what is the visa memo and why should i care
What is the visa memo and why should i care
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go back to r/ the_ donald
hasn't this been obvious who cares
Yes, but now there is hard source directly from the investigation.
Dems are on suicide watch.
the only people I've seen talk about it is pol how are they on suicide watch
Exactly. They're pretending it's nothing or it doesn't exist because they're fucked.
When I say dems I mean the actual DNC members and Dem politicians
The plebs never know whats going on.
>mommy thread incoming
buckle up yall
The memo was just a quick primer
You should care because it explains what's going to happen in the coming months
You can ignore it if you want. Doesn't stop the wheels from turning
If you're trying to shill you are horribly failing at your job.
>le shill
go be a mindless idiot somewhere else
Gib mummy pls
go read it yourself its only a few pages
mummy is for ME
A-are they weaponizing mummy to distract us from the memo? Because it's working.
What do you think is happening in the coming months?
mummy is your weakness
Even Breitbart took it down from their top story spot already. Dems already knew that Repubs thought this, the memo was an opinion piece we all expected with no new info.
I can almost guarantee that she hates every one of us.
so cute
If she saw this thread, she would kill herself.
fugg I can fuggin find my mummy webms
mummy loves me ur just jelous
>what is the visa memo
In a nutshell, DNC can pay to fabricate evidence, which can be used to """""legally""" spy on someone.
> why should i care
If the government can be weaponized against an orange retard with bad hair, it can be weaponized against you.
ave maria
''God Exists''
bump for mummy
daily reminder she betrayed ukraine tho
please do not bring that up thank u
looks like she has a fucking mustache
stop being mean
Basically it confirms what we already knew. The DOJ and FBI are correct. To the boomers and /ptg/ faggots on this board, this is somehow a new revelation.
>can't do a fucking google search and take 5 minutes to read the memo
>disgusting reddit tier meme shit
Unironically, end your life.
>>>being this new
post mummy milkers
that's lewd!
mummy likes lewd, especially with putin
Putin is a jew oligarch, mummy will have him publically executed when she becomes tsarina
good luck with that
btw shes from his party she supports him
you have to stay close to your enemies and strike when they least expect it
>On 11 April, the Prosecutor General of Russia personally presented Poklonskaya with her official papers as a Russian legal officer.[44] On 2 May, Russian president Vladimir Putin appointed Poklonskaya Chief Prosecutor of Crimea
>Also in November 2014, Poklonskaya was rated as the sixteenth out of the hundred most promising politicians in Russia by the Institute for Social-Economic and Political Studies
>On 11 June 2015, Russian president Vladimir Putin granted Poklonskaya the rank of 3rd Class State Counsellor of Justice which corresponds with the military rank of Major General.[61][62]
>Poklonskaya resigned as Prosecutor General on 27 September 2016 due to her election as MP in the State Duma during the 2016 Russian legislative election.[13]
>Prior to her resignation she was the youngest female general in Russia, at age 36.[63]
theyre not enemies
putin made her
mummy is a self made women
what are her chances hacker bro?
110% chance of success
Mummy is brave and strong
mummy is kind
she's a homo? WTF I hate mummy now