Why don't we create our own artwork to combat the left? Books, movies, tv shows, youtube, social media and video games are all media that we could bring the fight back to them. We also would need to create our own original content as well as posting pepes. If this is a culture war then the right needs to fight them in the culture industries.
Creating our own art
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typical leftist girl mindset right now in 2018
i dont know what wing this is coming from, but i like it.
How so? Did't many far right ideologies use art to express themselves? I guess all that brutalist and stripped classical style that the Italian Fascists used was just leftist girl mindset.
That makes sense; use cartoons to attract more pro-Dump manchildren.
Fucking white people
How about a real, tv quality animated cartoon
Also if we complain all the time about anit-white, video games, movies, books ect. Are we going to do something about it or just sit here and take it?
Make our own. Whos up for a animated natsoc youtube cartoon
you lack comprahension. i was saying my pic related was the cultural analogue of the leftie.
have you not heard of murdoch murdoch?
No, i mean one thats professionally animated and more subtle than that shitty cringefest
Did anybody ever get a full copy of the adventures of pepe and pede?
Is it online?
if you want to do something, then animate some sam hyde bits. they are funny and common sense, and you dont have to waste time writing scripts or recording audio.
food for thought.
This could work on youtube. However if we want to get more normies on board we might need to be more subtle.
Sorry mate.
what do you think if this idea?
cheap and cheerful. did you ever see the animated ricky gervais podcasts?
I worked as an art-director for advertising firms, I started out as a politically clueless person and quickly got disgusted by the advertising culture. I got on Sup Forums three years ago and now I can point out the (((parasite))) in every kind of art, be it movies, books, music, theater. With my art degree I plan on making children's books that guide them in the right way. What kind of characters do yall suggest?
>inb4 useless degree.
The left has taken over art because it is a POWERFUL and PERSUASIVE tool, we have to take it back
Exactly. Anything with traditional family roles no faggots or shitskins is good at this point. Basically ed edd n eddy.
I habe natsoc fanart of the loud house. We need to go on the offensive with art. Ive been to art centers, its sjw hell. Completely turned me off to art.
the fact that the movements of the present are rationally built from the classical era, the stories, mythos, art and philosophy all are natural enforcers of cultural law to the extent one is exposed to these things in actuality. thats why public shchooling is the worst. it teaches history from points of view that castigate the natve whites to appease the new arrivals.
Also to get our side inspired to take up action what if we declared that this is TOTAL CULTURE WAR. All our creativity is united to destroying the leftist grip on our culture a step up from the usual "culture war".
I like it. We should make a cartoon, artstyle or preexisting franchise to hijack thay we can all create individually en masse so we can push back as the amorphous blob that made us so successful to start with. we must break the lefts monopoly on art
The thing is, the best art is subtle art. Instead of using a obvious natsoc art, why not make characters wear some sort of uniform, go above their heads, etc
Art is a tool, a very effective one. Part of taking back our government is taking back art
Murdoc Murdoc fucking sucks
I never read this comic but I like a few of the covers
you have no idea how hair trigger paranoid the rabid commie is.
>journalists are writing articles condemning thomas the tank engine and paw patrol and more as facist in nature
Here’s a better picture. The comic might be crap I don’t know
Reminder that Matt Furie's Pepe has green lips and a yellow tanktop, while Sup Forums's Pepe has brown lips and a blue t-shirt. This, combined with his drastically different personality, makes him parody and Matt gets no money.
its "le secret meme club" tier, but its got some good zings. i think the recent ones have been a bit too metaphysical and art house (done badly) and they should get back to suburban hijinks.
If they are that stupid then Thomas is now a ours. Normies love all those youtube rap videos of him we could subvert them.
A pro ICE comic? I'm surprised it hasn't been burned in the current year.
the israeli 'war girls' photography seems to sway lots of people
I got one the day it went on sale
What about the loud house? Its as popular as sponge bob, the crearor was fired for pedophilia, big white family, just remove the beans and fags and were good. It would scare the heck out of them and hopefully get jew propaganda targeting kids off the air
a e s t h e t i c is pretty god for netziens
tons of propoganda has been made. thats the thing, we have a saturation of material to use and recycle. its never been so easy to transmute an idea.
