Do you feel safe yet :')
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god if youre listening can you please just strike me down with lightning before this gets any worse
When can we just let in the rest of the hordes of Muslims so we can kick something off?
We need a school shooting
"Safe schools" (which after institutionalised bullying even in a catholic school is unlikely to be safe if you're a reactionary white male) is perfectly acceptable in a libertarian society IF it were also perfectly acceptable to report everything that goes on there, that is if parents sending their kids there have all the information, which they do not.
Safe schools aren't a failure, how the media has handled safe schools is the failure.
No. Do you know how easy it is to hide a gun under a dress?
Melbourne is the APEX of safety.
Photoshop the faggot out and put a guy in a Natsoc uniform.
I'm serious, these faggots have never had to deal with any hardship. They've become pussified. A good ol' fashion school shooting will toughen them up
what is this, some kind of pedo organization?
You can tell this to the judge, sir.
discord gg/SdgHT4a
add a .
It's comprised of gays so yeah
Boys have penis, girls have vagina - 5 year old
Thanks for the tip kid - Schwarznegger
hashtag hashtag xD xD lawl
I bet you like Greek Sex.
I like sex with women in general.
fucking kill yourself degenerate faggot
Ah, so you go both ways. That's cool. That's hip!
We aren't as "progressive" as you here.
Greece predates the US by thousands of years, and you had Greek Sex way back then. Very progressive!
Well, we kinda grew out of it. You'll be like us in 2500 years.
Pretty sure our utter bankruptcy will catch up to us before 2500 years have passed.
Oh, many times I can assure you.
So far we're beating the historical ~100yr limit for a fiat currency. Would you like our Jews? They can help you become more progressive, too.
The trick is you have to ignore the opinion of these larpers or tell them they have a nice ass as if they were a woman, only good old fashioned sexism will fix this. Shooting them will just traumatise them and put them into more degeneracy like drugs and shit.
Good luck fighting the Somalis when you are telling your children to be pansies.
Jesus WTF is wrong with Melbourne. One of my friends I grew up with moved there and now he is this left wing wackjob musician I want nothing to do with
Prime whiteboi rapemeat for African gangs
also, some cunt posted some red pilled aussie movements on youtube last night, can you post the link again
how's that working for you in Britbongistan
It's OK to slap a guy on the ass or goose him or cat call or grab his chest, right?
Cannot WAIT until I can show up to work in my undies and a wife beater
Niggers do this already. What are you waiting for?
I'm gay so I don't feel the need to do that.
Has anyone noticed there's an disproportionate amount of trap threads on Sup Forums all of sudden
Jews are global. We have them already.
But how do you win? You naturally give them the space of a man and yet they have the privileges of being a woman.
please nuke us
What do you mean? They're just playing dress-up. If they complain then it's an insult to women.
What i'm saying is if they behave like a woman, you behave as you would towards a woman, after all it's a part of the package right, and if they don't like it they may reconsider.
Holy moley....
What a timeline...
>I identify as a girl so I should wear a dress
>I identify as a guy so I'm wearing a cap and shorts
Ugh, nice heteronormative tropes that reinforce society's constructed gender roles.
im leaving this shithole asap
r u a qt grill
Chopper Read is spinning in his grave from this.
you cunts have failed him. When he Died, that Last Real HARD CUNT alive died.
Well... I would have loved to wear a qt dress to highschool
Where is that image from OP?
in tasmania people decided pretty early that uniforms help prevent bullying. if you let a boy turn up in a dress, you just threw all that effort right out the window.
Seems a pretty normal and fair way for boy who want to go around in dresses find out how other people will tend to perceive that. It should normally be up to the parents to provide fair council and direction about such a thing.
What about the kids who are uncomfortable being around tranny weirdos?
>i identify as having my social development stunted
these kids better get bullied to not be outwardly autistic
They're not white. We should be promoting this.
This is so wrong. Its hard enough for kids these days without filling their heads with this bullshit. What are these rainbow haired SJW assholes thinking?????
Oh, wait.....
>Chopper Read
Just google safe schools program
This is actually a good point on why schools should be allowed to make kids wear uniforms. I'd feel retarded as fuck wearing khaki's and a polo shirt, and yet these liberal shits will preach that you need to dress in what makes you comfortable.
>parents provide council and direction
I believe parents are just children who didn't use condoms, there is no such thing as a mature adult. Any person worth their salt would know to homeschool their kids (sorry germany not you)
In California, now parents that home school are suspected by the state of being child molesters. Very progressive!
You'd need a gun for that. Maybe some school knifings by angry trannies?
The feelings of the majority don't count anymore. Only the mentally ill or brown.
>no one should be made to feel uneasy, especially when theyre at school
Fags make normal people uneasy though.
Ahhhh, if Newtown were a city