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So what it went from super rare to kinda rare?
Good. We are just doing what the cultural marxists have been doing.
(and that's a good thing)
Amount of things now considered "white supremacist propaganda" that never were before also went up an astouding 800,000% since June 2015, according to one study.
>and it has nothing to do with the constant attacks on people for being white who knows what is (((causing))) this
Is there a difference between propaganda and truth?
Only 250%?!
We should kick it up to 1,488% this year.
If one "propaganda" flier went up last year, and 3 went up this year, thats a 300% increase. What argument are they trying to make?
Can I get a Hitler working a copy machine meme going?
>"white supremacist"
This is why young bois are becoming nazis, every that isn't thing far left and anti-white is 'supremacy' to these jews
Why is the ADL apparently the authority when it comes to keeping track of white supremacy?
>We're the ADL we're here to protect Jews
>Oh and we also track whites and make sure they don't get out of line
Even if the "propaganda" was genuinely white supremacist, it's not inherently anti-Semitic. So the ADL can fuck off and burn in hell.
Also, every red MAGA hat spotted and each individual iteration of "Trump" in chalk were considered, I'm sure
I love how groups promoting black activism and LGBT aren't classified in the same way. Just white people. I wonder how many of those fliers have been posted?
>declare milk a hate symbol
>wtf why so much white supremacist propaganda all of sudden
Whether you agree with it or not.
85% percent of statistics are made up, according to my ass.
>Why is the ADL apparently the authority when it comes to keeping track of white supremacy?
Who else is going to police the whites besides the police and themselves???
6 million percent
>white """""""""""""""""""supremacist"""""""""""""""""""""
And it'll grow even more
It didn't grow, they expanded their definition. It's all bullshit, as usual.
240% were posted by mudslimes, niggers, spics, and kikes.
>Hey, nigger/rabbi...whatcha doing?
ncie to see the twitter responses of more and more normie looking people not afraid to call (((them))) out on this bullshit
What if all white supremacists converted to judaism and become outspoken jewish supremacists?
Does anyone have someone anti-white news headlines or any other type of anti-white propoganda? Lost my meme's due to the black screen of death.
The Council for the Deradicalizing of Racist and White Male Patriarchs (CDRAWMP) has concluded that these repeating numerials in triplicate need to thoroughly CHECKED.
If we all pretended to be jews we could cause some serious problems, i mean, this is right of (((their))) playbook with the "fellow whites" bullshit
"Its okay to be white"
Literal kikes.
"We have Black Pride, Latino Pride, Asian Pride, why does White Pride get singled out as bad?"
Then we'd just be Ashkenazis
I concur, my fellow zionist gentleman
This. Not a damned problem at all.
It is and I couldn't be more proud of you faggots.
"In a historic event, the entirety of the white race has converted to the jewish faith. Go on. Say something about it. Fucking anti-semites."
No it isn't. I have seen some of that shit on my campus in vancouver. The ones I have seen had no identifiable group, or website, or meeting area on the poster, just a bunch of haphazardly pasted fascist symbols on it, and a guy holding up a knife like a jihadi goatfucker in the background.
The one in op's pic is probably real, but it's also benign for "white supremacist" propaganda. However most posters are probably made by antifa.
As a Hebrew, this resonates with me. I'm sure that all of my Jewish brethren will agree that this is the right course of action.
t. yidkid
saying "serve your people" is white supremacy now?
I already do this lol. Gives me plausible deniability to criticize the kikes.
Oh shit, I just remembered this.
Checked and kek'd
>went from 0% up to 1%
Meanwhile Marxist posters probably increased 1000%
Asserting that you exist and have a right to continue to do so is supremacist.
Much easier to deal with each months bills
>$50 for water?!
>What do you need $30?
>I man can't even make $20 anymore
>Here's $10, split it the cable and give me back the change
Cn nrms ndrstd kk spck?
I'm 1/4 Jew and it's paternal so I could easily blend