How do we make classic style art now that is part of our day and age? I want to do some art works but I feel like the stage is taken up by quick digital artwork. Is there room for far right high art?
I don't get this. Also sauces. Where is all this material?
art has to be collectible and rare to gain fiscal value. "art" is just an investment raccquet. its much better to be the peoples daily mash of relevant and recent information and entertainment, in a sense of mass presence.
other than that go into network cable news and compete with the msm.
I like that. Even if we had to make it on youtube ourselves because big companies won't take it because of muh diversity. What also would be sweeter was if non whites like the show about a large white family such a big middle finger to the sjws and leftists.
its on the internet.
Conservatives can't create anything new. That's why they just remake stale memes that were invented by liberals.
The most creative thing Sup Forums ever did was photoshop Trump hats on other people's art.
loudly contradicts you with a good aesthetic
We could also meme it hard and appropriate it so they will just can it and we can control the franchise. If any user with no animation or drawing skill can do something with it were in a good place. What should that be?
>"the alt right now has a favortie cartoon-its the loud house"
You mean posting a stale meme that is a remake of a meme created by a liberal in the art style of a different liberal?
so its not worth it to create sculptures and paintings?
We need influence. Its about mass influence anove quality. Super nice sculptures wont make kids giggle at gas the jews.
Gassing jew memes are good initially, but if thats all there is it will feel shallow and meaningless
understandable. though it is sad we are at the state of having to appeal to the masses as opposed to creating beautiful things.
Any of you heard about that book fair in Sweden where the leftists are having a meltdown because some far right guys are allowed to participate? Shows that they are afraid of us and not confident in their own abilities.
The left can't meme mate. Sure we took some art from the liberals and various other places, awoo comes to mind and made them our own for fun but that's creativity for you. We all start somewhere. The question is do we take the next step?
its all important, but most people will never even bother to look into high art. if you had to be one you would choose be as close to the mass as possible. this meme o sphere is the agora of the internet. arguments and propositions made like posters handed out by fellow speakers, so it is infact an emergent mass cultural movement
There will be no msore beautiful things if we cant get a hold of the youth. We need to dominate edgy infernet meme culture to at least desensitize the youth and pave the way to 1488.
Virtually every single Sup Forums meme was created by liberals.
If you think "lol blacks are stupid!" is a clever meme, you're about 150 years too late.
I agree with you. The alt right drags you in with funny memes, then you get red pilled and angry, then you get black pilled then you get white pilled. In the end there has to be a positive vision of the future for white people and mass low quality memes about gassing isn't going provide the energy to keep the movement going.
Theyre stale. Theyre the lame dads, not the edgy hippies of the 60s. Thats us. We are now where they were 50 years ago and its scaring the shit out of them since they know thays how they got power
imagine how retarded you'd have to be to be (((you)))
"lol blacks are stupid!" isn't even a meme it's more a sentiment that has indeed passed down to us historically. Also your statement runs against what liberals say that we indeed create and proliferate the memes. I find it confusing when some of you go against even the libs giving us credit.
who cares who made it, dickwad. if its enough to be considered different then in some respects it is creative.
and making fun of stupid people is funny
This. We just need a new good meme
It doesn't even have anything to do with political alignment at this point. Anyone who can see the big picture wants Killary, Hussein Obongo and the rest taken down. All the way up to the Rothschilds. Base your OC on that, not on Trump glorifying and we will succeed. America is just the first step. It's about freeing the entire world from their dominion.
subversion of the current era is effective.
its not possible to fight the money and networks involved in left wing media.
it is possible to convince people to immunise themselves to it though, its easier to convince somebody to turn it off than it is to reprogram them given the massive bombardment most are under.
that said if people want to make stuff for fun, make kids shows for youtube, youll never be able to reach anyone else
They have queer kid stuff lets make white kid stuff
dats a small stone nigga 0/10
What's this? I'd see a show of the adventures of virgin and chad.
its not even as if you need to go 1488 autistic mocking jewish or black kids to make it work, just show boys playing with toy trains and girls playing with dolls without talking about queers, thats the level of degeneracy we're hitting
fund this
shouldn't the chicks be swapped. That there is a thot.
