do you have

Hey faggot, feartrolling is weaksauce. Give us something substantial, elaborate, disclose something thoughtful or just fuck off.

God I hope so. Im unironically ready to kill all nonwhites with a smile on my face
>this post is satire

What people in power you stupid fuck. Give us details. Specific stuff.

Trump is regaining America's sovereignty.

Fuck off LARPfag.
Remember what goes in the options field.

Id put my money on the right winning a civil war.

>Anyone who doesn't enjoy LARP or live in fantasyland is a CIA NIGGER GLOW IN THE DARK CLOWNKEK!
You really do believe everything you read on here, don't you?
>Insider here!
Literally the only phrase necessary to make sure you're cumming in your pants.

Big if yuge

Not gonna lie, I love a good LARP thread, but this isn't one

I’m ok with shitty larp threads. As long as i get a minor kek


I live in Indiana and were all peaceful and white. If shit ever actually hit the fan, which it wont, Id literally have to take a road trip to take part in the happenings.

So what you're saying is they will attempt to start a war with NK to distract from their crimes so they can say Trump started a war with NK to distract from his crimes?

God help us.

Could be worse. You could live behind enemy lines.

all the larping conspiritards ITT fukin kek

My armor is contempt
My shield is disgust
My sword is hatred
I'm the emperor's name, let none survive

Come home white man. Paradise is waiting on you.

just bored

What about Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana? I prefer those places

you're a pussy for this reply

I love how he grabs the pigeon right by the neck.

is it a passenger pid-ge-on?


user support your Congressman against blue shills on Twitter. Reps are being bombarded by Resistance, Inc right now.

Jesus you british faggots haven't figured out your totally fucking irrelevant? why even speak britcuck?

How is this thing able to speak with so many penises in its mouth??? what manner of witchcraft is this, begone heathen.

Nice b8 m8. I do data analysis as well. There aren't going to be any riots, there isn't gonig to be a revolution. Nice try


Hey Michael, I'm your boss. Stop going to Sup Forums and scare people please. You're exposing us. Also delete this thread right now.

>Today is the beginning of the end of the modern US


My cousin works at Nintendo. Confirmed nothing going to happen bc liberals have been brainwashed by the Nintendo Switch for Christmas.


The correct way of writing
>I work as a data analysis in DC...

Is: (for the grown ups)

> I work as a data analyst....

You shouldn't be posting here. It's past your bedtime, anyway.

>be me, old fag
>watch live on tv as Koresh compound burns
>60 some men, women and children die
>no one held accountable
>watch as Ruby Ridge unfolds
>no one held accountable
>watch as we go to war against country after country
>no congressional declaration of war
You must be some young kid.
We are Without Rule Of Law now.
We are Rome.
Historically this never ends well.

Unironically this. Everyone just keeps going about their daily tasks like nothing happened, unless everyone is secretly plotting overthrowing shit. It really seems the only people who may be upset by the memo is politicians, and they probably won't be when they realize the fact that people are too retarded and caught up in their bread and circus to actually do anything.

I visited the dunes in Indiana last summer and it was probably 75% non whites there. I was pretty surprised. Same with the Cabelas I stopped at in Hammond.

He can't do that because he might lose his data entry job.

His specific sources are the conversation he overheard his managers rolanda and shaquisha having "bout dat memo"

You don't think people are aware of what's going on?
Have you noticed gun and ammo sales the last few years?
This ain't a good thing.

Umm no sweetie


Fuck you Ivan.

I'mma shove a bottle of Vodka straight your your fucking zhopa, and light it with a flamethrower, kid.

any time now...

The US as it was intended died in 1860 then we died again in 1933, now we're just some socialist shithole waiting to collapse

Couldn't the border patrol agents just use this also to throw people off?