Worst week in two years. Thanks trump!
Worst week in two years. Thanks trump!
Blump will be impeached for this
I literally don’t care. Trump is gonna MAGA
I like prepubescent white girls.
the Trump bubble is bursting
Don't worry. Trump and his supporters will dindu all over this. It'll become Hillary/Obama's fault.
Obama grew the economy at record levels, and Drumpf, in only his first year has already lost almost 1000 points. Don't worry though, Mueller will be making a big announcement on Monday, and Drumpf will finally be finished. :)
>worst week since Obama's final year
Oy vey!
I noticed this message and waz offended. prepubescent girls literally serve no purpose other than potential of becoming a sexy mature woman one day. you, sir, are as bad as a homosexual. stay away from my country.
yes mexico will pay for the wall, fuck net neutrality ect all good things!