That's why it's ok to be white worked so well. It was subtle.
Like this? with land sales to chinese stats?
its pretty decent.
it worked because the message was untouchable to anyone that wasnt racist against white people, which we all know exists in the media.
the same could be applied to art, if theres latent racism out there then anything can expose it.
creating dimorphism in your enemy via propaganda, they will perceive you as strong, and give you a strategic advantage.
Maybe an the kid or an Australian animal fights and slays the Chinese dragon. You could other nations in asia join in like a raid boss to get them sympathetic to our cause and for added humor. Australia is obviously the tank. Japan can be dps. Korea heals.
Fuck niggstralia
creating the portrait of success and winning in the minds of people is essential.
Sadly yes. Ed edd n eddy would freak people out if it was revealed today simply because theres no shitskins in it
you know another approach could be accelerationism of the left, they already have the self sustaining viral support structure in place and will virtue signal anything.
>What kind of characters do yall suggest?
Cavemen. Teaches tribal unity, and could possibly infuse some notion of racism if you show neanderthals and cro-magnons (which looks more alike than how whites and blacks look alike) as different species.
Thanks for the good thread btw.
Someone here actually did make a subversive game about being a mentally ill tranny that goes around killing radical feminists and taking down a shadow government. Then dumb faggots here thought it was somehow leftist.
accelerationism is about diverting a speeding car into a solid wall. if there is not a wall then the car will continue to veer of into the distance.
The Adventures of Christchan is an example of something that can be used to get normies on your side. It's a cute funny idea that unfortunately isn't that subtle though I won't put down the creator of the comics. At least he is putting work in so good for him.
No problem user just doing my part.
it doesnt sway anyone really, theyre typically all black eyed mudskins and theres 1000 posts a day on Sup Forums that have better looking women
That's what I've been doing.
nobody wants to think their movement has no female supporters. basic psych works as proven by the semitic morality portal aka television. white people need to make their own tv and film studios.
in terms of degeneracy theres still a few walls, pedophilia being the main one but you can accelerate them into eating themselves given they somehow buy into identity politics aswell as the premise that everybody is equal.
i mean theyre all for islamic immigration into the west for le diversity, so muslims are allowed into their club but do muslims want transgender studies classes for their kids in a faith school? do muslim men consider themselves equal with women?
imagine going into a building with those windows.
Nice work.
so thats it, everythings been said?
You need to control platforms of information dissemination to do this. The right doesn't push for this and the alt right doesn't either. Richard spencer for example makes almost 100,000 dollars per month and does not fund any projects just his website and these idiotic rallies. The main core of the lefts culture control is the university, that's how they brainwash people and get the media more and more left with every generation.
they dont mind being contradictory. accelerationism is about shit getting so bad for whites they form a hard line contingency.
I think I will make it my personal mission to wage Total Culture War on them. Take things like environmentalism and protecting nature and animals away from them.
What this user says about creating art like a amorphous blob is true. We all need to get out there and just churn stuff out they don't expect. Imagine if they saw all these right wing people entering the creative industries or even just performing music, writing books just for fun and people were liking it. Another thing is not to get disheartened. Not every idea will work it might take us a few goes but the left is getting worried seeing us just revving the engine up.
What kind of mememagic is this?
C.S Lewis and Tolkien used to meet up with other writers to discuss ideas. This is what these threads should facilitate. As well as encouragement. However we just also work on our work ourselves or together.
The main core of the lefts culture control is the university, that's how they brainwash people and get the media more and more left with every generation.
this is true, the only thing we can do to stop it is to turn people OFF from the media sources they run, though with all the fake news rhetoric this past 2 years it wouldnt surprise me if it was eventually put into law that their approved news sources are even allowed to report.
people generally are finding themselves ever more turned off from the mainstream media as a source for info anyway but the real damage is done culturally as has been described in this thread, stuff like blacking up historical figures or normalising race mixing in entertainment, the media assault is relentless.