Reading makes you smart

What books are you reading?

Other urls found in this thread:,_Jr__4.pdf

>On the Genealogy of Morals
>Mein Kampf
>48 Laws of Power

Some stupid ass feminist and Marxist books from school. Also Adrien Arcand, the Canadian Führer.

Beyond Good and Evil
Genealogy of Morals
The Republic
Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious

How far have you gotten threw Genealogy of Morals?

"Dubbed the most banned book in the world, this tome is so feared by Jews that they have refused to allow it's English translation."

- - Originally written in Russian, it has been translated into German and French by a group of Professors who have offered their translations for free. A full proper English translation hasn't become available until now.

'Two Hundred Years Together' was written by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the famous Russian dissident who won a Nobel Prize for Literature ('The Gulag Archipelago'). Consisting of two volumes, the first being concerned with Russian-Jewish history between 1795-1916, and the second; Jews in the Soviet Union, this book exposes the role of the Jews in the Bolshevik revolution and Soviet purges where 60+ Million people died. So, it is clear enough why the Zionists were never going to allow an English translation of Solzhenitsyn's work.

FULL ENGLISH LINK: Can preview and read it without downloading it if you want (it auto populates the .pdf on screen.) Might have to click the orange button twice to d/l because it has a pop-up the first time you click it.

This the original release from 8chn. The wordpress has been edited (probably by JIDF) and released. This is a full scan of the original as soon as we got our hands on it (before we released to public). Again, you can read it on the site w/o d/l if you don't trust a .pdf file.. Enjoy :)


Siege by James Mason


Barely just finished Beyond Good and Evil, I’m still going back at it to get a more clear understanding, took me like a month to get the grips of it. Up to here on the Genealogy of Morals. He’s the most compelling out of Plato and Jung personally.

>tfw too brainlet for most of G&E

some of the parts that I did understand gave me existential crisis tho

Kek tell me about it. He just BTFO’s everyone.

By the way, when I had struggling with reading it I read it along with audio of it. I dunno, just flows throughout your brain easier.

I'm reading the bible

It's the only Murakami book I haven't read yet.

iv'e been collecting useful info charts and recipes. spell check on this site sucks I have to go to google a lot.

You sure love jews OP. Why not read some normal books you obsessed freak?

He just wants to edgy.

Anyone give me some books that will further my knowledge in general and not just the (((joos)))?

>The Prince
>(((The Virtue of Selfishness)))
>The Story of Philosophy
>Principles of Philosophy
>Das Kapital
>The Wealth of Nations
>The Theory of Moral Sentiments
Good Places to start Philosophy Wise

t. Shlomo

The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker.

A frontal assault on the faulty metaphysical assumptions of cultural marxism. Pinker is /ourguy/

Bible NLT

i just finished the second harry potter book. it was really good. kinda scary towards the end

I read on the Jews and Their Lies.
Its a short read. Now I am reading
my Bible New testament

a bunch of fics

NLT is kiked. Throw it out and get a King James.

Currently reading Nicomachean Ethics. Kind of a slog, but some cool shit nonetheless. Going to Discourses on Livy after that.

Reading Ordinary Men by Browning. Turns out the holocaust really did happen.

The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, long ass book

Just finished this last night. It was great.

Goodnight Moon currently.

The Law of Success by Napoleon Hill
On Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung
Culture of Critique by MacDonald
Israel by Martin Gilbert
Suicide of a Super Power by Patrick Buchanan.


I just finished this, this afternoon

I began reading Hitler's War then got distracted and it's now been weeks since I last read it

Is Steven Pinker not Jewish? Is he worth reading?

And? Give us your non-expert rundown.

>plates on wall
>chinese golden cat
What a loser

The Holy Grail by Evola
some other books by Homer on their way

some anons here suggest reading philosophy books that have editions with notes, to better comprehend. i find most of these books in pic related very difficult to read. does anyone know where i can find copies with notes?

what a pile of shitbooks

Bell curve. Its arduous, but pretty fascinating what IQ is and isnt associated with. Just not a real page turner. I finished For Whom the Bell Tolls really quick because it was so bloody thrilling, but never was one for dense science books.

At least you're honest about it unlike most burgers who get angry because they can't keep up so they call you a tip fedora instead.


Voltaire is the man, no really.

>ctrl F Jordan Peterson, 12 Rules For Life
>0 results

That's highschool reading in french

>juden peterstein

>hating lucky cat statues

Gas yourself, lefty shill.

> finis germania

no it doesnt youll learn much quicker from video

Distressed Debt Analysis by Stephen G. Moyer

Looking for a good History of the Afrikaners in English. Anyone have a suggestion that isn’t exclusively about the Boer war or diamonds?


That doesn't make it bad. I read Mark Twain in school, and still enjoy him.


It's not really a political book, but I am reading the complete Sherlock Holmes to learn deductive reasoning. It is very good, and the characters talk about craniology and race quite a bit. I think Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was more red pilled on the black and savage races than on the Jews though.

Wie lange bis dieses Buch Volkverhetzung ist erklärtes?

All of David Irving's highly entertaining, scrupulous researched books are available for free digitally, his compliments, on his website

Send the chap an email of thanks if you're a youngfag, he enjoys that. Spread his books around, let his legacy burn bright

I picked up this book to better explain why Mexico is violent.


This is literally an antifa reading list for dialectical materialism, aka communism

Taking a break from political books for a bit. Got like 25 pages into Jared Taylor's "White Identity" and had to put it down. Picked up pic related, 3rd in the Master & Commander series (Aubrey-Maturin Series).

Temple of the Golden Pavilion.
Goddamn if Mishima wasn't a neurotic mess...

How do you justify reading Mishima given he was an open homosexual, and arguably mentally unfit? His clumsy death leaves something desired as well.

nigger until you read these you don't know shit

The International Jew, Mein Kampf, World At The Crossroads, You Gentiles, Germany Must Perish, The Trail Of The Serpent, The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, 200 Years Together, A Program for Jews and Humanity, Protocols Of The Edlers Of Zion, Culture Of Critique, The Jews Must Live, On the Jews and their lies, Morals and Dogma, Proof of a Conspiracy, Magick, Talmud, Nos Book of the Resurrection, The Kybalion, Zohar, The Secret Teachings Of All Ages, The Lightning And The Sun, Dhammapada, Vedas, The Emerald Tablets Of Thoth, The Secret Doctrine

damn at least you have 3 of them very impressed my nigger carry on

currently have these 4 from the library read them all and taking them back Monday to take 4 more out.

The uniqueness of western civilization. Ricardo Duchesne

Theosophy & anti-Semitism a heady mix. I commend you.

>Notes From the Underground - Dostoevsky
>A Critique of Pure Reason - Kant
>War and Peace - Tolstoy
>Gulag Archipelago - Solzhenitsyn


why read that when you can read his diaries?

not all of them are translated and my german isnt good enough.

As I said, the man was a mess. By all accounts he went his whole life moving from mask to mask, unable to ever acknowledge who and what he was. But even in translation, his writing maintains an odd beauty. And beauty will save the world.






Get on my level

Rationality: From AI to Zombies

i havent read books ever in my life so i started with some basic philosophic books and stuff like 1984 and then eventually i will move onto redpills

Caesar's Gallic Wars


>> 159018982
Books on Social psychology, media manipulation, military history, political science, political consulting

As a non-expert I enjoyed it. I think he is right on the money regarding the power and influence non-experts now wield and how this threatens the very fabric of society and the body politic.

next up

On a George Orwell kick.
>Animal Farm

Didn't know Kierkegard was a requirement

Nice response. I have Paul Shrader's film, plan to watch soon.

Red Cocaine - ex-CIA documents Chink/Ruskie plot to destroy America through narcotics, including (((Russian))) mob

PDFs user?

Yes, I'm 33, and feel we only have 5 years left as a society experiencing a collective national reality. The erosion of experts is partly why. Tbqh, I suspect it's all building naturally into a global purge, and Sup Forums is appealing and prescient in this regard, in that info is being shared in info bunkers like here, and new realities are being formed, like a marsh of dissent against modernity. Even bullshit like Mandela Effect and Flat Earth, psyops or not, are systemic of this dangerous apocalypse. Everyone's hungry to reset, or being manipulated to think we are.

'the bible in spain', by george borrow.
last one I read was, 'carmen', by prosper merimee.
highly recommend both.

Agreed. It all seems to be coming to a head rather fast. And then what? A correction of some sort, most probably in the form of a nuclear exchange, which will herald a new dark-ages that will last most probably several centuries, before a world (whats left of it) of order and peace can exist properly.
>All said as a non-expert of course

Capital by Karl Marx and the 10,000 year explosion by Gregory Cochran
Henry Harpending

You seem to be obsessed

bretty good so far

First chapter is all about rejecting the Bible and embracing hermetic satanism and starting a cult

second chapter is using auto-hypnosis to brainwash yourself into becoming a predatory sociopath

That's the premise of A Canticle for Leibowitz, heh, which is praised here sometimes. Pretty fun, but good book to simply be aware of it not.,_Jr__4.pdf


Sharpener rifles by Bernard Cornwall, learned protocol from the learned elders of Zion

Which translation?